Grook Historian, etc?

After reading the Horkval thead in this forum, I thought it may be interesting to take Drauka on a quest to find out more about the Grook race. I would like to specialize in lore and history eventually (there is a ton of data) with Drauka and have him be somewhat knowledgeable on things. He may never be great in any one area, but I thought it may be interesting for him to specialize in Grook specific things, and dive into that. There isn't much information (that I'm aware of) on Grooks and their history, so unsure really where to go with it there.

It would be kinda cool, I think, to have him be curious of his past and apply his research in the Congregation house through that lens. He already is playing the "I forgot my past" card since I used that when I came back, so understanding the past and how it applies to him should be interesting to Drauka.

I'm just not really sure where to go from here, other than just making things up and playing things as they come. Ulangi doesn't really offer much information, and for there being scholars there in the Grook village/settlement they aren't too sharing of their information to Drauka at all (or at least I haven't found the right combo of words to trigger some quest or something).

Now this would be mainly for my interest in playing Drauka as a character, and doing his own research and adding it to his library and study. In a writing or something with his House, he may say a bit about Grook lore if it is applicable and not too much, but never ramble off about it with like a neon sign saying 'hey, i am trying to play my character this way, see, see!' or anything.

Advice? Pointers? Unsure of really what to do past this idea. I'm not an expert or anything.


  • Well from what little knowledge I do have of Grooks, heading to Ulangi might be a good start.
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • edited March 2013
    Wysteria said:
    Well from what little knowledge I do have of Grooks, heading to Ulangi might be a good start.
    Ulangi doesn't really offer much information, and for there being scholars there in the Grook village/settlement they aren't too sharing of their information to Drauka at all (or at least I haven't found the right combo of words to trigger some quest or something).
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    You might like to explore ( -explore-, mind you) Riparium and note their reaction to you. From there, have fun exploring IC about the why. :)
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Yeah, I should do that once they don't hate me and try to kill me on sight ;) 

    My signature is from a Merfork there.
  • Phereklos as well, though there's not a lot there.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Just be careful. Once you're enemied, we aren't going to let you find out willingly. :P
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Pretty sure there's no grook history floating around anywhere. Ulangi is the only significant grook-populated area, but it's light on history and culture. There are a handful of other grook NPCs here and there, but they don't have anything to say about grook history that I know of. -- Actually I'm wrong, Sena is right, there is a little bit of stuff in Phereklos relating to grooks and tritons.

    You could come up with your own history for the race. The dangers here are that 1. your writing might suck and you might lack perspective regarding its bad quality, 2. with so little to work with, you're pulling it almost entirely out of your sunshine-hole, increasing the likelihood of #4, 3. there are no expectations that your writing will be endorsed as "canon", and 4. you could be undermined if they decide to release some official grook history that conflicts with yours or otherwise doesn't take yours into account.

    If I was trying to promote grook roleplay, I would focus on culture over history. History is facts (eg. "they came from another planet" or "they were created by X god"), which can only be endorsed as true by admins, and which will otherwise essentially be false by default. Culture is more fluid and easier to invent - things like racial greetings, goodbyes, and other phrases, racial preferences for certain food, and styles of clothing. Maybe a racial holiday, lol. Culture is also more practical in the sense that you're using it every time you say it, wear it, eat it, or do it, making it much more infectious and more likely to catch on, compared to history which you write down and people might read once.

  • @Blujixapug, hrm that is interesting. I do like that. Maybe even I could start some Grook Festival, where there are a gathering of Grook and those that love Grook, to hold Grook specific competitions, like performances of poetry and prose, combat, crafting, etc, with credits prices. Held every 3 in-game years.

    Outside of myself, it would be kinda cool.

    I do like the idea you suggested. It's something I can come up with and play with, without IRE breaking or someone that knows more about history and lore telling me I'm full of it because of x, y, and z.
  • As Blujixapug said, culture is better to focus on than history.
    If YOUR cultural background is different from another grooks, then that's understandable because just like how humans have different cultures and societies, grooks can too.
    The only thing that needs to remain consistent between grooks' origination tales is that being highly intelligent and amphibious should be taken into account.
    I would seriously doubt any Grook that told me his ancestry lived as desert nomads in sandstone caves for centuries.
    As a side note, this also has to be more or less consistent within your bloodline to maintain logical continuity.
  • I'll have to come up with an interesting way to figure out Drauka's culture is, because he has no memory of his life up until recently. He went to Mhaldor due to finding books in a library (in a house he found out was his) that spoke of Mhaldor and prayers and sermons there, even one he apparently made in the past.

    Drauka, as I see it anyways, was looking for history of his kind to find out more about himself. In that way he also doesn't really know much about his culture either. Will be interesting. I'll need to get creative, maybe he can seek out other Grook in-game and learn from them.

    Since the game really is racist, it's just how it seems to be, at least much of it is hard-coded that way anyways. So, thinking his "own people" being Grooks (outside of his House of study and mind/body/spirit development there and in Mhaldor) may shed some light on who he is may be interesting.

    I have no desire to be a special snowflake or be so crazy different it's nuts. Just a "mini-game" and exploring character development avenues.

    I sorta am playing him now as almost a child, willingly going along with most things thrown at him and scared of the unknown still. He accepts being of service and helping if he can. He really doesn't have much of a foundation as he can't remember anything about himself or his past, so he is forming himself in Mhaldor and the House.

     Drauka is nothing of any importance and I'm certainly not a player of any greatness or ability, but this is the game now for me. Like a choose-your-own-adventure book.
  • I don't know why, but I think the plural of Grook should be Grook, not Grooks, like sheep. Not that I'm saying Grook are like sheep, that would be silly, you can't knit grook hair...
    Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence."
    Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
    Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
  • The real question is, what do you call a group of Grooks? (pride of lions, murder of crows, flock of geese, etc)

    Answer: A flubbergustaliabar. Try spelling that after a few dozen pints of mead.
  • One grook, two greek.
  • There is a fable regarding the origin of the Grook, reportedly discovered by Bwoomp and held by the Council of Ulangi clan. Seek us out if you wish to share in this knowledge, but bear in mind that it is considered just a fable and the specifics of how Bwoomp came to possess this knowledge is not known to me.

  • Ognog said:
    There is a fable regarding the origin of the Grook, reportedly discovered by Bwoomp and held by the Council of Ulangi clan. Seek us out if you wish to share in this knowledge, but bear in mind that it is considered just a fable and the specifics of how Bwoomp came to possess this knowledge is not known to me.
    Oh, I assumed the clan was a dead clan due to all the names listed and only 25 active members. Good to know it's not dead!
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