For fun I decided to login with this character again after a couple of years of dormancy to see how much things have changed within Achaea.
Whilst there's a lot to catch up since, I thought it would be entertaining to meander around (oh Achaea, how I have missed you even though you've sucked up years of my life ).
Now due to various circumstances, my character is houseless and cityless. I didn't think that would be much of an issue until I tried to train up my class skills a little further. My three class skills are past virtuoso but not yet transcendent. Thinking it wouldn't be a problem, I hit Onorol and tried to learn. No dice, can't teach me any further. Tried Tyrandiel, again no luck. I could've sworn that I learned my class skills to this level from either one of them before going dormant.
Reading HELP TUTORS, I note that these two general tutors can only teach up to virtuoso. Fine, I thought maybe it's just these two who are restricted. In the past I remember Caladriendra could teach to trans. Nope, no dice either. Slightly desperate at this stage, I hit the Achaean wiki and visited most of the general tutors who look promising (from Jehr'mias to Sharbrena - hey it's pretty horrible when you can barely remember your way around). No luck either. So right, looks like HELP TUTORS is accurate (you know how Achaean help files can be some times they don't tell the whole picture).
Feeling a little lost, I decide to issue myself and ask if there are perhaps hidden general tutors who can teach up to trans. The answer, is no. You have to either learn from a house tutor or from another adventurer.
I just want to make sure this is accurate (issue answers sometimes aren't ) and if anyone can clarify if there is a general tutor out there that I haven't uncovered who can teach to trans.
If there isn't, it's just pretty depressing overall. If I wanted to play a loner who doesn't really interact with anyone, I'm pretty much stuck with not being able to advance my class skills. I must've missed the memo as to why they made these changes, as I would've thought post-autoclass you can do whatever you want, however you want without being really tied down (and yeah, class skills are an important thingy) to a house or having to beg someone to teach you.
To put it mildly, if I was as loved as Cain+Dalamar+Glint+Talkaze+Santar (hey I'm just throwing out a bunch of names here, don't shoot me ) and I decided to quit class, and remain houseless and cityless I'd probably be screwed thoroughly with no hope of ever learning my skills (unless I buy a bunch of credits and offer to pay someone to teach me
Just my two cents worth as well on this whole issue. A bit disappointing, and I'm tempted to just float back into dormancy if all this stands as true right now.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
The only reason why you wouldn't want learn from players could then be a reluctance to do so by you, the player. But if you don't wish to interact with players, why play a multiplayer game?
Yes, if you truly manage to make yourself hated by everyone, you may have a hard time. There's an easy way to prevent universal hatred though: don't be a total jerk.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Oh boy, I had a feeling that someone would bring this up. No loners allowed in multiplayer games. Call it a personal peccadillo if you will.
As to not learning from adventurers, again this sounds like you're punishing anyone who wants to be houseless and cityless. Again if we're not going to use the RP point-of-view argument, how about for those who are utterly hated and disliked in the game? What happens when they switch classes? Or are they condemned to remaining in the same class for the rest of their game lives or until they make restitution?
Or that end of the day, money talks, if you're in that position you have to bribe/pay your way to get a teacher.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Okay let's try this from another angle.
I want to play a loner. That's not so much an RP that I am going to adhere to the point of by god I shall be the hermit on the mountain who talks to no one.
I'm a loner in the sense I'm happy with _minimal_ interaction.
Iocun's point is that because I want to be a loner, I shouldn't even learn from denizens. (RP) So not sure how I completely ignored his point there.
Realistically I cannot not interact with anyone. I still have to buy food. I will probably end up doing some quests, killing mobs.
An inclination to be a loner doesn't mean I have to be a complete hermit.
All I'm asking is if there's a simple alternative to learning class skills (from a denizen). Call it convenience if you will. Evidently not. Thanks for all the answers though.
P.S. Iocun, your last paragraph that you added in after you edited your reply made me cringe a little. Some people RP playing a jerk. So they should be punished even though it brings flavour to the game?
If you want to RP a hermit, go ahead. Just don't complain when you come up against hurdles, and expect things to be changed. What you're doing isn't what achaea is about, it's about roleplay, interactions, and conflict. Don't expect achaea to change to be what you want.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Oh wow, I seem to have struck a nerve.
