At the moment, as far as I understand it, only the owners (that is, whoever bought the item) are able to write in their own journal and scrolls. If you want a work to have multiple authors, you'd have to use a manuscript.
Would people like a system where you could bestow a journal to someone else and change ownership?
I suppose it would work similarly to mounts - they're yours and you can get them to follow other people (you can still GIVE JOURNAL TO X and they can read and not write, feed to a humgii, sell off, whatever) or you can choose to hand it over and make it theirs.
It could list previous owners. It could keep previous owner's written pages uneditable. If it is editable, it could show it on the page itself ("This page has been changed/corrected by NewOwner"). Maybe it can only be done the once - OldOwner to OnlyNewOwner.
Edit: As
@Anaidiana pointed out - you could buy journals for other people on the get go:
BUY JOURNAL/SCROLL [from denizen] FOR PERSON and it would be carried off by dove to them immediately. I presume this would make them the original owner, bypassing yourself possibly?
@sybilla no, not two people owning it.
Person A buys journal. Person B would buy the artifact/token/bookplate/whatever to change the owner's mark on the journal so they may write in it. Your idea was for person A to have the syntax to give the journal away. Mine was the flip side of the coin, where Person B has to put out to make the journal theirs. Although, if Person A really wanted it to be a 'gift', they can pay the 5-10cr for the token/designator (credits just would have to be unbound.
Alternatively, add a syntax to whenever someone buys a journal at the getgo.
BUY JOURNAL (from seller) would make it yours. BUY JOURNAL FOR X (from seller) would have it wrapped and sent by dove to the recipient. (we do have mail packages now). This change, however, would not be retroactive, and so the 5-10cr token to change ownership could still be viable for old journals that people want to give to others.
That doesn't address the multiple owners/writers issue for journals, but I still feel it's an important point that would address a fair chunk of it.