Hi! Haven't come across any veteran magi's of late within my city so just had a couple of questions..
1.) Which artefacts other than stat altering ones should I be looking into as a mage?
2.) What specific order should I embed my vibes in? Which vibes and should I lay the important ones first or last in order to ensure they take the longest to rid of?
3.) What are some good stats, high int and constitution I am assuming? How high?
Thanks so much!
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
TUNING FORK is ideal for Magi to preserve your vibes.
Some defensive, bracelet and belt. Collar and sash for damage.
mana regen ring. Health sip ring. Might even recommend Robes of the Magi in the long run.
For vibe order, if you must do a full set, spin the ones you don't want in retardation first. Heat should be the very first if you must spin it at all. But if you like to deepfreeze immediately after embedding retardation, I advised against using Heat at all.
- Creeps
- Silence
- Alarm
- Adduction
- Revelation
Those are essentially your buffer vibes. Follow with DAMAGE:
- Dissipate
- Palpitation
- Harmony
(- Gravity) <-- keep later down the list if you're facing someone who wants to fly out of vibes
- Crystalforest
- Dissonance
- Energise
And finish with the HINDERING and AFFLICTION:
- Disorientation
- Stridulation
- Oscillate
- Tremors
- Lullaby
- Plague
The most powerful are oscillate, tremors, lullaby, and plague, very good at keeping them prone and unable to escape or attack.
Note that this only matters if you'll be fighting in retardation. Otherwise just spin the damage set and hit them hard outside retardation.
Your first artefact should be SoA, followed by Aldar Diadem. With quick-witted, you're looking at 30% eq reduction, which means 30% more DPS, and significantly faster diagnose/shield/reflect/bloodboil/vibes, etc.
For bashing, SoA and bracelets (not belt). You get more health per credit, and you get a bunch more max mana too. Don't buy con stat as a magi unless you have credits to burn. Magi also has massive damage mitigation. You should focus on your offense, not tanking. You can use magi's ridiculous damage reduction, combined with reflection, superfast shields, aerial, and so on, if you're having issues tanking. Sip ring is also one of the first things you should buy for bashing (and PVP).
For PVP, buy a torc and/or bow. You can kill 90% of the people in the game using nothing but vibes + retardation + mind paralyze/delph arrows. Hopefully some day this will get fixed, but until then, may as well use it. Everyone else does.
Int/Collar are seriously overrated. Sure, you can do outrageous DPS/spikes with artied magi, but very few people are going to just stand there and let you do it - and you have little to no hindrance. Every "good" magi fighter I've ever met doesn't rely on damage to win. In fact, doing nothing but super artied magi DPS, you're basically forcing people to slow prep you, because almost nobody can actually tank it without leaving your room. With all that said, Int will help you keep your mana pool full, as will a mana sip/regen ring, and higher Int gives you more WP, which magi can burn through pretty quickly.
Re: sash vs collar. Sash is better purely because you get more mana/WP as well as higher damage attacks. There are also multiple tertiary benefits such as being harder to maintain mind locks, etc. You should think of Int as almost the same thing as a "sip ring", because unlike health, almost everything in the game that uses mana uses fixed amounts. A focus with a low max mana might be 7%, where if you had a high max mana, it might only be 3%. Sames goes for all of your attacks, etc, and this combines with actually using sip bonus/regen to the point where you can almost ignore your mana use most of the time.
Collar is cheap, but you should only buy a level 1 if at all. The other major bad thing about Collars is that unlike Sashes, it's useless for most classes. Few people get far into magi combat before deciding it's incredibly boring, and class changing. A sash, on the other hand, is good to keep no matter what class you change to.
Also, look into Riding and getting a mount. Block and Trample are incredibly valuable, and the additional damage reduction and dodging sure doesn't hurt.
Also, this should go without saying, but don't buy artefacts unless you already have Trans Avoidance, and Philo, Antidotes, Fitness, etc. Would even recommend Trans Vision before most arties.