Hey everyone,
I'm lookin for some help with regex to capture a specific target's location when I type the "who" command while using echinacea.
This is difficult on two fronts, I think.
First, I can't figure out how to capture an undefined amount of multiple words before my "target's" name. Second, once my trigger sees that name, I then need it to skip an undefined amount of words and then capture whatever their location is (which I think would be handled by saying "capture everything between the parentheses").
For those who don't know the line, it's something like this:
xxxx xxxx xxxx (yyyy yyyy yyy)
Where the name can be any one of the xxxx words (and there can be more or less words over there) then there's a big group of spaces followed by parentheses with the targets location (again with any number of words)
Edit: the spaces won't save in between my X and Y example, but there's supposed to be a big block of space there.
It should also take into account a potential (Phased) tag before the xxxx's if a target is phased.
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