


  • Normal denizens still give the wear-off messages after the affliction is consumed.
  • JamethielJamethiel Adelaide
    Disclaimer: I'm an IG walking artefact lvl 106 dragon in mage form. I've found that it's about equal to before if one concentrates in bashing; if you don't you'll either die or bashing is stupidly slow.

    Seriously - without using the battle rage abilities hunting red scorpions can make me wonder if they're immortal again.

    This might discourafecne from bashing as much or it might reduce my interaction but it's definitely different to before. 
  • I feel differently, in group you build up rage much faster, and the rotation changes. Yes for solo just its two more abilities and if you don't do that 'build up to X rage and then use battlerage' you will soon find a suiting rotation that let's you use your battlerage right as they come off Cooldown. In group you will just have more rage to spend on procing those afflictions if you don't want the affliction. From my experience most people will have the affliction line triggered to PT the affliction, so coordination just takes a bit to figure out the piece of the rage increase accordingly to others afflictions.

    I highly suggest everyone spamming the damage battlerage abilities on their default attack alias/button to stop doing that. 
    Bashing, even solo, changed a lot for me.

    And, just because 2 is not enough, After the increased battlerage decay span, I feel it's too long, again, if you are building huge amounts of rage, you are doing something wrong. I think I would like to have that reduced, but rage won't fully reset, just fade away at a decent rate

  • Agree with Aerek
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    12 second decay time to from wherever to zero seems overly punitive. If you're unlucky with timings, you can hit shield / be webbed / transfixed by two or more denizens for over 12 seconds, despite best efforts, especially in dragonform. Couple that with the balance / eq recovery time for dragon bashing and then time to move to new location with new target, and it's damned difficult to keep any rage.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • edited May 2015
    Klendathu said:
    12 second decay time to from wherever to zero seems overly punitive. If you're unlucky with timings, you can hit shield / be webbed / transfixed by two or more denizens for over 12 seconds, despite best efforts, especially in dragonform. Couple that with the balance / eq recovery time for dragon bashing and then time to move to new location with new target, and it's damned difficult to keep any rage.
    If you are with anyone else, their attacks will maintain your rage and avoid this issue unless everyone gets held down for 12s.
  • Aerek said:

     I'm impressed how quickly it came together. I know tweaks are coming, I just wanted to throw some fodder into the think tank while it's still in its infancy.
    Quickly? We've been working on it since last fall!
  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    I love how the battlerage stuff adds a certain layer of mainstream MMO bashing to Achaea, especially how everyone is creating GUIs with action bars for Mudlet, and the HTML5 client including them. Anything that adds a little modern flavour to Achaea while retaining its old-school MUD feel is a huge plus to me.

    Just one question. Are battlerage artefacts being considered? Slower decay time, faster rage building, damage, etc. Anything at all?

  • Currently, no, battlerage artefacts aren't being considered, but that may change down the road, we'll see. The system needs some time to shake out and we'll no doubt be making further changes/tweaks here and there to it first. 
  • Liking it as it stands, I am glad a lot of the initial bugs were sorted quickly, glad my endurance and willpower are no longer screwed :) Hunting is still one of my favourite pastimes, but now it comes with an added... something.
    Thanks Boss

  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    I really would prefer if no artefacts for battlerage were included. The last thing we want is people not wanting to hunt with each other because they don't have this artie or that...

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • BronislavBronislav Maryland
    @Shirszae I'm not so sure - if it's done right and well, it may make someone more desirable for group hunting.

    If someone, hypothetically speaking, got an artefact that allowed an affliction to stay on a denizen for the whole span of time, despite battlerage attacks using it, I would want to hunt with that person - it would mean that the party could dogpile a target with their fourth battlerage skill without worrying about using up the affliction.

    That would make me so~ happy. And encourage group hunting. :smiley: 

  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    edited May 2015
    Bronislav said:
    @Shirszae I'm not so sure - if it's done right and well, it may make someone more desirable for group hunting.

    If someone, hypothetically speaking, got an artefact that allowed an affliction to stay on a denizen for the whole span of time, despite battlerage attacks using it, I would want to hunt with that person - it would mean that the party could dogpile a target with their fourth battlerage skill without worrying about using up the affliction.

    That would make me so~ happy. And encourage group hunting. :smiley: 
    But that's the point. People would want to hunt with someone with that artefact, to the exclusion of people who did not have it. I know there are artefacts that already skew hunting in some manner, like health rings and such that indirectly affect things, but I really don't believe more are needed. 

