I live in northeastern Tennessee, and if you're familiar with that area, you probably know that we were hit by a series of wicked storms not too long ago [the day before yesterday, I think]. I personally, along with the rest of my family, suffered with a power outage. No idea if that has anything to do with the problems I'm having or not.
All I know is, I could connect just fine before the stupid power went out n_n; I play Achaea via iPad and when I'm not out and about with the rest of the family, I access the game by logging in through Iron Realms [Safari or Google Chrome being my browser].
But now whenever I try to connect [on either browser], it either doesn't load or it freezes and/or closes out the browser entirely ._.; I also noticed that my custom UI doesn't show up [none of the cute buffer boxes that came with the latest update]; it looks like it did before the update happened. And the URL appears as 'client.achaea.com/v1'.
I dunno what the hell's going on with it. I've deleted my Google Chrome app and reinstalled it, I've turned off my iPad and turned it on again, I reset my network settings, I connected to someone else's Wi-Fi .. shit, I even reset my router.
Help. Someone, anyone, please ;___; Help me.
I downloaded a ping app and I didn't get any error messages. Seems the connectivity is pretty sound.
Tried it. Always redirects back to the v1