Recently a mark was killed and decapitated, forcing them to EMBRACE DEATH, when they finished the whole embracing thing they came back to the caves being blocked in.
This caused them to die again because they were unable to leave the room and eventually grace runs out.
The person had tumble and evade yes, but what if they didn't? Someone could have camped there forever killing them over and over just because they're a mark.
There should be a new system for embrace death such as multiple spawn locations, maybe changing grace to include some kind of way to get out of a sealed room when not in a city?
I know a few people won't care because they do have a wait to get passed blocked rooms but I know a lot of people who don't, and if they want to become a mark, they COULD be trapped there.
Please don't troll this thread
At any rate, if you aren't capable of getting out of a room in some manner before your grace expires, you really have no business being a member of the Mark. If you choose to join anyway then you have to accept the consequences.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
If you're a houseless, cityless mark with no allies and no way to escape, then yes, you're probably screwed. That seems perfectly acceptable to me.
If you somehow don't have any of those abilities and fighting isn't an option, and you don't have any friends or allies that can help you, you still have the option of simply asking on market for someone to rescue you.
→My Mudlet Scripts