I'm sure some of you are sick of hearing people ask for changes to this class, but if a lot of people are asking for it, then it's probably needed right? The current changes have mostly been pretty good, but I think a few problems are still present due to the nature of the class. Being that Jester is primarily geared around burst hindering the victim right before the starting an instant kill. It's all been about trapping the victim in hindering skills to prevent movement or praying they make a mistake or two... or five in the duration of 12 seconds.
Jack-in-the-box is Jester's signature kill, but takes 12s during which nothing can be done. It's incredibly long and the majority of the time, tumble will take the victim out of the room before the second message or just after it depending on how quick they start it. Mangling 4 limbs does slow it down, but not really enough to pull it off. It just kind of depends heavily on the other player not reacting properly. The timing becomes an issue when you take note of the fact that mangling limbs and afflicting with aeon are about the only way Jester can try to beat tumble, yet falls short of this goal. Reducing the time it takes to 8 or 9 seconds would narrow that window down to a more reasonable point and give a better chance to actually trap some one long enough for JITB to finish. In it's current form, there's really no reason anyone who knows what their doing should die to JITB (outside of a killroom which is illegal of course). Even if Jester could true lock an opponent which it cannot, a person could simply tumble away forever leaving a trail of frustration and spent boxes.
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Because you got style and you're willing to trade killing them for looking like a badass.
Oh wait, you don't, because you want to trade in the style on an already perfectly good instakill so that you can make it even better.
You're trying to sell away your badassness and that ranks you as less badass than my grandmother, but slightly above the guy she gummed to death. (it took hours)
"Kaie has succumbed to the poisons delivered by Nagaraja Arditi Nithilar, Eye of the Silver Arrow".
That's me sniping you to death. Do you know what that means? It's a day ending in "Y".
"Arditi has brutally executed Kaie by strangling him with a fierce two-tailed whip."
That's me being awesome and probably getting, like, thirty CLTs going "No fucking way did you kill someone in melee".
To elaborate, I found a way to kill most people with 31 fashions, an illusion, jack in the box and going AFK for 12 seconds.