Well since mount discussion is "in" these days, it's almost like we could use a temporary forum for mount threads. Anyway...
This one's for artie pets and the oact cost.
I considered designing an elemental mount comprised in its body of all four elements, and having at least an attack for each element. But I hit a snag there because both the first and each successive 'oact' added costs 300cr. Not spending 1200cr to have 4 pretty blunt attacks of the same effect.
7) Custom Attack Message - 300 Bound Credits (except: see GIFTS)
Your pet's attack will have a custom appearance in the form we call
an 'oact'. Oacts may not change the damage type or amount. Multiple
oacts may be combined to give the pet various attacks. Each added
oact is also 300 Bound Credits.
NOTE: you may only get amnesia OR custom attack message, but not both.
So as I'm obviously not going to pay 300cr for any appearance customisation, I think a change is in order for a few reasons:
1) Nothing but the appearance is changed. A full appearance customisation for a creature is 100cr (includes 6 parts). Reaction things are 25cr.
2) Actually I guess it's just one reason. But a few ways or reasons it could be improved.
Every stacked occie/magi gets an amnesia pet. Amnesia is worth the 400cr due to its functionality. But as the default attack damage on 'oact' isn't changed by customising how it looks, I can't see how just changing the look is worth 75% of what amnesia is.
a) Include the 1st oact as part of the artie pet's desc, along with short/long/extended/enter/exit/death. It's a unique creature and might as well have a unique bash at least. Additional oacts could be more reasonable, somewhere between reaction cost (25cr) and creature customisation cost (100cr).
b) First oact might be 100-300 cr, but additional should be around 50cr or 75cr, as recommended in a).
c) "Oacts may not change the damage type or amount." Kind of limits even the creativity to a certain degree when a purchaser's goal is to shape a new being in Achaea.
New price scale for oacts:
- 50 cr: change appearance
- 50 cr: change damage type (require appearance change to suit type) NOTE: base amounts differ by type (asphyx lower default than blunt/cutting because fewer defs)
- 25 cr: low damage amount & fast balance attack
- 00 cr: standard damage & speed by default
- 50 cr: high damage amount & slow-er balance attack
- 100 cr: very high damage amount & very slow balance attack
- 300 cr: Affliction? (exclude things like aeon/impatience/paralysis/limb damage/etc.)
- 100 cr: Attack Schedule: specify frequency/probability for ALL attacks - evenly distributed by default
(future changes to these ratios cost 100cr again) (no attack may have lower than 5% occurrence)
So if I set 4 attacks for my elemental beast:
Key: Appearance (type) (damage) - frequency {cost}
ice (cold) (standard) - 25% {100 + 0}
fire (fire) (very high) - 20% {100 + 100}
earth (blunt) (low) - 50% {100 + 25}
air (asphyx) (high) - 5% {100 + 50}
{+100 credits to specify frequency}
Total: 675 credits
Pet total: 675 + (500-900cr) + reactions and stuff
I think in the long run this means more artie pet revenue because rather than choose just between amnesia and a "pretty-looking blunt attack", people will have options that make them more likely to include additional attacks and spend MORE than 300-400cr on those.
The Garden might be able to pull stats on how many people have actually bought more than one 300cr oact for a damage pet, and I'm sure the "refund" demand is an issue as always, but don't tell me they wouldn't reinvest those saved credits into a larger arsenal of attacks or other arties.
tl;dr - first 'oact' should be included in customisation, additional should cost less but have scaling price options for changing damage type/amount
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
And why can you only have amnesia or an oact?
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.