Mudlet 3.5.0 - new website, toggle search, copy/paste triggers and aliases

It's autumn, we're back from summer vacation and have been adding more features into Mudlet for you!

New website!

Completely redesigned, is now a brand new website. As we'd love for more people to get into MUD gaming, having a modern website is a necessary foundation for that. Go check it out, we'd love to hear your feedback. Big thanks to itsTheFae and vadi2 for the work!

Copy/paste aliases/triggers/etc

You can now duplicate in your own profile, or across profiles, with copy/paste as you'd expect to:

Credits to dicene and vadi2 for making this happen!

Toggle search buttons with Alt+L

With the toolbar enabled:

You can now use Alt+L or Toolbox > Compact input line:

Deregister events

You can now deregister event handlers created with registerAnonymousEventHandler() using killAnonymousEventHandler() - or even just register temporary event handlers that expire after matching a certain condition. Big thanks to keneanung for adding this feature!

Use functions & lambdas more

registerAnonymousEventHandler(), tempTrigger(), tempColorTrigger(), tempLineTrigger(), tempComplexRegexTrigger(), tempRegexTrigger(), tempBeginOfLineTrigger(), and tempExactMatchTrigger() now all can accept Lua functions in addition to code in [[]]'s after the efforts of keneanung and vadi2. Compare the target highlight trigger how you had to write before:

Mudlet target trigger using

With how you can write it now:

Mudlet target trigger using function

For a start, you don't have to get lost in the sea of [[]]'s and syntax highlighting works fine. You can also pass the function name as-is:

registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Char.Items.Update", inventoryUpdate)

This is handy in a whole lot of cases - you no longer have you expose your internal functions publicly if you'd like them to trigger on something; this advanced example is now possible:

local name = "Bob"
local function example()
  print("Name variable is: "
tempTrigger("some text", example)

Having the local keyword in here was not something previously possible.

Search crash fixed

A pretty seldom one, but one that would happen nonetheless - Mudlet could crash when you searched for something in the buffer. This one was pretty hard to track down, but we believe we've found it - so if you've ever had it happen, upgrade!

Double prompt logging fixed

Built-in logging would be logging the prompt twice - that's been fixed now, and logging works as expected.

Editor bug notifications

When you had a bug in your code, fixed it, and saved - the notification wouldn't always go away. The bug in the code bugs notification has been squashed! Thanks to vadi2 for digging into this, logging, and the search crash.

Windows preview builds

A lot of work goes behind the scenes to make Mudlet better. Thanks to keneanung's efforts, we now can do preview builds for Windows in addition to the existing macOS and Linux builds. Helping us test new features is one way you could help Mudlet improve and now you can test from any computer!

We could use your help

Have you been using Mudlet for a while? We could use your help in several areas.

macOS users! We have to pay money rid of this thing:

Windows requires similar:

We don't charge for Mudlet, so you can see an obvious problem there - a code signing certificate over a hundred bucks a year. Help us out, visit the contributing page.

Code-wise, Mudlet is participating in Hacktoberfest - help contribute to the open project and get a limited edition T-shirt!

We're also looking at revamping our Windows installer so it's not a series of "next next next" buttons to be as streamlined as possible - as part of this, we're looking for an install animation to play while things are getting setup. If you've got skills this area, help us out!


  • addedWindows preview builds
  • added ability to toggle search buttons with Alt+L
  • added ability to use functions and lambdas for tempTrigger(), tempColorTrigger(), tempLineTrigger(), tempComplexRegexTrigger(), tempRegexTrigger(), tempBeginOfLineTrigger(), and tempExactMatchTrigger()
  • added killAnonymousEventHandler()
  • enabled copy/paste of aliases/triggers/etc
  • fixed "Copy map to other profile(s)" crashing
  • fixed bad code notifications to go away when you save with Ctrl+S
  • fixed crash that could happen if you deleted a trigger/alias/etc and then tried to view in Preferences > code preview
  • fixed expandAlias("command", nil) to work
  • fixed logging not to log the prompt twice
  • fixed Mudlet crashing sometimes (pretty seldomly) when you used the search
  • fixed mudlet-lua shortcut to be a proper shortcut on Windows
  • fixed small inconsistency in error message display between the error view and main display
  • fixed windows link to work
  • improved event names, trigger/alias/etc to now be trimmed of spaces when saving
  • improved Mudlet icon resolution on Ubuntu
  • improved: registerAnonymousEventHandler now allows you to register functions and lambdas
  • new mudlet website!
  • added object names to buttons on the toolbar so setAppStyleSheet() can target them
  • enabled Ctrl+Insert, Shift+Insert shotcuts in the code editor


Big thanks to dicene, gilmoa, keneanung, mehakun, SlySven, itsTheFae, and vadi2 for making this release happen!


