She was kicked out for saying she didn't fit with Mhaldor and was going to leave anyway, I just sped up the process and made sure no one gave her trouble over it.
Mhaldor has banned herb usage pretty much since minerals became available.
Mhaldor doesn't allow the use of herbs but I've never seen someone kicked for using them or inquiring about them. @Truax who booted you?
One of the Viceroys (I don't want to point fingers). To be clear, what I asked was first if I could use my new skill and the gloves. Then when I was told no, I asked if I still had time to figure things out (still learning how things work in this world!) or if I'd be better changing citizenship because I wasn't sure I could afford to replace the item I'd just bought. He made the decision for me, stating that even thinking of such things was a sign I didn't belong there.
I was a little sad about it because I really liked the general RP, people, I had made a new friend there, but I guess I'd rather be where such situations are roleplayed in an engaging way anyhoo. Ashtan seems pretty cool so far that way. Big thanks to @Bann and @Mindshell for taking the time to talk and help me figure a few things out already!
@Truax I kicked you after you asked if you would be killed if you left *and also after you asked if you could keep and use your harvesting gloves, and use and sell herbs. I don't have time for special snowflake retirees who want us to bend traditions that are hundreds of years old.
And you coming to the forums immediately while leaving out key information gives me the satisfaction of knowing I did the right thing.
Found out that the city I'd joined didn't accept harvesters or the use of herbs.
Got a cool Logosmas gift from someone I met the first day in the game.
Was kicked from my city and house when I inquired about using harvesting.
Joined a new city and have already met some really great people!
At least it all balanced out!
Wow. I know some cities / houses do not accept Classes which used to have those skills, but did not know that any bar people who have bought the now split off Trade Skills as well.
I am very curious which city / house if you are able to share.
- To love another person is to see the face of G/d - Let me get my hat and my knife - It's your apple, take a bite - Don't dream it ... be it
@Truax I kicked you after you asked if you would be killed if you left *and also after you asked if you could keep and use your harvesting gloves, and use and sell herbs. I don't have time for special snowflake retirees who want us to bend traditions that are hundreds of years old.
And you coming to the forums immediately while leaving out key information gives me the satisfaction of knowing I did the right thing.
@Cooper, I'm totally new to Achaea. I played an IRE MUD a long, long time ago and because I have a friend who plays I thought it might be fun to try it again now that retirement is available. Other than our interaction, which I don't think took into consideration the fact that I am basically a newbie, it has been pretty fun.
I don't mean to take up space here, but since you mentioned it: I didn't try to "special snowflake" anything. There was no mention of the restriction when I first joined the city or I'd have re-considered my choice to do so. Another newbie suggested that they must have a contingency of some kind for situations and so I asked you about my situation.
That was all. I wasn't sure what to do and was hoping for some guidance or help in figuring out the best course of action. If you've had to deal with a bunch of retirees who want rules bent, I'm sorry but that isn't me.
If you took offense to my post, please know it wasn't intended to rile anyone. I purposefully didn't name you as the Viceroy who ousted me because that wasn't the point of the post. And I didn't immediately come to the forums; I decided to check things out here later in the evening before heading to bed. I thought the point of this thread was to share what happened in your month and overall I had a pretty good one.
Wow. I know some cities / houses do not accept Classes which used to have those skills, but did not know that any bar people who have bought the now split off Trade Skills as well.
I am very curious which city / house if you are able to share.
Mhaldor and Insidium (The Insidium is a really cool house tbh!).
She was kicked out for saying she didn't fit with Mhaldor and was going to leave anyway, I just sped up the process and made sure no one gave her trouble over it.
Mhaldor has banned herb usage pretty much since minerals became available.
"...has banned herb usage pretty much.." Doesn't sound like "you shall not use herbs".
I've had to tell multiple players that, as an Eleusian, I cannot sell herbs to Mhaldorians. Apparently the stance on herb usage within Mhaldor can be communicated more clearly in the future?