    Battlerage encourages group hunting as it is.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  •  I'm wonder how much this happens (and it seems almost impossible to verify, other than just having a good feel for what seems to be happening there).  It seems like it certainly could happen (i.e. people tending to gravitate towards heavily artied hunting companions, maybe not even necessarily excluding people with any intent, but simply gravitating towards the guy with the right toys). 
  • If they just allowed you to use abilities more often, or for those abilities to do more damage, they'd be no more likely to result in people being excluded than any existing artefact.

    It's also not like a raid group in something like WoW where you only have a set number of spaces (and need a certain group setup). You might prefer that somebody have an artefact but I can't see anybody not taking them just because they don't have it, even if you also have somebody of the same class with that artefact willing to go along.
  • It would probably depend a lot on whether including poor Mr. Unartied can still enhance each group member's "take" for time invested in terms of XP and gold or not, either by being more efficient in the areas they planned on hunting in the first place, or being able to move to even stronger areas (this is trickier because the group has to be able to match its composition to those areas, those areas have to exist, and it has to be more lucrative for time invested than their original plan).  

    Of course peope can be nice and just always invite people, and people do try to do that, but it's always better if people are incentivized to do the thing you want (in this case, including people).  I honestly have no idea if it's an actual problem or not though.    
  • I also might as well ask, since it seems like a lot of initial kinks are already fixed.  Should Jules the not-early-adopter-person go play with this some more now?  Or should I hold off just a bit longer? 
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    You should go and play with it. If you have any doubts then just go test it on low-level denizens until you get a taste for it.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Just checked to see if Party gives an XP boost here.  Unless it's in an announce, it doesn't look like it does.  It might be worth considering to bolster group hunting/inclusive behavior.  I assume it's come up at some point already, but seems relevant right now. 
  • edited May 2015
    Overall exp is, theoretically, boosted a fair bit if you hunt in a party. If they're actively attacking, and not just leeching from the rest/other person. Your kill time is going to outpace the loss of exp you get from it being shared between people.

    edit: assuming hunting appropriate areas, and not spots way below yours guys' level.

  • How does group size work with it?  I mean, is there an optimum group size (in terms of XP/gold per increment of time)?  If there is, it's almost group cap in a way.  I don't know, I am asking.  
  • edited May 2015
    If it's the same as other games... 2 people is 75% each, 3 people is ~60% if I remember correctly. More than that, is really not feasible to be honest. 4 people is too much to be hunting pretty much everywhere.

    edit: I'd assume exp is the same.. every other formula is the same as other ire games.

  • Hrm, Groups already covers it, at least in theory.  I guess the question is whether a 4 person "cap" of sorts is the right number.  If it's unlimited, people will scream (maybe rightly) that you can't just have a huge group going around smashing things.  Anyway, it does seem like it could lead to the sort of thing Shirszae mentioned with artifacts, not because people are specifically trying to be exclusionary, but because they'll want to optimize their group. 

  • Ignoring the xp boost for hunting with mentors/proteges/housemates, the more people you have the lower the xp per time per person is. If two people at the same level can each get 10% per hour solo, then hunting together they would get slightly less than 20% per hour total (significantly less if you can't bash together well and it slows you down). Solo hunting is still nearly always better than group hunting in the same area, assuming it's an area you can handle solo.

    The real advantage is being able to hunt more difficult areas in a group than you could solo (which is impossible to generalise, so there's no way to say what the optimal group size is or how much it increases xp gain). In the past, this wasn't really an advantage because you'd still be greatly limited by the availability of denizens, it just helped to mitigate the disadvantages of group hunting. Now that the effective supply of denizens has increased a lot, it's likely that group hunting in higher level areas that you can't handle yourself is better than solo hunting. Probably not a lot better, though.
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    I wonder what's better, the battlerage pure damage attacks (like Psiblast) or the DoT attacks like Dragonblaze
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • edited May 2015

    I think what you and others are saying (Sena) is that the larger effective supply is based on the assumption that a lot more people will be group hunting a lot, and using areas which I am assuming tended to go untouched, so basically, bringing existing resources that weren't tapped very much before into play (correct me if wrong). 

    If what you just said about group hunting vs. solo under this new system is true though (and I haven't misunderstood where the bigger effective supply is coming from), then once the novelty wears off here, most people will likely still be hunting solo, which is fine, and we never wanted to force people to hunt in groups because it's unreliable, but there very well might not be a bigger (effective) supply of denizens.  I like the idea of tapping existing areas (they're there, and the player base is hungry, so yeah, find a way for people to be able to tap them), but totally separate from the artie question, it might need more incentives from what you're telling me.  I mean, so that people are actually trying to hunt those areas first, not frantically trying to get a group together when everyone realizes all of the "solo" areas are bashed out. 

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