I don't do the forum thing much, but I have been toying around with something that I think a lot of people could really run with, who are more active nowadays.
Recently, (despite being a combat vegetable), I set up two gesture sets using my Leap motion controller (
one set for bashing, and another for pvp. The bashing one is pretty cool, and essentially allows me to bash without touching my computer (legally). I basically use directional hand gestures to move around, and specific gestures (ex: going from open hand to fist uses my gut, or garrote ability). I plan on incorporating some voice control to make myself even lazier (or just nerdier. The only thing that I have found that is simple, fast, and reliable enough for PVP use (gesture control sometimes makes mistakes) is parrying. The "finger swipe" gesture is rarely confused by the controller, and the vector (3D angle) of the point can be set to trigger a large amount of different things (different body parts to parry). I have it set up, and it works quite well. While my hands are on the keyboard in a fight, I can slash my right index finger to the right, and I instantly parry right. Is this faster than typing "prl"? No. But it's more awesomer.
Sorry if that comes off as solicitation, but the fact is, I am in love with this device, and I've been making gesture sets for everything, just for kicks. I figured Achaea should be no exception.
Edit: i mean it woulf be funny to see peoples gestures.
Edit2: as they are trying to send the correct commands to achaea.....
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
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One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important