So I've noticed that when you're in the wilderness, if you're on the ground you get the regular view. If you're flying, however, you get a slightly larger view of the area. Same with being out to see, if you're on the Quaterdeck, you get the regular view, but if you climb up into the mast, you get a larger view of the surrounding area.
However, I've noticed that this does not seem to be the case with Falcons when you use the Glance ability, which doesn't really make sense. From a ship perspective(since that's where I was when I just noticed it), I can be on the Quarterdeck and have my falcon Circle and then Glance, and I get the same view I do on the deck. The falcon is flying above the ship, so it would seem as if you would be able to see more of your surrounding if you're looking through it's eyes via Glance.
I would like to suggest this be reviewed and that falcons be able to gain more vision of their surroundings when flying above a location. Currently it seems to be linked to the actual Falconeer's viewpoint, because if I'm in the Crow's Nest, and I do falcon glance with it flying, I get a large view.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
2) If glance used the falcon's location, people would just leave a falcon in the crow's nest. It would invalidate much of the purpose in having someone up there, which is contrary to the co-op design of ships.
Originally, ship visibility was the same as normal wilderness range: 17x25 on the ground, and 25x37 in the air. As a result, no one was actually standing on the deck while shipboard. To curb this, standing-on-the-deck wilderness range (17x25) was expanded to 25x37, making it the same as flying. The crow's nest was added later, and expanded further to encourage the use of specialisations.
Edit: If you're saying that falcon glance is always returning a 17x25 output, yes, that's a bug. Wilderness visibility on a ship should never be 17x25, for you or your falcon, unless you have nightsight disabled.