Whatcha Gonna Do?



  • You could shoot flares at an AFK fishing boat and hope it eventually sinks from the fires.
  • XerXer Langley
    edited June 2013
    L3 Bracelet, L3 Sip, L3 Sash, L3 Belt, L3 Collar, L3 Bow, Ring of Magus, Veil, and Diadem comes out to 13.075k credits (I have some L1 versions of stuff). Then add in either two pairs of fully funded earrings, or even more earrings paid between the two equally will make up my 15k credits.

    I have a collared pet already, but arty pet probably after that.

    EDIT: Maybe scratch out an earring for a vibrating stick. Wand of portals would be a nice addition too for when I leave Magi... Fuuuu
    e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
  • I changed my mind, I would never sell them for rl money. Psch. 

    Eagle wings (800), Vibrating stick(800), RoF(400), L3 Sip/Belt/Bracelets(5400), Invincible Evil Hippo pet (900), 2 customised soulpiercers (3300), Collar for Falcon (250), 3 pipes (150), Buckawns (800), Earring (800), Ring of Magus (275), Boomerang (450).

    14325. That leaves me with 675 credits to transcend weaponry and riding and miniskills for resistances! ;D

    Btw, I turn 18 at exactly the same time the lottery is drawn. Boifday luck please? Please??

  • I would get lvl3 everything.... 

    and the thread title made me thing of:

  • I'd use it to start my own Mhaldor with hookers and blackjack.
  • Blatantly fixed.
  • Wait is it over?
  • Somebody won the 15,000 credits, so the next draw will be for another 5,000.
  • A Cyrenian won it. All is good.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • Irrelevent, but every time someone says "Whatcha gonna do?" I just say Shoryuken. It all started after this.

    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    If I had won the 15k credits, I'd buy 200 rooms and a few doors then beg Tecton to move it somewhere so that I could have my own area.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
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