I'd like to toss out an idea I had for a miniskill/skill. Here it is:
The ability to convey one's experiences in a meaningful way, giving your words the weight and clarity needed to enlighten less experienced individuals.
How it works, mechanically:
Teaching allows someone to formally declare a lesson. Once a lesson is begun, one of the teacher's SAYs every 20 seconds that is at least 80 characters long will give xp to everyone in the room. The xp given should be a function of the teacher's lessons in teaching and the teacher's level, and should be a reasonable appreciable amount since mostly lower level people will be receiving it. Beginner teachers can only teach up to something like (level-20)/2. Transcendent teachers can teach up to something like (level+50)/2. The teacher gains the xp as well, as reward for teaching. The number of says allowed to generate xp this way per RL day is limited, and a lesson is also a function of the teacher's lessons in teaching, ranging from 10 to 30.
LESSON BEGIN: Declare a lesson as begun.
LESSON PAUSE: Declare a break in your lesson.
LESSON PREPARE: tells you how many SAYs you have to generate xp remaining for the day. Also tells you who in the room is eligible to receive xp from the lesson.
The idea behind this is primarily to foster more RP and care in developing newcomers, while rewarding participation on both sides (which will have a significant impact on how often it is done). We're a bit short on rewards for actively helping out, and rewardless activities usually wind up getting neglected. I think this would fill a void there in a significant way, and really encourage interaction at a level that needs it.
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If this greatly exceeds those methods in XP gain, I think a lot of people will be bitter and think that the system of things like this is getting out of whack.
If that can be addressed, I think the idea itself is solid. It's just that I don't think "free XP" should be handed out so strongly.
I'd hardly call it free xp. Achaea's hardcoded rewards are geared too much towards the single player gamer (bashing, ship trades) or trying to overpower and defeat other players (granted that's the typical purpose of games) while giving no hardcoded rewards to those who aide new players, who are actually improving the quality of the game by helping retain novices and building up the playerbase. Very much like this idea, or some thing very similar.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Example would be getting a [specific] room full of Sylvans wanting to learn Elementalism, then letting the teacher have at it, multiple people get their lessons done, and the teacher gets a bit of xp in the process. Eventually come exam finals time, the students will lose sleep and a bit of xp, then the teacher will assess everything, and everyone gets their xp back and then some if they pass with flying colours.
………this idea probably might not work out as it could be.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
→My Mudlet Scripts
If you want to teach new players, you can actually teach them and actually help them gain xp by taking them to appropriate places for them to hunt and helping them. That's RPing and actually teaches them something useful, whereas, with all due respect, this doesn't.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Instead of a mini-skill, it's a house/order room. A lecturing hall or something of that sort. The purpose of it would be to give incentive to attending/giving house ethos lecture to improve house identity. This way it has oversight, would be incredibly difficult to abuse, and would actually add to the atmosphere instead of detracting.