While you're all on a kick of newbie retention, I'd like to direct your attention to one aspect of the game that a lot of people have trouble with (though I obviously love): hunting/bashing. After long enough it becomes extremely grindy, and a lot of people have trouble with that sort of thing. This in and of itself isn't a particularly bad thing, but its tedium is exacerbated by the fact that it is a wholly solo piece of the game. Solo tedium is only fun so far. The xp sharing mechanism in the game is such that it is rarely worthwhile (from what I've been able to tell) to group up, which is in stark contrast to most other games where grouping is encouraged and rewarded. I'm not entirely sure how the xp splitting works, but it certainly feels like it's a net loss overall by a considerable margin. We really don't see a lot of hunting groups forming except for rare rp-driven things, or the occasional case where someone's taking another person leveling and leeching experience.
This is, of course, coupled with the fact that the nature of Achaea's PvE content already means that all loot will be split in some fashion (gold drops from mobs, gold from handin quests), so you'll be overall gaining less. You might think that sure, if you hunt with another person you're gaining half the gold/xp, but gaining it at twice the rate. I'd argue that's not the case, since you don't quite double your hunting speed, and thus overall lose out by bringing someone along (let alone multiples).
I'd like to see this considered, since it would be great to take people along hunting and make it a far more group-oriented thing, without the feeling of loss it currently brings.
And just for reference, the way the experience splitting currently works is (Your experience share)=(Your level)/(Total group level). So If Penwize at level 130 and Sena at level 80 are bashing together, Penwize would get 130/210=~62% of the experience and Sena would get 80/210=~38% of the experience. And then if we have a level 5 novice tagging along, the shares would be 130/215, 80/215, and 5/215.
My main problem with medium to large sized groups is that areas get cleared fast. As a result, I rarely bash with more than one or two other people.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
First of all, Sena is correct about the xp split to my knowledge.
Second of all, I think it's perfectly fine as is. I've never noticed a problem with xp gain in groups whatsoever. Yes, it's true that you'll gain half the xp/gold while probably not doubling your efficiency, but you gain other things, such as what Silas said. You also have to realize that you, Penwize, along with other Dragons are going to find this much more of a problem due to the fact that dragons can already efficiently bash most everything in the game without any help.
Personally, I've group bashed probably about as much as I've solo bashed, and it doesn't bother me at all.
I say: leave it as is.
On a different note, however, it would be nice to have some areas specifically designed for groups to combat, but that's a different subject entirely.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Also, I'm in before someone accusing me of suggesting WoW dungeons.
Example: Level 70 + Level 20 + Level 10 Hunting
Current System
70/100 + 20/100 + 10/100 = 70% + 20% + 10% = 100%
Possible Square Root Formula
80^0.5 / 100^0.5 + 20^0.5 / 100^0.5 + 10^0.5 / 100^0.5 = 83.6% + 44.7% + 31.6% = 160.0%
A few findings:
Negative. That would be 100^.5 / 200^.5 = 70.7% for each. The 100^.5 used in the above example was meant to denote total levels. Apologies; should have defined variables.
Well, this is clearly due to the uncreative attack mechanics involved in bashing denizens. There's so few factors taken into place that it's hard to find a decent balance that rewards players for playing well together rather than just having more HP and manipulating the AI. Look at denizens like Ugrach. There's nothing creative about the battle design. and there's no skill involved in beating him, he just hits for 3k every 0.3 seconds. And that's the design that most denizens in the game follow. As such, none of the denizens that are supposed to provide a challenge really provide much interesting conflict. On top of that, there's only one skill we can use to fight against these denizens, just simple "do damage" spells. There's no strategy in it.
Bashing and group PvE in general is a really underdeveloped concept in Achaea. I'm not proposing that bashing as a whole be changed, but there should definitely be some specialized challenge areas introduced where players do more than simply use their bashing attack on monsters and try not to die to the monsters bashing attack. Perhaps each class could have a few new skills introduced purely for use against denizens. Perhaps some denizens could have unique attacks that the player can take action to mitigate(similar to how PvP works) such as by moving, shielding, using abilities, etc. The fun in PvE type adventures is in figuring out a strategy to win, and currently the denizens we fight against are pretty bland. I'm all in favour of such challenge denizens being ridiculously hard, but they should be hard in a way that makes us think of ways we can counter them and get through with a bit of preparation and tactics.
I can net myself about 4% in under an hour if I clear out 4 places on the mainland solo at lvl 84, but if I go hunting with @Exelethril (lvl 120 or something) and we clear out UW, Annwyn and Tenwat in the same amount of time, I only get like 1.5%. It's a crazy distribution so I consider those trips as good for gold and essence gaining, over the xp thing.
Group bashing is good from a social standpoint, really, and to help get that honours line if it's applicable.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
You mean... like this: IRE dungeons!
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Or multi-part dungeons, to draw from some of the old Final Fantasy type dungeons, where you need two parties (or 2 players for those hardcore types) to get through a dungeon where one group had to pull a particular lever or stand on a certain tile to make sure the passage was kept clear before they could proceed.
And of course the rewards would be that much higher for needing to take the effort.
Another problem would also be that denizens don't seem to have an actual randomized target. They generally tend to attack the last person in the party unless they have a particular hatred for someone. Wouldn't it be possible to code different kinds of party formations that will only work provided everyone is in the room? So, for example, if Penwize is in the party, he can take the foreguard and he will be the denizen's priority attack and also the full brunt of attack, while there might be younger, squishier players behind who take reduced damage.
Having said that, I'm no longer entirely sure how group bashing even works. When I first started playing, all you needed to do was follow up and add everyone to your allies list. Then they did some changes to the numbers or how it worked or something, and then they introduced the party channel or something and sometimes when I'm in a group bash, I wonder if I needed to start a party or if I could just follow up, and whether allying people made any difference now.
We can have a look at how experience is shared based on following, but a total overhaul to how PvE combat works is very unlikely in the near or medium-term future.