Editor For Ads

KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
Tried looking among the list of Approved/Denied, and current discussions, but didn't notice anything on the same lines.

Simply put, I've no idea what sorcery is needed to make ads like some people do. Tried it a couple of times, but seems to work on a line by line basis. I would like to inquire about and propose having ads available to use an editor like news posts, journal entries, letters, and other IG forms of writing. 


  • AmunetAmunet Spokane, Washington, USA
    AD ## DESCRIBE on its own will take you into the editor. You still need to count line width and plan accordingly to make your ads work, but the good news is you can use the command multiple times. Screw-ups are fixable.
    My avatar is an image created by this very talented gentleman, of whose work I am extremely jealous. It was not originally a picture of Amunet, but it certainly looks a great deal like how I envision her!
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