I'd love to see some complete logs of fights as Runewarden or against Runewarden. Ideally, I'd like to see ones that feature the RW winning so I can have something to reference against and such, learn tactics, etc, but whether they win or not, I'd still like to see your log if the fight was a good one.
Appreciate it, guys. Thanks.
Viva la Bluef.
envenom right with <venom>
dsl <target>
Repeat until they die.
(Or a really advanced tactic is to get exceptionally fast ones and just dsl-repeat with curare/prefarar like the pro-est of pro Runewardens Salik did.)
Viva la Bluef.
Failsafe is to change monk and trans tekura, then join ashura and axekick people.
I'd still like to see some Runewarden logs (as RW or against them, doesn't matter) if anyone has them. Going over logs can help you learn too.
Viva la Bluef.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
And I'd love both kinds of those logs. I don't mind reading a 20 minute fight if it shows me something or gives me ideas, etc.
Viva la Bluef.
Naisar's post was excellent, the only thing I think worth elaborating on is because the Runies lack a true instant kill (aside from a level 2 torso damage dsb which shouldn't happen to anyone) you need to do a decent amount of pre-damage before your going into your dsb setup. Most Knights will dsb for about 65-75% off a dsb with torso damage which isn't enough to kill the tankier players, so you need to soften them up a bit.
Also you'll need to learn ways to get around static parry, runewardens actually have the best (and most) options for doing so.
Viva la Bluef.
Also. Please! Logs!
Viva la Bluef.
And yeah, I'd be perfectly fine with Paladin logs also. In fact, I should look into the class itself actually, since I haven't Embraced just yet. (Houseless, level 48.) I never knew they got their own Instakill here.
Viva la Bluef.
Viva la Bluef.
Viva la Bluef.
It actually a lot more complicated than this. You need to dsl to break head (1.5-2s depending on rapiers), with a diadem you can hellsight in 2.2s, so we are talking about sticking asthma for approximately 4s (which is just about when they get back salve balance), you really need to break another limb first to take away salve balance.
Essentially you need to stick weariness (vernalius), sensitivity (prefarar), clumsiness (xentio), asthma (kalmia) aka stack kelp afflictions and hope they dont cure asthma and focus weariness. If they are an non-fitness class you can possibly do without one of those (aside from asthma), if they impossible to stack afflictions on (ahem priest) or are a serpent (shrugging) then its not viable unless cleansing strips shrugging or with mana drain techniques.
Because it's pretty difficult to stack that many venoms and the fact you can fitness/tree the kelp afflictions most Paladins have never actually successfully damned anyone (in the last 2 years the list of people who have damned someone in live combat is at maybe 5 people) and because DSB is a much easier option (unartied Paladins can easily get up to 18-20 strength).
If you think I'm serious, I'm not. He had 2 rapiers somewhere around 260(?) speed, and just constantly spammed curare/prefarar for like 1100 DSLs.
edit: Damage was pre-sensitivity.
Lets start with weapons. To be pull of most strategies I can think of you need rapiers with 235 speed (after runes). I've not found a need for faster other than opening up your window for error. Try and get more damage and good to hit. The best rapiers I've ever owned are 74 150 227 (before runes). Some people may say those are good, some may say they are bad. I don't care, they rock for me.
Next, venoms. I hate using double epteth, it's not fun to get constantly hit by it so I try not to do it. The kelp stack is the best method I've found for hindering, damaging, and all around annoyance. Using curare/kalmia, curare/xentio, and curare/prefarar works like a charm. Throw in some curare/darkshade and curare/euphorbia, possibly curare/monkshood can really stack on damage, and quickly. With good damage and constant rotating your opponent will quickly be forced on the defensive or forced to run.
Now the Prep. Assuming you have 235 speed you can two leg disembowel someone. Very important because it is much harder to tumble from that than two leg and an arm, and they can't just simply shield when you break it either. Really you just want to do either a couple of kelp rotations with darkshade and euphorbia in there to just before you execute the setup. It's usually enough predamage to kill even the tankiest of players. If not you can always start sketching thurisaz a few times, end with a hugalaz, and then go to town. I almost killed @Eld with a no torso damage disembowel just because they stacked so much damage so quickly.
Bypassing parry can be a challenge, but I can think of about 12 different ways I do it. So with practice and some hints you should be able to get passed even the most anal of parryers. I'm wounded on one said my name as a good runie combatant (;_;)
Again this was a simplish explanation and I've probably missed several things in this.
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