I've been dealing a lot with talismans lately, and though these would be useful for most people.
TALISMAN COMBINE ALL - combines every talisman piece you possess fully
TALISMAN SPLIT ALL - splits every talisman piece you possess fully
These would have a balance cost associated so you couldn't muck up the servers by using it too frequently.
The Talisman Trade could also use a few tweaks.
TALISMAN TRADE X PIECE blackdragonclaw to Penwize for
That would let you trade for credits, and trade multiple pieces at once. No more doing 34 trades at 500 gold a piece, or lumping all the gold in with the first trade. This would also convert any higher level pieces you have down to level 1 so you don't have to do that yourself.
Also plz look into the "rare commons" drop rate, it feels too low.
Similarly, bulk transactions are going to happen, and they're protected in the same way, so why not make it possible to do a bulk transaction without big chunks of spam?
Combining all your talismans pieces at once with one command, splitting them in the same manor, and being able to trade multiple pieces in one command.
I suspect this wouldn't be quite as useful in reality as on paper simply due to the fact that you're rarely going to want to combine all your pieces to the same level (outside of the dragon set, and even then sometimes not always).
I can see maybe TALISMAN COMBINE ALL piece UPTO level, which would seem to me to be far more useful.
ETA: Splitting is good for tracking where you're up to - especially when you need a high level piece. It's difficult to see at a glance where you're up to when you have a level 4 piece, a level 3 and 3 level 1s that are all displayed separately, so the option to split all pieces of the same type down to level 1 would be good too.