Sort of a broad question, but as someone relatively new it has been rather difficult to find any good information on what the roles of the classes actually. I have read through the scrolls and through the abilities of every class but a lot of the mechanics I can't find much explanation on and so it makes it difficult to formulate a good idea on what the classes are really about. Unless someone could point me to a good resource that answers my questions, I'd like to ask a few things about each class as a whole.
1. How does each class operate in a 1v1 setting, whether hunting or PvP.
2. How does each class operate in a group setting.
3. What are the main weaknesses of each class.
4. What are the main strengths of each class.
The roleplay and flavor text of the classes is very well explained but it's the general mechanics of each class that I am having a hard time finding any information about. So I hope to foster responses with this thread that will help both me and future people in deciding a class from a gameplay perspective as well as a roleplay perspective. So please give good answers on the classes you are familiar with.
As an example I'm looking for something like this:
1. They are really terrible at killing things, but are nearly impossible to kill due to healing
2. They spend time healing allies and resurrecting
3. They're weak to getting burst down in fights and they can feel sometimes tedious or repetitive.
4. They're always in demand so you can always feel useful
(This is just an example as I do not know anything of this class, but just an idea of what I'm looking for)
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Alchemist: ???
Apostate: Deal two afflictions at a time via Evileye, plus heavy afflictions via summoned daemons. Drain mana, instakill at <50% mana.
Bard: Deal two afflictions at a time afflictions via rapier/Voicecraft combo, plus more afflictions and effects via Tunesmithing and Songbirds, and passive Harmonics effects. Also deal significant damage.
Blademaster: Deal damage + limb damage via sword attacks, building towards limb breaks. Can combo attacks with a single Striking affliction at a time with their slash/strike combo. Can inflict heavy bleeding, instakill at >800 bleeding (or is it >1000? not sure).
Druid: Deal damage + limb damage via morph attacks, building towards limb breaks. Can combo attacks with Hydra morph attacks. Heavy passive damage from bees. Damage and limb-break focused. Can instakill at <50% health.
Knights (Infernal, Paladin, Runewarden): All knights share the primary combat skill of Chivalry, and their attacks revolve around dual-wielding. Deal damage + limb damage + two venom afflictions at a time via Doubleslash (DSL). Can kill via damage, the prep-based heavy burst damage of Disembowel, or Cleave. Infernals have Vivisect in Necromancy which is an instakill if the target has both legs and arms broken. Paladins have some affliction-conditional instakill of their own in Devotion that I forget the conditions of. Runewardens have no such instakill, but runes and runeblades in Runelore strengthen their DSL in various ways.
Jester: Obnoxious trick-based playstyle involves spending time dealing no damage or afflictions while adding fashions to a puppet of the target, then consuming those fashions to deal heavy damage or afflictions. Often kill via the timed jack-in-the-box instakill after disabling the target with heavy afflictions.
Magi: Largely damage-based with damage spells that can be stacked up to deal heavy, delayed burst damage. Strong room-wide passive effects via vibrations (Crystalism). Some affliction capabilities. Have the trump card of Retardation, which delays all commands entered in the room by 1 second, and permits only 1 command be entered at a time (not the most accurate explanation, you have to experience it).
Monk: Deal heavy damage + limb damage with Tekura combos, building towards chains of limb breaks.
Occultist: Deal heavy afflictions via Tarot + Chaos entities, focusing on overloading with afflictions. Can instakill if you have enough afflictions.
Priest: Primarily focus on draining mana via their angel, can instakill at <50% mana. Additional damage and affliction capabilities.
Sentinel: Deal damage + limb damage via morph attacks, building towards limb breaks. Animal entourage deals damage/afflictions/strips defenses. Rapid affliction potential via handaxes. Can prepare a location by trapping exits, causing various powerful effects if a target moves through trapped exits.
Serpent: Deal two afflictions at once via doublestab. Can combo doublestabs with illusioned messages they specify, making it difficult for the target to determine which afflictions are genuine and which are fake. Can use Hypnosis to prepare burst chains of afflictions. The definitive affliction class, with a high skill floor and high skill cap.
Shaman: Use Vodun dolls for similar preparation-and-payoff to jester puppets. Instead of jesters' tricks, shamans can rapidly deliver a wide variety of masked afflictions via Curses.
Sylvan: Deal damage + limb damage + 1 venom affliction via Thornrend, building towards layering enough limb breaks to prevent the target from curing the Heartseed instakill. Also have strong damage capabilities via bees and Elementalism spells.
1. Great melee. Extremely high damage with venoms and optional runeblade effects. Particulary nairat (freezing), and hugalaz(hailstorm proc). Very straight forward and mechanical setup for disembowel, with the option to damage stack with runes. Engage/lunge makes mobile combat for the opponent a risk.
