Another Mudlet GUI Thread

I've seen quite a few Mudlet GUI threads. I'm not to keen on coding yet. I'll get around to it maybe. However, has anyone created a GUI for Mudlet that matches the Nexus's GUI? If so, can you share? Everyone keeps telling me I should switch to mudlet but I really like the UI for the Nexus client. I've tried looking through the GUI threads and found a couple of GUI packages that have been shared, but they all seem to miss one thing or another.


  • I'm running into the same thing. Might actually get off my lazy butt and make one. Will be something new in the down time between commission work. I'll let you know if I come up with anything comparable.

    ~Allysia Diamondheart, the Budding Designer

    Tailor, Jeweller, Architect, Tattoo Artist, and Runewarden

  • Yeah ok, I am really close to just giving up, my head is a pounding. I tried building from scratch, that hurt my brain and screwed with things. Then I tried modifying Zhula's free system, still messing around with that. If there is anything on the list below that you don't truly care about and could live without, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on that. The less I have to tinker with the easier it will be. I apologize in advance for the crazy long posting here.


    What I see on the Nexus Version and If I can or have gotten it to work on Mudlet:


    1.) Clickable Map

            - This seems to only be achievable if you use Mudlet 2.1, something about Mudlet 3.0 is broken for it. The link for Mudlet 2.1 on the Mudlet site is also broken. Luckily a friend had a copy. I need to find the syntax to get it to zoom again though, that part seems to not work with my mouse wheel. One thing I've noticed is that yes it has a sea map but not a wilderness map, very odd, will take some looking into.


    2.) Character Limb Damage Tracker

            - I see many versions and I will eventually get around to finding one that works.

    3.) Lighting up figures for key Tattoos and Skills.

            - I feel like this could be a highly customizable thing for different classes, looks feasible because of GMCP's tracking. Will attempt later.

    4.) Tracking for Bleeding, Rage, Afflictions and Defenses

            - I've seen some pieces here and there but haven't put them in just yet to test.

    5.) Clickable Skills Tab

           - I feel like this could be fairly simple, just need to figure out the correct code to use to make it send "ab <skill you clicked>"

    6.) Inventory Tab

           - Fairly simple, except when things like corpses decay, I think one layer of container is possible for looking into because you can probably just have it were you click on the container and it grabs a "probe <container>" and gags it on the main window so that the information only pops up in the side window. Container's here meaning: pack, pouch, letter, ect.


    7.) Balance and Equilibrium Tracker

           - This has already been achieved in Zhula's free GUI

    8.) Health, Mana, Endurance, and Willpower Tracking Bars

           - The first two are already on Zhula's free GUI, I've been messing around with it and GMCP code and I finally got the Endurance and Willpower bars up, I've no idea how to change the color because all the links I have tried to get to lists have been broken. So I just reused the health and mana bar colors for now. Also when I go to resize the screen, the new bars don't keep equal distance between them like the first two do. If anyone knows what I did wrong here please chime in. See picture(s) below to see what I mean about resizing the screen.

    9.) F1-F7 clickable buttons that also trigger via the F1-F7 buttons on your keyboard

           - This seems straight forward and could be highly customized, I don't really see the need for the numerous amount of target capture buttons Zhula has on his free GUI so I could catabolize some and change them to be customizable.

    10.) Character Avatar

           - Could just insert a container that you can customize what picture by using an alias setup to grab new ones. However you will have to save your intended picture(s) in a place you can easily get to, unless you want a line of code 3 miles long.


    11.) Level and Gold in possession

           - Already built into Zhula's free GUI, it just sits at the top instead of the bottom.

    12.) Current Target listing

           - This is already built into Zhula's GUI, in fact it tracks the last several targets with easy clickable buttons, and with an added script, a simple alias created so that you just have to type the <any number 1-10> and enter to reset the current target to what ever was listed on that corresponding box and shifting everything over as you do. See pictures under # 8 for visuals.

    13.) Gold in back, Ping Time and News button

           - I feel like the only thing worth while might be the gold in back, and that COULD be easy to track, I'm not sure yet.


    14.) Room Info

           - I've seen trackers for this, just haven't gotten around to trying to put them in yet.

    15.) Who's Online

           - I really have no idea how to easily pull this off, especially the additional layers of click sorting into cities and clans, on top of the clickable honours after you click on their name.


    16.) Tasks tracker

           - This may be fairly simple but at the same time difficult, defiantly will take some looking into.

    17.) Chat window

           - There is one already with fairly customizable tabs, one problem I have noticed is that it only captures the first line of anything said,  no matter what way it comes through. See picture below for a visual of what I mean. Yes I removed things people don't need to see for this problem, this is not the whole GUI.

    18.) Quests tracker

           - Like Tasks tracker, but might not be impossible.


    Some things that are not on the Nexus version but are on the GUI I'm tweeking:

    19.) Clickable Rage Trackers that Fire at the Current Target

           - These were already in Zhula's, I just need to insert the trigger to capture dragon change, sadly I am not quite high enough in level to achieve this on my own yet, so if anyone could post the line for different dragon changes that would be great. I also saw something about using the GMCP's character stats tracker to see when it is dragon, but I have not figured that part out just yet. I have it set to Runewarden Rage Attacks.

