As far as Theft and friendship, I have met many people by robbing them. but you are right...Teamed to Hell! Ok ok, that is alright I don't mind as long as there is a reason for it.
-- I am generally a nice person and if people REALLY are broken over it I give them back their stuff...I returned a juicy 50k to an Ashtani AND I generally don't put gold in a container just so the city can kill me and I will drop it. (Like today, robbed 15k from an Ashtani and ((I counted 3)) Ashtani showed up to kill me and I dropped the gold.
For me it's about infamy level...I love being Near-Perm Infamous...
Thank you all, this has been informative...I am getting teamed for theft. Fair enough!
Shhhh :P
Brought a wry smile recently when the person who issued me mentioned on the forums how much they'd made from a recent theft themselves. You just learn to brush it off and not let it get to you.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Yeah, @Sobriquet, My name used to be Cobra...I feel my player name was stolen from me. I will probably never forgive the Garden for changing my name least your's is safe.
Now I have 2 warnings on my profile here so...I am trying to keep this "nice"...considering this is my own thread I feel somewhat safe...
I find that ganks are rare and tend to only happen when one party feels that the other party is dodging consequences. Speaking from casual experience, I've been tempted to gank @Rip simply because he robs my fellow citizens, but he's a veiled Serpent that is nigh impossible to track and, even when engaged, doesn't generally stick around for a fight. While I don't expect everyone to 1v1 me at NoT on demand, because of how difficult it is to make you feel the burn for thieving, you don't really give people any other choice but to gank you with numbers before you can run.
Just to provide a counterpoint, I don't think I've ever been honestly ganked, despite having at least a few dedicated enemies. I'd say it's probably because I will almost always duel you on request, or stick around and fight it out if jumped, so there's no need to gank me.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
People want a quick, nearly-guaranteed kill. The fact that you can run almost indefinitely from 1v1 without any real effort means that people are gonna jump the shit out of you so that you can't run.
Unless you're a class with a room hinder skill, like frozen ground, piety, tentacles, wildgrowth..
I increasingly question why these sorts of skills need to exist.
You're questioning why room hinder skills exist, or evasive skills?
@Aerek, I Rob EVERYONE I can find...that said, I would be glad to meet you at Nont...I don't often get the one on one duel, pay for follies moments, just ask me in game.
Death, Life are trivial points to me. I am not that great of a fighter anymore, I gave it up about 14 years ago but I would gladly have moment with a champion of your city.
"You don't really give people any other choice but to gank you with numbers before you can run."
^^ this is what I am talking about...before I can run...I phase up and rob the next city.
So my Veil is the issue than? I bought my veil at $400+ dollars to track a person named @Bonko...
Bonko? Didn't he get banned like.. over a year ago? Jesus, hadn't even heard that name in ages now
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
I guess it really comes down to whether they want to a) fight you or b) just want you dead. If it's just b) they're probably going to bring whatever they need to make it happen.
Let me try to actually answer your question rather than chastising you.
I think there are three things at work here:
People are still in the mindset of old theft where theft could be absurdly expensive. Someone could take all of your gold and priceless, irreplacable items, and you were at their mercy, hoping they might agree to give them back or whatever. A lot of the attitudes toward theft still haven't adjusted, which is why you see so many people talking about how you're making the game miserable for people by stealing from them, even though you're usually only able to steal something like a few minutes of their time and it's trivially easy to make yourself completely and totally immune to any kind of theft with no drawbacks at all.
People are much more protective of newbies than when I started playing, and much more vengeful if any even minor bad thing happens to newbies in their orgs. The addition of infamy and the removal of formal PK cause allowed more people to act on this desire for vengeance - whereas before the most you could do was give the novice gold to hire a champion because you didn't have cause, now you can just form a gank squad and roll out.
Gank squads and asymmetrical fighting became much more normalised after we saw a long period of really extreme stuff like that. They weren't the only ones doing it, but a group of Shallam players who decided that they were going to play fanatics who wanted to "win at any cost" (and damn the players behind the characters they targeted) spent a decent amount of time hunting anyone they had anything resembling justification for in 5v1 groups, frequently by pulling people into locked out-of-subdivision "kill room" houses (though these were dark days in general, involving unfun, way over-long raids and all sorts of other gross stuff - player restraint for the sake of fun has improved so much since then). It was not very fun and basically everyone said so, and I can't think of anyone around these days with that same toxic mindset, but I think the lasting impact is that less egregious teaming feels a lot less extreme now relative to those dark days.
People want a quick, nearly-guaranteed kill. The fact that you can run almost indefinitely from 1v1 without any real effort means that people are gonna jump the shit out of you so that you can't run.
Unless you're a class with a room hinder skill, like frozen ground, piety, tentacles, wildgrowth..
I increasingly question why these sorts of skills need to exist.
I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
Brought a wry smile recently when the person who issued me mentioned on the forums how much they'd made from a recent theft themselves. You just learn to brush it off and not let it get to you.
@Sobriquet, at least I don't steal names...
I just tell myself it's about infamy level and move on to the next city. Maybe there are not enough "targets"
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
E.g. everyone complained about it and everyone did it.
Kind of like city guards now.
edit: a big part of why it didn't happen -as often- was the common 10-20 people WHO list at a given time...
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Now I have 2 warnings on my profile here so...I am trying to keep this "nice"...considering this is my own thread I feel somewhat safe...
Just to provide a counterpoint, I don't think I've ever been honestly ganked, despite having at least a few dedicated enemies. I'd say it's probably because I will almost always duel you on request, or stick around and fight it out if jumped, so there's no need to gank me.
Death, Life are trivial points to me. I am not that great of a fighter anymore, I gave it up about 14 years ago but I would gladly have moment with a champion of your city.
"You don't really give people any other choice but to gank you with numbers before you can run."
^^ this is what I am talking about...before I can run...I phase up and rob the next city.
So my Veil is the issue than? I bought my veil at $400+ dollars to track a person named @Bonko...
Jesus, hadn't even heard that name in ages now
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
I think there are three things at work here: