The ongoing Yggdrasil event



  • ...and kinda hot.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Hmm. I understand that the rats will chase you all over the tree, but it seems after they've chased someone to whatever destination, they'll remain there. Ive found rats as far as inside the emissary. Is that part of the design where they dont walk back or?

    I tend to find them clustered together  because of this reason.
  • I just wished the OP had chosen a different title for this thread. Every single time I click it.
    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

  • Asmodron said:
    Hmm. I understand that the rats will chase you all over the tree, but it seems after they've chased someone to whatever destination, they'll remain there. Ive found rats as far as inside the emissary. Is that part of the design where they dont walk back or?

    I tend to find them clustered together  because of this reason.
    The rats should be confined to their individual tiers and each tier has a cadre of rats. So bottom level rats won't chase you all the way to the Embassy ruins, nor will the higher tier rats chase you all the way down to the Achaea flame connection. 

    That said: they are tenacious, so if they chase you to a destination they will remain for a while before returning to their posts. This should be similarly to how any other chasing denizen operates. If there appears to be anything strange - and by strange I mean things that other denizens that chase don't do - please bug it and I'll take a look!
    "If you build it, they will come."
  • Tysandr said:
    I just wished the OP had chosen a different title for this thread. Every single time I click it.
  • Keorin said:
    As a small note (I really do like the event overall), I'm getting a bit tired of the plot of so many of these events seemingly including "Adventurers rush to the scene, try to help, but just play into the villain's plans." 

    I'd guess this is so players can be included earlier in things, and so it's not just villainous groups doing stuff in the background, but between this event, and the Black Wave starting on a similar beat, it's starting to feel like a repeated thing. This gets kinda frustrating, at least to me, because it feels like being punished for trying to participate or move things along, and it gets to the point where it's hard to conclude ICly that you -should- be helping, because it went so great the last few times.

    I'm all for twists or making choices that backfire, but it's a pain when that choice is to participate or not participate, because you can't tell if there even are other directions that things could be pursued. With this core gathering, for instance, it's impossible to really work out what the Emissarys' motivations are (supposedly one of them talked about the prime not being worthy for burning until the conduit is repaired), and impossible to tell if there are any other story directions for things to go in other then helping the emissaries, so it makes it hard to really get excited about participating, ICly or OOCly, at least for me.

  • Sarapis said:
    Tysandr said:
    I just wished the OP had chosen a different title for this thread. Every single time I click it.
    Sarapis fixed 


    something big

  • Ictinus said:
    Asmodron said:
    Hmm. I understand that the rats will chase you all over the tree, but it seems after they've chased someone to whatever destination, they'll remain there. Ive found rats as far as inside the emissary. Is that part of the design where they dont walk back or?

    I tend to find them clustered together  because of this reason.
    The rats should be confined to their individual tiers and each tier has a cadre of rats. So bottom level rats won't chase you all the way to the Embassy ruins, nor will the higher tier rats chase you all the way down to the Achaea flame connection. 

    That said: they are tenacious, so if they chase you to a destination they will remain for a while before returning to their posts. This should be similarly to how any other chasing denizen operates. If there appears to be anything strange - and by strange I mean things that other denizens that chase don't do - please bug it and I'll take a look!

    Ah, so many rats that I assumed they were the same.

    Thank you for the response!
  • Can we make org-owned clans work through planes? They're not any less IC than ct/ht
  • Tells 100% should be, what is the point of seeing someone on QW if you have to communicate directly to them through massages?
  • edited December 2017
    I realized the other day that off plane communication, at least in Order chat, was not recorded in history.  It looked like a one sided conversation.
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Torinn said:
    I realized the other day that off plane communication, at least in Order chat, was not recorded in history.  It looked like a one sided conversation.
    Also the herald can't be heard either.
  • edited December 2017
    Herald should definitely be heard, imo. I like the idea of clans working across the boundary, but I do understand admins desire to contain it to IC communication only. That being said, I dislike the idea that you can see people on QW but not send tells to them. Really should be able to use tells, imo. Sometimes you want to communicate with someone away from a public IC channel, and messages don't really do the trick in these situations.

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Market too.
    Huh. Neat.
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    To me it feels very artificial that CT and OT and everything else works but normal tells for some reason don't. 

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Honestly, I really just want tells. Thats all. I can live without clans, but I hate seeing someone on QW/CWHO and then being unable to actually talk to them.

  • Morthif said:
    Can we make all clans and tells work? Achaea is a shrinking community and cutting communication to large and exciting new areas just feels blah. 
    This. The game in world is significantly bigger now but with all the islands and planes it's now -too- big to cut off communication, especially in the tree.

    I play this for the social aspect too, so coming back from the tree yesterday to find I'd missed a conversation on a house ooc channel was annoying. I know of course IC communication should take priority and be encouraged but please stop finding ways to isolate me if I want be off plane exploring 

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Using messages instead of tells seems like such a small thing, to me. I can understand clans, given that they're often used for important IC purposes, but I like that there's a bit of a mechanical difference still between someone standing on the same spot as you, and standing on a different planet on a different plane.
  • Communication ret? @Tesha just jumped for joy.
  • It is a very fine balance, deciding to expand an already large roombase against a small playerbase. It is the one general thing I take issue with the IRE model across several games. The focus on 'making new areas' may have proven a successful retention model in the past; it is probably harder to make that assumption these days.

    When core interactions happen in very small snippets of gameplay (both geographically and temporally), it becomes increasingly important to keep people essentially a touch away from the action.

    A bold move introducing more planes and compounding geographical separation. The writing appears to be first-class and I hope the gamble falls favorably for Achaea.
    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

  • You put a swelling orb of water into a granite altar.
    The sound of rippling water and crashing waves echoes in your ears as a spray of crystalline droplets coalesces from the
    air, spattering across the altar.

  • Out of curiosity (if @Makarios or @Nicola can say), how long is this event expected to last? Will it wrap up before Christmas, or continue on beyond the first of the year? Or is this mostly dependent on how fast we (the playerbase) can move the plot forward?

  • There's a timeframe involved and also some playerbase stuff, at this point it's in player hands, so we don't have a specific plot, it's based on ingenuity and ideas.
  • But linear!

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Guess who's back (back back)
    Back again (ain, ain)
    Vastar's back (back back)
    Tell a friend
    Huh. Neat.
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