Seafaring SPP Changes

edited June 2016 in North of Thera
First time poster, long time reader.

I awoke today, to see the SPP changes to seafaring, having finally decided and spent my last SPPs last month.
I found a piece of info posted here years ago that I found very helpful in deciding how to spend my SPPs and I have adapted it to include the new changes.

Some of you may be familiar with this OLD chart:

SPPs | Ability         |SPPs | Ability           |SPPs | Ability
=== Deckhand ===       |=== Weapons ===          |=== Command ===
  1  | Cooking         |  1  | Fireweapon        |  1  | Command
     | Mast            |     | Status            |    ---
    ---                |    ---                  |  3  | Keelhaul
  3  | Sail Maintenance|  3  | Grappling         |     | Fleetsense
    ---                |     | Weapon Maintenance|    ---
  6  | Hull Maintenance|    ---                  |  6  | Commscreen
    ---                |  6  | Weapon Aiming     |     | Shipmeld
  10 | Sounding        |    ---                  |     | Sailsgird
     | Salvage Ops     | 10  | Weapon Enhancement|     | Hullgird
    ---                |    ---                  |    ---
  15 | Force Boarding  | 15  | Ammo Enhancement  | 10  | Rainstorm
                       |                         |     | Windboost
=== Helm ===           |=== Watch ===            |     | Etch
  1  | Helm            |  1  | Mast              |    ---
    ---                |    ---                  | 15  | Shield
  3  | Sighting        |  3  | Bearings          |     | Wavescythe
     | Steadygoing     |    ---                  |____________________
    ---                |  6  | Spyglass          |   __       __
  6  | Stationhold     |     | Shipscan          |  / <`     '>
    ---                |    ---                  | (  / @   @   )
 10  | Evasives        | 10  | Shipmeld          |  (_ __/_ _)/
     | Bearings        |     | Shipcloak         |( `-/     -' /)
     | Mapscribe       |     | ShipWarning       | "===     /==="
     | Jink            |    ---                  |  .==')___(`==.
    ---                | 15  | Wavecall          | ' .='     `=.
  15 | Shipmeld        |     | Barrier           |
     | Whirlpool       |     | Anticipate        |   by Anaidiana
     | Emergencies     |_________________________|  Stolen from MG

With the New changes announced in ANNOUNCE NEWS #4568
I adapted that chart to this in order to be a useful reference tool as well as show a quick comparison of the SPPs . They've moved around.

R|SPPs | Ability           |R|SPPs | Ability               |R|SPPs | Ability
=== Helm     ===           |=== Weapons ===                |=== Command ===
1|  1  | Crew Morale bon.  |1|  1  | Aiming effect incr    |1| 1  | Cost reduct. speed spells
 |     |     +xp           | |     |                       |--------
--------                   |--------                       |2| 3  | Fleetsense
2|  3  | Shipstate         |2|  3  | Ammo Enhancement      | |    | 
--------                   | |     |                       |--------
3|  6  | Smart Orders      |--------                       |3| 6  | Keelhaul
--------                   |3|  6  | Weapon Enhancement    | |    | 
4|  10 | Avoidance         |--------                       | |    | 
 |     |                   |4|  10 | Grappling             | |    |
--------                   |--------                       |--------
5|  15 | Aura Max+rowsped  |5| 15  | Aura max+leaking      |4| 10 | Commscreen
 |                         |       | on attacked ships     | |    | 
=== Deckhand ===           |=== Watch ===                  | |    |
1|  1  | Repair chance +   |1|  1  | Bal. Cost Reduct.     |--------
--------                   |--------                       |5| 15 | Aura max level (whem melded)
2|  3  | Salvage Ops       |2|  3  | Spyglass              | |    | +cast spells while unmelded at 1.5x
 |     |                   |--------   ---                 |____________________
--------                   |3|  6  | Anticipate            |  
3|  6  | Cook for stores   |--------                       | 
--------                   |4| 10  | Shipwho               |
4|  10 | Plundering        |       |            |
 |                         |--------            |
--------                   |5| 15  | Aura max+reduce       | 
5|  15 | Aura max+         | |     | chop move penalty     |
 |     | chance of crew    | |     |                       |   by Rane 06/08/2016
 |     | putting out fire  |______________________________|  adapted from Anaidiana

hopefully you'll find that helpful. I do.


  • Very insightful! Thank you for taking the time! 
  • Cleaned the chart up a bit. It was a bit too hard to read for me.

    R|SPPs | Ability           |R|SPPs | Ability               |R|SPPs | Ability
    === Helm     ===           |=== Weapons ===                |=== Command ===
    1|  1  | Crew Morale bon.  |1|  1  | Aiming effect incr    |1| 1  | Cost reduct. speed spells
     |     |     +xp           | |     |                       |--------
    --------                   |--------                       |2| 3  | Fleetsense
    2|  3  | Shipstate         |2|  3  | Ammo Enhancement      | |    | 
    --------                   | |     |                       |--------
    3|  6  | Smart Orders      |--------                       |3| 6  | Keelhaul
    --------                   |3|  6  | Weapon Enhancement    | |    | 
    4|  10 | Avoidance         |--------                       | |    | 
     |     |                   |4|  10 | Grappling             | |    |
    --------                   |--------                       |--------
    5|  15 | Aura Max+rowsped  |5| 15  | Aura max+leaking      |4| 10 | Commscreen
     |                         |       | on attacked ships     | |    | 
    === Deckhand ===           |=== Watch ===                  | |    |
    1|  1  | Repair chance +   |1|  1  | Bal. Cost Reduct.     |--------
    --------                   |--------                       |5| 15 | Aura max level (whem melded)
    2|  3  | Salvage Ops       |2|  3  | Spyglass              | |    | +cast spells while unmelded at 1.5x
     |     |                   |--------   ---                 |____________________
    --------                   |3|  6  | Anticipate            |  
    3|  6  | Cook for stores   |--------                       | 
    --------                   |4| 10  | Shipwho               |
    4|  10 | Plundering        |       |                       |
     |                         |--------                       |
    --------                   |5| 15  | Aura max+reduce       | 
    5|  15 | Aura max+         | |     | chop move penalty     |
     |     | chance of crew    | |     |                       |   by Rane 06/08/2016
     |     | putting out fire  |_______________________________|  adapted from Anaidiana
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    That's great, thanks for sharing (and making it more legible).

  • thanks for that Jacero, it looked great in my notepad++ but not so great on screen.  Much appreciated
  • Soooo now that we cant forceboard and we can only loot via swashies whats to prevent victim captains from quick reflex emptying the strongbox and ammo before the plundering is done??? This seems silly now.

    Recommendation: once swashies start plundering those commands to withdraw these things are disabled. However we would still need to be able to load ammo. 
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Can't do anything with strongbox except when docked.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • HyperlithHyperlith San Fierro area, San Andreas
    Klendathu said:
    Can't do anything with strongbox except when docked.
    SOMEBODY read the announce post. :D 

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Hyperlith said:
    Klendathu said:
    Can't do anything with strongbox except when docked.
    SOMEBODY read the announce post. :D 
    So... what if you end up without enough gold to dock outside of harbour? :cold_sweat:

    Huh. Neat.
  • You can only withdraw from the strongbox when docked, you can still deposit into the strongbox whenever.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Nicola said:
    You can only withdraw from the strongbox when docked, you can still deposit into the strongbox whenever.
    Huh. Neat.
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