As it sits, there's a fundamental problem with the combat ranking system, and it's quite broken for several reasons.
The first problem comes from the fact that Individuals can willfully refuse/dodge a fight with someone else. Normally, honor takes over and you get a sense of "rightness" by facing an array of opponents. However, it's quite easy for someone to simply turn down a fight with you, or for you to avoid a fight with
@Earionduil to prevent ranking point loss. This method, in effect, completely makes the ranking system 100% moot.
The second issue ties closely with the first, and that is that Individuals aren't encouraged to fight everyone else - I could, in theory, ONLY spar @Eld and @Mako, while dodging any I feel I would lose against. I could effectively dodge @Sohl for weeks on end, while fighting a bunch of lesser ranks to gain enough points to pass him - and then just sit on my score.
I propose the following changes:
1.) A "Combat Challenge" system that gives an opponent 12 hours OOC'y on a clock that ticks down in much the same way as the Contracts system (but instead of a singular person, the clock moves only when both participants are awake and logged in)
2.) Reduce the award after defeating an opponent 3 times significantly. If I spar @Eld and kill him three times, following him defeating someone else to move to the same point spread we were before, I should receive a reduced "Victory" point allotment than facing a different opponent.
What would be your edits? Comments? Thoughts? Let's hear em!
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
Edit- so maybe just a fixed point loss for not accepting would be more viable?