My original posting was because I remember when the mechanic allowed the possibility of learning class skills up to trans from general tutors. This was post-autoclass. I sought clarification on if that was still a possibility.
We can agree to disagree on how the mechanics should be.
I always find it amusing when someone tends to push their views as being how Achaea should be or how if you don't fall into their definition, you're not "contributing" to the game. (Re: old forum postings -> Ottis, non-entity)
Whether you're going to be a basher who spends all his life bashing to get dragon (leaving less mobs to those poor other more "deserving" players), a PKer who wants to give Jhui/Geraint (whoever's fighting these days) a run for his money, a politican like Alban and making Shallam more good than good can be, being a thief like Glint/Tenebrus making you wish you had selfishness, or a simple concoctionist who is solely harvesting and brewing the entire time, that's a player's contribution to Achaea.
Just by doing anything in the game, you're drawing on resources that can be used by other players be it mobs, herbs, commodities, gold, credits or time.
Whilst I find the changes to be depressing, I am not going to complain about how things are nor do I expect Achaea to change to my expectations (yeah believe it or not, I'm not the ME, ME, ME! type of person).
In my time playing Achaea, I've met players who are extremely quiet, who do not get involved with org/conflict issues but who have been gems in their own way. Interactions are far and few in between but when it occurs it's extremely entertaining. They don't have to follow your definition of "roleplay".
Your stance right now is, "How dare you ask for a change in mechanics!?!" when I haven't asked so.
Ha, that's an idea. :P Can a House tutor teach a non housed-member though? I vaguely recall it being possible before (might be wrong though, been a while).
(Sorry for addressing a side-point in your thread.)
The RP we choose affects the game, our playing experience and yes, it can result in "inconvenient" situations. For me, that helps to make the game remain realistic and enjoyable, since it forces us to make careful decisions on where to take our characters, rather than just doing random stuff because we feel like it.
Anyone who RPs a jerk and doesn't expect it to make his gameplay more difficult in some ways is woefully naive.
Regardless of all this though, I do not consider it a very realistic concern. I can't think of a single player who is hated by anyone, without any friends or at least people who are neutral to them. The people who may have most problems with finding teachers are typically those who are simply a bit shy IRL, not ones that are hated.
→My Mudlet Scripts
I do agree with most of your stated points, they're valid. If you're a jerk, don't expect to get refills, have a hard time shopping or receiving blessings, runes, tattoos.
But at the core of the game are skills. Realistically for most players (barring the full time politicians, heh) you need the skills. Skills can't be compared to any of the above, I feel.
Granted there aren't that many people who fall into the category of being totally hated by everyone (trying to recall a few names offhand, Moiraine?). So yes this is very much the exception rather than the norm.
I just find it personally depressing that one in such a situation has to start asking/begging over market for a teacher rather than hitting up a denizen.
Although if this is were to ever happen, I'm sure there'll be players out there who would choke up and have a good laugh.
(Market): Dalamar says, "Paying for someone to teach me concoctions."
→My Mudlet Scripts
Interesting, I'll have to look this up. Didn't even know there's a blademaster class. Thanks for the tip!
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Virt skills are the first true accolade of the Loner archetype.
Don't listen to them, you're doing great.
@Anedhel rogues can contribute fine, but at least three of the cities are often low on players, and more rogue to citizen ratio isn't a good thing for the main conflict in achaea. A few rogues is fine, but not most of the game. I never said rogues can't contribute, just if this guy plans on never talking to anyone (which is implied if he won't even find a player to ask for lessons and other things he's said) I doubt he's going to be.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
That character is as much of a loner as you can get, she's lives in jungles not even on the mainland but it wasn't a huge deal to have that interaction. You have to -learn- skills from someone after all. I'd rather knock it out with someone that can teach to trans and they sped up learning now too.
I guess to me from a completely sane perspective, house teachers would want to teach those in their house, makes the house stronger, the same with cities, they have incentive. My thought would be if I had enough money, and could hunt down Darmong, why wouldn't he teach me some tekura, kaido, telepathy.
Looks like the blademaster tutor only teaches said class's skill up trans. Ah well. It was a good tip though.
This is just an FYI posting.
I'm not going to argue further about my stance on this. Everyone has their own points and is entitled to their own opinions. Some that I agree with and others I do not.
Thanks for all those who gave good suggestions though, much appreciated.