I'm new to the whole blademaster combat thing, I've got a few things set up for combat, which work for the most part. I was given a few suggestions in-game about what I should do, but I was wondering if I could find out what would be good slash/strike combos to at least have a decent idea as to what I should do for combat for both 1v1 and group. Any suggestions?
Anything/Hands will screw over most physical classes.
Lightning/Temple or Lightning/Chin are effective for mana-burn strategies.
If you have good timing, Pommelstrike can open up pseudo-herblock chains, saving you using Voidfist to, say, secure a pre-impaleslash. For instance, Neck/Throat/Neck/Chest/Neck/Eyes/Neck/Ear can screw with people - heck, just neck/chest looping can disorient the unwary. (I've actually made someone think I had a Monk jumping them with Telepathy mid-duel before because of the Hypochondria spam.)
In groups, you'll either be pinning targets down (Pommel/Hamstring and/or Pommel/Knees) or damage-spamming (Pommel/Sternum or Impalespam). Balanceslash can also be subbed in for Pommel there, they're roughly equal, but I prefer Pommel for the stun and faster balance.
Obviously, on legbreaks, you'll want Knee strikes.
The loop can really just be neck/throat/neck/throat rinse repeat ad nauseum, but occasionally using something uncommon can net an edge or even a complete table-flip.
Blademaster is entirely viable using just Hands to prep, Neck spam to set up a pre-impaleslash, and Knees on the break to Impale, Bladetwist x4, Brokenstar. Chest and Throat add options, but you'll mostly use them as distractions.
Basic strategy is to set up both legs to one hit from breaking (my counter's a big help for this, but however you do it is fine so long as you do it), pommel/neck three times and impale in the herb balance gap, impaleslash, legslash/knees, impale, bladetwist x4, Brokenstar.
There's alternate methods, most of which revolve around getting more bladetwists or squeezing the impaleslash in after the legbreaks.
Experiment with the tools you have, look for how you kill people, and see how to optimize that result.
What did you find? I'm interested now.
In bold are the skills I have, though I'm sure you might already know this, but if you do hamstring and then feet you can keep them off their mount after you have prepped their limbs, giving you enough time to slash once and break both legs as well as doing knees, leaving you able to get the impale should you so choice to.
Yeah, Hamstring prevents remounting, it also prevents almost everything else movement-related. Including Evade. It's beautiful and a core thing you should be keeping applied - it lasts about 8 seconds, and hitting with it during that duration resets it, so a common thing is to have every 3rd (for safety) or 4th (for more use of other strikes) strike be Hamstring.
@Ryzack, try to find out some of the combat information in-game from doing spars and analyzing the logs or asking your house combat leaders for help. People will like that.
Pretty much any other time you use it, you're going to be punished for using it. Heck, when I was a Blademaster, if you used Multislash on me I'd just thank you for the free impale.
Blademasters make insane hindrance partners, and if you and your teammate(s) know how to synergize, you can very swiftly go from hindering to killing. They have very fast attacks with stun and afflictions attached, sync up properly and ten second kills from a standing start aren't difficult to pull off.
(I had to edit myself briefly there, I said 'we have' instead. You can take the player out of the class...)