  • Vadimuses said:

    Copy/paste aliases/triggers/etc

    You can now duplicate in your own profile, or across profiles, with copy/paste as you'd expect to:

    I'm sold.
  • Yeah, that might be the thing that makes me finally upgrade from 2.1.
  • That's my sentiment exactly, Antonius. 2.1 has been good to me.
  • Vadimuses said:

    Copy/paste aliases/triggers/etc

    You can now duplicate in your own profile, or across profiles, with copy/paste as you'd expect to:

    You had me at copy paste...  <3<3<3<3
  • Just fyi, the macOS "mudlet can't be identified..." message is really is to get rid of. If you simply right click the application and select "open", it'll give you the option to allow it to be opened, or to deny access - obviously, you want to click to allow it. Once you do this once, you should never have to do it again for any particular app.

  • Yep, that's how people use it now... but you've gotta admit anyone new to Mudlet will have second thoughts
  • edited October 2017
    This is probably a very minor, not often seen issue that applies to anyone using two different-sized monitors running at different resolutions, but if you frequently switch from monitor to monitor depending on the applications you're running, changing the Mudlet's startup properties to run in compatibility mode for Windows 7 seems to fix any scaling issues you might have.

    Time to upgrade, yay!

  • @Vadimuses
    Any idea why this pops up?

      "<font color=white>Mezghar<br>",
      "<font color=white>Vender<br>",
      "<font color=white>Nuala<br>",
      "<font color=white>Talamond<br>",
      "<font color=white>Mathilda<br>",
      "<font color=white>Xaden<br>",
      "<font color=white>Achilles<br>",
      "<font color=white>Issam<br>"
    Issam, riding a massive war beetle, appears, a look of love in his eyes.

    Pops up for any Targossian, using svof's nameDB highlighter. Didn't put those lines in 2.1, has them in 3.5. I have Targ set to "turquoise", and happens for any enter/exit of targossians.
  • It's not realted to nameDB, I can tell you that. Either looks like somebody's debug code or MXP.
  • Hrm, okay. I'll look more into my system, then. Just struck me as odd that it started with the 3.5 update. Thanks though!
  • Is selecting text/code in the new mudlet overly sensitive (scrolls too fast) for anyone else? Minor annoyance but otherwise liking everything else.
    spread positivity
  • The website looks great! I love Mudlet! 

    Thank you so much for all your hard work. Donated!
  • Quick question about Mudlet in general:

    I noticed that one of my profiles has 12GB worth of stuff in the 'current' folder. Is that stuff essential? Or is it just the loaded 'profile history' in the connect screen?

  • Pretty much the profile and map histories. You should be able to use "delete old profiles" and "delete old maps" as aliases to remove the bulk of the data.
  • The current folder is old versions of your profile. The map (maps?) folder is the old versions of the map. The aliases Keneanung mentioned do the majority, but do keep more than you might necessarily want or need. I usually just go in and delete most of the old files directly to free up space.
  • You can optionally specify the number of days you want to retain (default is 31 IIRC) with "delete <whatever> 10" for 10 days of retained backups.
  • Also, pro tip: never copy a mudlet profile without running the delete old profiles. I did that and it took over an hour and a half to copy.
  • Keneanung said:
    You can optionally specify the number of days you want to retain (default is 31 IIRC) with "delete <whatever> 10" for 10 days of retained backups.
    Doesn't it also keep one per previous month, regardless of the number of days specified? That's why I just go in and delete everything except for the most recent few; I don't need stuff from two months ago.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Antonius said:
    Doesn't it also keep one per previous month, regardless of the number of days specified? That's why I just go in and delete everything except for the most recent few; I don't need stuff from two months ago.
    Yes, but a single map/profile for each month shouldn't be too bad, unless youve just got an obscene number of scripts you dont need.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Yeah I'd like to see this alias ran automatically to prevent growing folders, I think that's a good idea.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Anything similar for modules?

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Ahmet said:
    Yes, but a single map/profile for each month shouldn't be too bad, unless youve just got an obscene number of scripts you dont need.
    What about an obscene number of scripts I do need?

    What's an obscene number? I have a lot of scripts, but I don't actually know how it compares to other players.
  • The delete old profiles script needs to be extended for modules. It's all in Lua in there if you can give it a go.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Ooer, just found it. Will take a look and see what I can do. I use modules for a lot of things now, so would be good to automatically clean them up.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Nice. If you get it to do what it should do, go here after, log in, and click the edit button to get it into mudlet:

  • edited November 2017
    So far I like it but it crashes HORD on moving windows (always used OpenWindow). So now I need to rewrite them all w Geyser which I never used. 

    Will it allow resizing windows? Sometimes Im on dual 19" at work and sometimes dual 29". Then laptop 17"

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