Alright, let's just say that the entire quote means it's completely forbidden. Since "your" people are occasionally still responding to markets for herbs, post-mineral era, I can only assume your herb-gestapo needs a firm boot up the ass.
Alright, let's just say that the entire quote means it's completely forbidden. Since "your" people are occasionally still responding to markets for herbs, post-mineral era, I can only assume your herb-gestapo needs a firm boot up the ass.
Harvesting is forbidden, but a lot of us have greater rifts and a surplus of herbs. It's mostly people turning a blind eye to sales to make sure we're not stuck with worthless bullshit.
Alright, let's just say that the entire quote means it's completely forbidden. Since "your" people are occasionally still responding to markets for herbs, post-mineral era, I can only assume your herb-gestapo needs a firm boot up the ass.
Harvesting is forbidden, but a lot of us have greater rifts and a surplus of herbs. It's mostly people turning a blind eye to sales to make sure we're not stuck with worthless bullshit.
That I can understand. But the people who I spoke with were -buying- herbs from me. Is reselling them allowed?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging. For all I care, Mhaldor can forbid the use off curatives all together. I was just surprised about the fact that concoctions were forbidden, yet some mhaldorians were buying them. Must have been a misunderstanding.
Speaking as a Mhaldorian who still uses herbs, for me personally, it's a) I was a forestal and harvested quite a bit before going to Mhaldor (and before the tradeskill split), and exempting a couple of overly-used herbs, I'm still working through my stash. b) Since I use a hybrid of svo and in-game curing, and the latter only accepts one type of curatives at a time, I stick fully with herbs. The only exception is using potash instead of moss, which I had to do some funky things with svo to get to work correctly. c) In an emergency-type combat basis, I'm going to more easily remember herbs than minerals if the system, for some reason, freaks out and isn't curing right and I need a particular cure RIGHT NOW. d) The amount of nonsense it would take to trade my herbs into minerals would likely run me a lot of money in the end, if it was even possible.
That said, when tradeskills became a thing, Ruth (the then-Tyrannus) made is abundantly clear that harvesting and/or selling herbs in Mhaldorian shops is banned. We turn a bit of a blind eye (though you may get some looks for it) to eating/usage because of similar reasons I listed above, but those two bits are enforced, and are listed in our laws.
While I could personally go either way on the actual ban, it makes plenty of historical sense, and certainly cannot be ignored by any, much less a slave. While I don't really know your situation/interactions, @Truax, you definitely would not have been able to harvest without facing a lot of backlash (especially if you had decided to do it sneakily for any reason - not saying you would, but just stating it would rile the city leadership up). If the tradeskill is important enough to you, the same situation would have played out eventually. Still, I'm sorry for your experience, and hopefully you'll continue to enjoy Achaea and what it has to offer.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Truax assuming you're not just trolling us around here:
The harvesting ban is ultimately one of necessity due to a conflict of interest. To explain it: Mhaldor and Eleusis (the main forestal community) are perpetually in a state of aggression. Often this aggression will eventually lead to assaults on the forest and a forest enemy status. When you are enemied to the forests, you will no longer be able to safely harvest from forest and jungle environments.
The culture of the city will not accept things like 'hey I gotta sit this attack on Nature out because I just bought this artefact that's heavily reliant on it'. That doesn't make sense and it's not fair to either them (because organisations do have a right to expect a certain amount of commitment from their members) or yourself (because you should be getting your money's worth for what you purchased).
If you had only just purchased those harvesting gloves you could have actually had them returned or exchanged 1-for-1 with gloves of extraction by issuing yourself with the situation.
Speaking as a Mhaldorian who still uses herbs, I AM DESTROYING NATURE ONE MOUTHFUL AT A TIME
got it
Getting fat to destroy Nature sounds like a good sacrifice to me.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Hating on fat ladies not nice, Coops. I r disappointed in you.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Skye and everyone else - thanks for the back story. I really appreciate it. In the light of what was shared, the policy makes total sense. I wish they'd just explained it that way when I inquired and helped me understand how I could potentially issue myself to trade in the gloves and skillset. I understand that the RP has to be stern and dominating in that particular city, but it still feels like a missed opportunity to me. That said, no harm or foul! I have been enjoying meeting people in Ashtan and look forward to learning more about how this realm works.
