If deathsights from a while back (during the Bal'met event, iirc) are to be believed, the atavians already have airships. Can't find anything official from the admin on the idea, but my google-fu is not strong.
This would pretty obviously be the best thing ever. Airships. Sky pirates. Mooring masts for zeppelins. Archipelagos of floating islands. Cloud oceans. Ugh I'm salivating on my keyboard.
I doubt it will happen unless Tecton pulls a Tila Tequila and decides that Achaea actually will go steampunk after all. But it is nice to imagine.
This would pretty obviously be the best thing ever. Airships. Sky pirates. Mooring masts for zeppelins. Archipelagos of floating islands. Cloud oceans. Ugh I'm salivating on my keyboard.
I doubt it will happen unless Tecton pulls a Tila Tequila and decides that Achaea actually will go steampunk after all. But it is nice to imagine.
Navigation and air ships could work similarly to the way ships do at present too(but not quite) around those floating islands, would be awesome and appeal more to equality in the Vastar versus Neraeos mythology if Achaea had more sky islands(and more bashing grounds).
Might generate a lot of income for IRE too since owning an airship would be the "in" thing on launch. Steampunk isn't that foreign to Achaea either, ie. Clockwork Island.
I think if you made it like the wilderness map's ocean but with a z-axis too, it would just be 20 times as big and 20 times as empty. Sailing already has some serious flaws in terms of its size/scale, and the difficulty of encountering other ships, making it feel empty. I can only see aeronautics multiplying those problems. I can't think of a better way to do it though.
Uh yeah this is never going to happen, didn't Tecton/Cardan/Sarapis say so already?
Actually the last I heard of this idea, Tecton was musing with it.
But it's more of a "if they figure out how" feature, if anything. Don't think any amount of idea'ing will help as no player should be able to determine how it'd be implemented, as in wilderness movement and so on.
It most likely graduates into steampunk and stuff too. Not quite period-appropriate.
I'm in favour of the idea regardless because it'd allow for air raids and stuff. (It was brought up at a NoT session after discussing naval bombardment and sea invasions again, and how landlocked cities would be excluded from it all)
And Tears of Polaris was halted due to something with flight mechanics if I remember?
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
There are lots of things I adore to bits. Steampunk is probably near the top. Post-apocalyptic and dying earth stories are two more. None of these things mesh perfectly with Achaea, at least not without fundamentally changing the setting.
I doubt it will happen unless Tecton pulls a Tila Tequila and decides that Achaea actually will go steampunk after all. But it is nice to imagine.
wtf is pulling a Tila Tequila
Doing so much drugs that you have a stroke and transform from slutty reality show star to delusional paranoid schizophrenic, and start making sincere blog posts about reptile people and Truth Seekers and Warriors of the Light and how the Illuminati is blocking your Youtube uploads.
Yes to airships in a dragon only area so they can fly around and nuke them from the sky in pretty breathstream attacks.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
I'd like to see airships brought in as ferries to far off destinations. We already have ships for player transport.
Actually, I wouldn't mind this. It would cost a little more, but get you there somewhat quicker.
Yes, one to Meropis would be nice. More expensive, but faster. Or to undiscovered continents.
That really is a great idea. Make it so that it leaves on a schedule though, rather than at the whim of adventurers. This could also be just the mechanism for an inter-continental postal service, which I remember some folks asking for a little while back.
This would pretty obviously be the best thing ever. Airships. Sky pirates. Mooring masts for zeppelins. Archipelagos of floating islands. Cloud oceans. Ugh I'm salivating on my keyboard.
I doubt it will happen unless Tecton pulls a Tila Tequila and decides that Achaea actually will go steampunk after all. But it is nice to imagine.
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Doing so causes everyone in the local area to yell "Oh, the humanity!"
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
You were my best idea, Cooper. It has, indeed, been steadily downhill since your conception.
Mudlet Discord join up
And really, why make ships even more irrelevant?
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Pffffffffffftttttttt. Like a fart moving across the sky.