Custom Emotes and Tmotes, Yours and Your Favorites

KenwayKenway San Francisco
edited April 2013 in The Scarlattan Theatre
Remembered seeing some awesome suggestions in the Emote Contest thread a while ago. I personally submitted ones I'd already been using as aliased emotes and tmotes and I figured others had done the same. It's quite fun so I was wondering what you'd come up with. Here are a few of mine:

Kenway grins at <person> and pounds fists with him/her. Bros.
(Previously posted in the aforementioned thread.)

Kenway flails pathetically
(This was the first one, for some reason I found myself typing flail as though I expected it to be a pre-scripted emote so I just made one myself)

Kenway laughs hysterically, falling to his knees and cackling like a madman. His ass, feeling uncomfortable, detaches itself and leaves the room.

Kenway turns his face away and flails his arms in a flurry of slaps at <person>

I almost feel like this should go in Theater or Dias... Not sure though so when in doubt, NoT

- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten


  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    I guess this means you were joking when you thought you want to join Mhaldor? >.>
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • NimNim
    edited April 2013

    I dunno, the lmao one sounds like it'd fit for a necromancer, if you imagined it as being grotesque rather than cartoonish.

    ETA: I have nothing of value to contribute to this thread, because the rare times I custom emote, it's always custom rather than stock things. I hate stock things, and often only use the pre-existing emotes because it's slightly faster to type NOD than EM nods, for example. Plus, my client beeps at me every time I lose/gain balance, and it's awkward being beeped at when I'm trying to roleplay. :(

  • Emoting something impossible is bad. You should have RP points docked if you actually use it. Also aside from being impossible, it's also just plain stupid.

                   Honourable, knight eternal,

                                            Darkly evil, cruel infernal.

                                                                     Necromanctic to the core,

                                                                                             Dance with death forever more.

  • KenwayKenway San Francisco
    Stupid examples I only use in private settings such as houses when being OOC with friends. Moving on from whether or not it's stupid, the point was actually cool custom emotes people have made. Not my stupid silly ones or if I in fact wanted to join Mhaldor.

    - Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
    "Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
  • Kenway said:
    Stupid examples I only use in private settings such as houses when being OOC with friends. Moving on from whether or not it's stupid, the point was actually cool custom emotes people have made. Not my stupid silly ones or if I in fact wanted to join Mhaldor.

    My initial thought was that the above emotes were used ICly. That may explain why people were...ah...less than amused. Maybe put in a disclaimer next time? 

    That being said, here's one of my custom emotes:

    Synbios splays his hands graciously, the labyrinthine patterns on his hands easily catching the light.

    Useful for when I am being polite.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Here's a properly done brofist.

    Daslin hits (broham)'s knuckles with his in a manly display of camaraderie and brotherhood.
  • edited April 2013
    @Synbios Sweet jazz-hands.
  • Only aliased emote I use, and even this isn't often, is prayo. The normal pray emote says:

    You kneel humbly on the ground, uttering prayers to the Gods.

    Which, since Trevize has been in Ourania's Order for 200 years, is kinda silly. He prays to one! So I made:

    emote kneels humbly on the ground, uttering prayers to Lady Ourania.

    The rest, I kind of make up as I go.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • edited April 2013
    Mine favourite is the awkward shifting of weight on my feet when my arrival seems to kill off any ongoing conversations that were being held.

    There's also one of the last of the gold rippling away beneath the skin and shoulder rolling after lesser forming.

    When I had my heretics tongue recipe people use to give me decapped heads to pull the tongues from. Was pretty cool. Not sure what happened to that recipe though.. I hope I gave it toNeraeos instead of some idiot buying it off nds. :(
  • OuraniaOurania The Garden of the Gods
    I've moved this here so it can be discussed in all its RP glory.

  • Simoln said:
    @Synbios Sweet jazz-hands.

    At least I won't be surprised when, on doing splayhands, a bard will suddenly break out into a trumpet routine.

  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo

    I've started writing a couple custom tmotes that take into account Shirszae's character. So fa, one of my favorites is

    Shirszae's pensive gaze briefly rests on you before turning downwards

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    Tahquil said:
    Mine favourite is the awkward shifting of weight on my feet when my arrival seems to kill off any ongoing conversations that were being held. There's also one of the last of the gold rippling away beneath the skin and shoulder rolling after lesser forming. When I had my heretics tongue recipe people use to give me decapped heads to pull the tongues from. Was pretty cool. Not sure what happened to that recipe though.. I hope I gave it toNeraeos instead of some idiot buying it off nds. :(
    Liked for heathen body dishes

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
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