Enervating night. 5 year old has the flu. Then I got the flu, then my wife got it, then the two week old couldn't sleep anymore. Taking care of them all between throwing up, parenting CAN be demanding.
Snoozing on the couch with the kids (my wife is asleep upstairs) makes it all up again though.
You grow still and begin to silently pray for preservation of your soul while you are out of the land.
Carmain's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "How far along are you in your tasks?"
You cease your praying.
[Author's note: Waylaid just before logging off by the classic "How are your requirements coming along, Slave?" conversation in Mhaldor.]
You tell Carmain in Mhaldorian, "I have made some progress. I managed to finally complete my aide-aspirant tasks for the Ministry of Maritime Affairs by sailing to Zanzibaar for an errand and not getting us sunk, eaten, or otherwise incapacitated along the way."
[A/N: Might as well give my report in person. That place looks safe enough.]
Tapping into the timelines, you trace them to locate Carmain.
You determine that he is at Atop a pillar surrounded by flames.
With great care, you begin to tear a rift in the fabric of time and space.
As you push your aeonic might beyond its limits, you feel yourself grow older.
You have now aged yourself by 140 years.
A flickering rift comes into existence in mid air, a bright light emanating from within.
Carmain's voice burns with heat as he tells you, "Most excellent. And your house rank?"
You step through a flickering rift.
Atop a pillar surrounded by flames.
The sky lightens with the onset of dawn. Distorting the air, a rift of explosive fire churns in midair. Sartan, the Malevolent is here, a taloned hand poised portentously upon the pommel of His blade. The Red Dragon Carmain's imposing form looms.
There are no obvious exits.
[A/N: ... crap. Think fast. What are you supposed to do when you accidentally walk in on the greatest authority in your organisation having tea with the Breadlord?]
You perform a graceful curtsey.
You tell Carmain in Mhaldorian, "It is still the same, Exsusiai."
Sartan, the Malevolent says, "You do not belong here."
[A/N: Nope nope nope nope.]
You nod your head emphatically.
You say in Mhaldorian in a soft, clear voice, "My apologies, Lord Sartan."
You perform a graceful curtsey towards all those in the room.
Sartan, the Malevolent says, "Begone."
[A/N: Yup yup yup yup.]
You feel your connection with the present fraying as you bend your will upon the memory that has been irrevocably imprinted upon your mind.
I just came back from a very long vacation to receive the most adorable Logosmas letter from a relative she thought was long retired along with credits. This, besides the one she received from Aodfionn, was most possibly the sweetest thing l've ever received in game. Sharing it without identifiers.
You read what is written on a delicately embossed letter:
Hearing high praise for one's own progeny is among the crown jewels ofretirement. You were said to have inherited my humour and intellect, if not my wit. This individual was clearly unacquainted with my own witless youth.
Please find enclosed a modest donative that I would have put towardsyour education. If and when you should decide to try your hand at *snip*, it would be my pleasure to help defray whatever costs you incur by way of missed opportunities to fish or otherwise waste your life at mindless drudgery.
May you and yours enjoy a very safe and happy Logosmas.
She was kicked out for saying she didn't fit with Mhaldor and was going to leave anyway, I just sped up the process and made sure no one gave her trouble over it.
Mhaldor has banned herb usage pretty much since minerals became available.
Mhaldor has banned herb usage pretty much since minerals became available.
I was a little sad about it because I really liked the general RP, people, I had made a new friend there, but I guess I'd rather be where such situations are roleplayed in an engaging way anyhoo. Ashtan seems pretty cool so far that way. Big thanks to @Bann and @Mindshell for taking the time to talk and help me figure a few things out already!
