Buy the box set of Sopranos or something, watch that on your second monitor or tv. By the time you're done with that you should be level 95 or so. Then go out and buy The Wire and that should carry you until level 101.
^ adding to this, find places that you can bash in your sleep. I found it quicker to plough through easier areas than to bother with stuff that might get me killed/force hit and run.
Make it fun for yourself. If you like bashing easy places while watching X, do that, but be aware it will take longer. If you like pvp, go to Underworld/Annwyn. If you like being a homicidal ninja assassin, go to places that are never bashed (like Blackrock, Theran guards, etc) and kill those.
Something that helped me was just not watching experience for a few hours at a time. I set a goal to make 25k gold a day to donate to my order for 4-5 rl months or so. Other times I bashed solely for essence, and the experience did not matter at all. Other times I bashed hoping to get jumped by someone. And sometimes I just bashed for the hell of it or because whoever I was hanging out with wanted to.
Also, if you get a truefavour, step up and do something harder. It will refresh the whole thing for you.
I was never interested with Dragon, I still wish they would present another avenue when you reach level 100. Dragon just seems so cliche and boring. I aint no big ass lizard. Dala'myrr ftw.
Euclidean wrote geometry, not poetry. So all poetry is non-Euclidean poetry, durrrrrr.
If we're talking about the Euclid of this dimension, you're right, so I guess we're talking about non-present-dimension-Euclidean non-Euclidean poetry, of which the text is written across real and imaginary axes(no, not the choppity type you human lumberjacks and serial killers use). It's highly relaxing too, covering common topics like cosmic string romance and the forbidden relationship between an K-class apocalypse...and a twelve-pound chunk of space debris.
omg send
um, I mean...
So, how important are things like PvE scripts? If it's anything beyond standard curing and targeting stuff, what do people usually do for that?
So, how important are things like PvE scripts? If it's anything beyond standard curing and targeting stuff, what do people usually do for that?
Aside from very basic curing/sipping (I don't even use a full curing system or track my afflictions) and aliases, scripting isn't important for PvE. Automatic targeting (using IH or GMCP or just denizen names in room descs) can be useful, and an autowalker to minimise downtime when moving between areas.
I also like using scripts purely for flavour, replacing and expanding on attack messages for example. It makes bashing less monotonous.
echoing the 'find your multi-area loop', 'be persistent/persevere', and find something else to entertain your brain while mashing F1, whether it's a series (woo netflix), music (go go Pandora), or a bunch of movies. The 'minigoal' is somethin that still keeps me going - I find someone a few exp ranks ahead of me and make apssing them my goal. when I do pass them, I pick the next person to beat.
Headphones on, music up, fix yourself a nice stiff drink, and with four (? i think) months of devoted attention, you can just untzuntz your way to dragon.
The daily goals set for yourself help.
And then towards the end, you'll hit the zone, and your eyes will glaze over entirely and sanity will bid you a fond adieu. (I did 97.75 to 99 in one non-stop 19 hour stretch.)
Geeez. Thats a lot. How much more would you estimate? We need another big hunting area, like moghedu but a bit more difficult and maybe not a race people get defensive about so others can hunt it.
Geeez. Thats a lot. How much more would you estimate? We need another big hunting area, like moghedu but a bit more difficult and maybe not a race people get defensive about so others can hunt it.
Meropis, if you know the right places and have the time to walk there.
Geeez. Thats a lot. How much more would you estimate? We need another big hunting area, like moghedu but a bit more difficult and maybe not a race people get defensive about so others can hunt it.
Meropis, if you know the right places and have the time to walk there.
Geeez. Thats a lot. How much more would you estimate? We need another big hunting area, like moghedu but a bit more difficult and maybe not a race people get defensive about so others can hunt it.
Don't need another Moghedu, just have more than one alternative area to hunt.
True, I have a decent loop. Glad the wars over, hunting will be smoother.
Yeah better buckle up and bash now, Ashtan's coming for Targ next.
Rollin' rollin' rollin'... get them wagons rollin'!
Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence." Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk." Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Best tip I ever got was to rather hunt something a bit smaller than hit and running the whole time. As you zone out you start dying with hit and run mobs.
Dala'myrr ftw.
um, I mean...
So, how important are things like PvE scripts? If it's anything beyond standard curing and targeting stuff, what do people usually do for that?
I also like using scripts purely for flavour, replacing and expanding on attack messages for example. It makes bashing less monotonous.
Lol, with Veil/Gem I really should go hunting around moar.
Check he's not Atavian first.
Rollin' rollin' rollin'... get them wagons rollin'!
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."