Suggestions for New SHOW Commands

Thanks for taking time to consider these. :)

language lessons
birthday (or have it reflected in SHOW AGE?)
enemied (to quickly see which orgs enemied you)
crowns (like SHOW CREDITS but with crowns)
sobriety (an alcoholic's gotta know!)
permits (crafting, heraldry, etc.)
loyals (lists all loyals, but without locations or live/dead indications)
rest (in addition to fatigue, since it's listed as "Rest" in SCORE)


  • Isn't show friends already a thing? - FRIENDS shows people who have friended you etc, QW FRIENDS shows friends online?

    If you mean something else, my bad.

  • Hasar said:

    Isn't show friends already a thing? - FRIENDS shows people who have friended you etc, QW FRIENDS shows friends online?

    If you mean something else, my bad.

    The SHOW command was twofold - one, an easy way to see a brief version of information and two (if I remember! could be wrong) a way to consolidate a lot of 'here's x information' commands in the code.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
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