Is there some magical thing I have to do to get this to work?
I am using all the knowledge of Regex I know to try to do simple things like highlighting my name.
Regex: /pathers/gi
This should trigger on: Pathers PATHERS pathers
but its only triggering on: /pathers/gi
Is there a way to force the client to use my regex or is there another way to do it? I know of this: [Pp]athers but that does not get all caps or mistyped, which i want to include.
Thanks for your help!
Every breath leaves me one less to my last
Every breath leaves me one less to my last
Yes, it's a bit clunky. If you only care about the three combinations you listed (all lower case, all upper case, only first letter upper case), you could use: [Pp](athers|ATHERS).
Thanks for taking the time to add this to the triggers though, I'm glad you're active in fixing the problems.
I was wondering if I should post my ideas for further improvement in the ideas forum or some other place?
I typed: say Pathers pathers
into Achaea and only the second 'pathers' is highlighted, meaning the insensitivity is not... insensitive