Ahh, the good old days. I also remember the story about, I think it might have been Rocktamer and someone else Achaean Larping with rakes, belts and rubbish bin lids and breaking the window at his mother's house
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my hounds!
Krenim: Hounds? How cliche.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my rape gorilla!
Ahh, the good old days. I also remember the story about, I think it might have been Rocktamer and someone else Achaean Larping with rakes, belts and rubbish bin lids and breaking the window at his mother's house
Certainly! Makes hacking accounts that much easier!
Oh rubbish. Finding out if an account name exists on a site is trivial. This is a typical "security by the instruction manual" statement that adds no real security but just inconveniences people.
The only way it would be a problem is if it actually told you that the password you used is incorrect for that username, but correct for another username.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Certainly! Makes hacking accounts that much easier!
If you try a username and password combo and get "username or password is incorrect", you can try making a new account with the username you tried and see if it lets you make it. If it doesn't, it means the username is already in use, so you've confirmed it's a valid username.
The "either one or the other is incorrect" is a very silly, ineffective form of account protection.
EDIT: I should have scrolled down, @Arador beat me to it.
I once had a schoolmate (transfer student) who was named Jaime Jesus. I our language, it is uncannily ressemblant to J'aime Jésus, who would mean "I love Jesus". Poor boy
gdi right in the feels @Achimrst, CoH was one of the few good MMOs before they needlessly shut it down (while it still had a thriving community)
Apparently the WBC threatened to protest Robyn Williams' funeral. This is the response from one of our comedians
Quality British television (with Australian comics)
Yeah, that is what I was playing before I came to Achaea again :P
You're welcome.
I was just looking over 9gag and OMG I FOUND @Cain!!!
Ahh, the good old days. I also remember the story about, I think it might have been Rocktamer and someone else Achaean Larping with rakes, belts and rubbish bin lids and breaking the window at his mother's house
The most convoluted knock knock joke:
That was Cain and Xeno.
Ah. I knew it was one of them. So funny though.
Completely true, the Afrikaans part at least. I do not think the plural possessive of "ewe" is "ewer's"
Certainly! Makes hacking accounts that much easier!
Oh rubbish. Finding out if an account name exists on a site is trivial. This is a typical "security by the instruction manual" statement that adds no real security but just inconveniences people.
The only way it would be a problem is if it actually told you that the password you used is incorrect for that username, but correct for another username.
one of your texts, @ruth ?
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Grouper eats a 4 foot shark.
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That poor shark.
If you try a username and password combo and get "username or password is incorrect", you can try making a new account with the username you tried and see if it lets you make it. If it doesn't, it means the username is already in use, so you've confirmed it's a valid username.
The "either one or the other is incorrect" is a very silly, ineffective form of account protection.
EDIT: I should have scrolled down, @Arador beat me to it.
I once had a schoolmate (transfer student) who was named Jaime Jesus. I our language, it is uncannily ressemblant to J'aime Jésus, who would mean "I love Jesus". Poor boy