    20.) Top bar listings: Race, Class, Unbound Credits, Bound Credits

           - I like these and will be keeping them just as they are.

    21.) Elixlist in top left corner

           - Considering the rift now holds backup elixers, refilling when needed and telling you the total you have left over when it does, there isn't much need for this. Maybe a smaller window to track any prompts Achaea sends through, otherwise it could be used for other things.

    22.) Action tracker on middle right

           - Again I don't really see the need for this either, but then I'm not a fighter so I'm not sure if it comes in handy for PVP.


    Finally the end!

    And yes, before you ask, I have messaged Zhula on these forums asking if he still makes custom GUI's and he has not responded. Someone told me that he may have been shrubbed, I don't know. I've just been trying to piece together bits I find here and there. My main problem is that for some reason I can't get svof to install properly. Something about zip files on my computer just don't play nice with Mudlet 2.1 and 3.0.

    Now that everything has been laid out if anyone would care to chime in on how to more easily go about working these things into Zhula'a free GUI setup that would be wonderful, please reference the item # for easier tracking. Thank you!

    And please dumb it down for me, this is really my first attempt at anything more complicated than a simple ratting counter setup.

    ~Allysia Diamondheart, the Budding Designer

    Tailor, Jeweller, Architect, Tattoo Artist, and Runewarden

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    The rage tracker in Zulah's GUI is based on mine, link in my sig. Includes all the stuff you would need

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • edited May 2016
    Klendathu said:
    The rage tracker in Zulah's GUI is based on mine, link in my sig. Includes all the stuff you would need

    Just one problem, my Mudlet is being retarded or something because with some zip files won't let me install them, it acts like it does, with a  little window that pops up for all of 2 seconds but then disappears and nothing is added to the Package list and/or Trigger/Aliases/Scripts/Buttons... Yes GMCP is turned on, Yes I am going through the Package Manager, I have no idea why it is being this way....

    ~Allysia Diamondheart, the Budding Designer

    Tailor, Jeweller, Architect, Tattoo Artist, and Runewarden

  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Allysia said:

    Just one problem, my Mudlet is being retarded or something because with some zip files won't let me install them, it acts like it does, with a  little window that pops up for all of 2 seconds but then disappears and nothing is added to the Package list and/or Trigger/Aliases/Scripts/Buttons... Yes GMCP is turned on, Yes I am going through the Package Manager, I have no idea why it is being this way....

    Check your Antivirus type stuff
  • edited May 2016
    Austere said:
    Check your Antivirus type stuff

    Nothing seems to be blocking it, I have all antivirus set to warn me if it tries and nothing ever pops up.

    ~Allysia Diamondheart, the Budding Designer

    Tailor, Jeweller, Architect, Tattoo Artist, and Runewarden

  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Allysia said:

    Nothing seems to be blocking it, I have all antivirus set to warn me if it tries and nothing ever pops up.

    @Jadys had the same issue and it was Antivirus doing it. No clue what program she uses, but it never gave any notification.  Could be entirely wrong but it's worth trying to disable it for thirty seconds. 
  • Austere said:
    @Jadys had the same issue and it was Antivirus doing it. No clue what program she uses, but it never gave any notification.  Could be entirely wrong but it's worth trying to disable it for thirty seconds. 
    My antivirus didn't warn me either. What I have to do is right click the zip file and click on properties. There is a place under the General tab that says Security "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer." There is a box next to it to check to unblock it. After I do that, I disable my firewall just long enough to import the package into mudlet. It's a pain, but it's the only way I can get the files imported. 
  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    I love this community. 

  • edited May 2016
    Jadys said:
    My antivirus didn't warn me either. What I have to do is right click the zip file and click on properties. There is a place under the General tab that says Security "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer." There is a box next to it to check to unblock it. After I do that, I disable my firewall just long enough to import the package into mudlet. It's a pain, but it's the only way I can get the files imported. 

    I LOVE YOU ALL! Finally it works! Now I have Svof and so many more things to play with now!

    I have asked someone to design a personal GUI for me but I will still work on this one, just because now I want to see if I can really do it.

    ~Allysia Diamondheart, the Budding Designer

    Tailor, Jeweller, Architect, Tattoo Artist, and Runewarden

  • edited May 2016


    17.)  Removed Zhula's chat box, replaced it with one I got from Qwindor.

        - It seems to work better and is fully written in GMCP.

    8.)  Moved the Equilibrium and Willpower bars beneath the health and mana bars.

        - Still need to change the colors on them, when I figure out how.

    11 & 20.)  Moved the Score box

        - Yes I blacked out my alt's name, otherwise it would show up in Cyan just above Level.

    12.)  Modified the Target Box

        - Shortened the Target list to 7 total.

        - Didn't see the need for that many and it has opened it up to put other things below it. Maybe light up sections for tattoos, not sure yet.

    21 & 22.)  Elix and Action Boxes

        - Removed the Elix one to make room for my moving the score box

        - Disabled the Action Box for now.

        - Working on getting things over on the left side.

    That is all for now!

    ~Allysia Diamondheart, the Budding Designer

    Tailor, Jeweller, Architect, Tattoo Artist, and Runewarden

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