2. Totems, rune sketching, smudging make for great support in stationary groups and raids.
3. I'm struggling to find a real weakness. Not a ton of ranged damage, but between thurisaz and bows, I'm not sure I'd call this a weakness. No instakill, maybe (but disembowel is fairly reliable as one)
4. High utility for both raiding and hunting. Strong solo combat. Raido is a great escape ability.
Viva la Bluef.
Driuds provide possibly the highest damage in the smallest amount of time given their strength and bees. Reflexed Maul and bees is very good and powerful, especially if you bought a lupine bow and feel like adding meteors in as well. Druids are also arguably the best limb prep class in the game. This is because their limb prep comes from a flat amount. (always four to break) rather than having to figure out damage and a persons health. The hydra is an amazing morph that allows for a free head attack to prep limbs, so you can throw axes, prone enemies, paralyse them, and all sorts of fun stuff while continuing to prep them effeciently. They have incinerate, which kills when the target is below 50% health, and freezepound which does a 97% damage hit and is only slightly negated by the algiz rune that I have seen. possibly the bard reduction as well. They are difficult yet powerful in 1v1, but take an advanced understanding of combat mechanics to be good at them. (unless you just but lvl3 strenght and lvl3 knuckles and just lolmaul everyone)
They are amazing support allies as well. They can increase the health regeneration of anyone, barrier anyone, remove harmonics, resurrect, conceal and all sorts of handy things. I don't know how the new staff swing works, but I'd imagine they can prone a whole group of enemies now as well. (possibly just one person). The hydra web is amazing in group combat, as it bypasses buckawns amulet so you can web anyone no matter the setting, and incinerate will kill anyone in a jiffy. Grove lightning is also nice, though not as powerful as a bow it delivers some very specific afflictions like blackout/stupidity/epilepsy that are unique to lightning only. (in terms of LOS combat)
the weakness of a druid is they are amazingly slow. Each attack is around 3 seconds, which is devastating agaisnt a blademaster who can just keep proning and impaling you on every hit. some knights are even fast enough to do it, but a knight impale is not quite as scary. They are slow and cumbersome in general and lack of lot of the 1v1 potency in early games that other classes get. Also, hunting is slow, even if you do have health regen high enough to outlast most npc's
Their main strength is their diversity and tankyness. While they don't have the best armor, Vigour, vitality, and a passive sip bonus make them a force to be reckoned with when it comes to their overall health pool.
Druid is the most damn fun class I've played. Make evil druids plz
Excellent post, friend.
Viva la Bluef.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
→My Mudlet Scripts
I'm not 100% certain of the numbers, but I think it was 300 damage for a 12 int, trans curses bleed. With swiftcurse and raja balance, balance was 0.9 seconds (probably 1 second with nimble now, but I haven't timed it). Assuming optimal swiftcursing, that's around 260 dps before intelligence bonus. Here are some other bashing attacks for comparison.
With artefacts bleed is even better, since it's a magical attack so it can get +20% damage from collars. I don't think that's enough to give it better damage than monk combos (since they also have knuckles for increased damage), but I don't think anything else can match it.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
It has been like 100 achaean years since I played jester so I don't know how much things have changed. When I played it though, I felt like people automatically expected you to be "silly". My character was a rather melancholy crafts-woman and thus I felt sort of burdened by that expectation. There are many people however, who play jester very seriously and do fairly well. But I think the connotation is there. Edit: People automatically assume you are weird once they know your class. xD
Tree people. I have given more environmental protection speeches as this class than I've given as my real life self. That is saying something cause my real life class is sort of a druid. But Treees! Naturee! you have to care a bit about them. Even as a mhaldorian druid like @Aepas, I suspect, you tie your views into nature somehow? My character is unaligned. She hates all cities equally and sees Eleusis as a pseudo-city but still... ALL the trees! Edit: The main druid/forestal community is quite welcoming of rogues, unless you are mhaldorian? maybe?
Whereas "combat-obsessed" was a bad thing for bards, it's definitely a good thing for monks. I feel more people in this class do combat than the other ones I talk about. We punch stuff and kick stuff and punch more stuff. Also unaligned though so there are many rp possibilities. But monk is also not sneaky, bad at travelling fast, and bad at running away (compared to bard). I guess, when you're that good at killing things, you don't really have to run away. Edit: I feel like there's no mutual shunning beyond obvious enemies in this class.
I've only spent a very brief time as this class. So far, I love it because I can be hidden. It has alliances towards Ashtan so there are a limited amount of ways you can really play this class (or so I feel so far). The occie house is a close knit, fairly good rping community that tends to keep to themselves and shun outsiders. So if your goal is to get to know everyone in the sapience within the first decade of life, this is probably not the class for you. Edit: Rogues will be shunned by the main house.
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
But really, it was a one in a million chance. I got lucky, decided to make something interesting out of it. Druids can -not- be evil.
except for me.