And you coming to the forums immediately while leaving out key information gives me the satisfaction of knowing I did the right thing.
I am very curious which city / house if you are able to share.
- To love another person is to see the face of G/d
- Let me get my hat and my knife
- It's your apple, take a bite
- Don't dream it ... be it
Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM
I don't mean to take up space here, but since you mentioned it: I didn't try to "special snowflake" anything. There was no mention of the restriction when I first joined the city or I'd have re-considered my choice to do so. Another newbie suggested that they must have a contingency of some kind for situations and so I asked you about my situation.
That was all. I wasn't sure what to do and was hoping for some guidance or help in figuring out the best course of action. If you've had to deal with a bunch of retirees who want rules bent, I'm sorry but that isn't me.
If you took offense to my post, please know it wasn't intended to rile anyone. I purposefully didn't name you as the Viceroy who ousted me because that wasn't the point of the post. And I didn't immediately come to the forums; I decided to check things out here later in the evening before heading to bed. I thought the point of this thread was to share what happened in your month and overall I had a pretty good one.
Mhaldor and Insidium (The Insidium is a really cool house tbh!).
I've had to tell multiple players that, as an Eleusian, I cannot sell herbs to Mhaldorians. Apparently the stance on herb usage within Mhaldor can be communicated more clearly in the future?
Alright, let's just say that the entire quote means it's completely forbidden. Since "your" people are occasionally still responding to markets for herbs, post-mineral era, I can only assume your herb-gestapo needs a firm boot up the ass.
of our wrongs/
and our rights/
Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging. For all I care, Mhaldor can forbid the use off curatives all together. I was just surprised about the fact that concoctions were forbidden, yet some mhaldorians were buying them. Must have been a misunderstanding.
Do you pronounce your name like
That said, when tradeskills became a thing, Ruth (the then-Tyrannus) made is abundantly clear that harvesting and/or selling herbs in Mhaldorian shops is banned. We turn a bit of a blind eye (though you may get some looks for it) to eating/usage because of similar reasons I listed above, but those two bits are enforced, and are listed in our laws.
While I could personally go either way on the actual ban, it makes plenty of historical sense, and certainly cannot be ignored by any, much less a slave. While I don't really know your situation/interactions, @Truax, you definitely would not have been able to harvest without facing a lot of backlash (especially if you had decided to do it sneakily for any reason - not saying you would, but just stating it would rile the city leadership up). If the tradeskill is important enough to you, the same situation would have played out eventually. Still, I'm sorry for your experience, and hopefully you'll continue to enjoy Achaea and what it has to offer.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
The harvesting ban is ultimately one of necessity due to a conflict of interest. To explain it: Mhaldor and Eleusis (the main forestal community) are perpetually in a state of aggression. Often this aggression will eventually lead to assaults on the forest and a forest enemy status. When you are enemied to the forests, you will no longer be able to safely harvest from forest and jungle environments.
The culture of the city will not accept things like 'hey I gotta sit this attack on Nature out because I just bought this artefact that's heavily reliant on it'. That doesn't make sense and it's not fair to either them (because organisations do have a right to expect a certain amount of commitment from their members) or yourself (because you should be getting your money's worth for what you purchased).
If you had only just purchased those harvesting gloves you could have actually had them returned or exchanged 1-for-1 with gloves of extraction by issuing yourself with the situation.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Snoozing on the couch with the kids (my wife is asleep upstairs) makes it all up again though.
[A/N: Yup yup yup yup.]
You read what is written on a delicately embossed letter:
Hearing high praise for one's own progeny is among the crown jewels of retirement. You were said to have inherited my humour and intellect, if not my wit. This individual was clearly unacquainted with my own witless youth.
Please find enclosed a modest donative that I would have put towards your education. If and when you should decide to try your hand at *snip*, it would be my pleasure to help defray whatever costs you incur by way of missed opportunities to fish or otherwise waste your life at mindless drudgery.
May you and yours enjoy a very safe and happy Logosmas.
Best wishes.