Maybe you should stop trying to blame the people getting harassed? lol
You played an alt. Great. You probably didn't spend dozens of hours logged onto that alt on a consistent basis. People do that on their mains, so they have a bit more time to find creepers.
Yeaaaaaaaaaah, I already mentioned the guy who got propositioned because his name sounded like a girl. I can also think of one person who just sends tells randomly until he gets lucky.
The thing is! The thing is, it's like telling a guy it's his fault he got mugged because he's carrying money in his pockets. We don't think that way about muggers, so why should we shift focus away from the fact that someone is acting poorly (and I'm not talking about the siren here) to begin with, especially when the only proof we have is an anecdote that only seems to show that the odds were in your favor?
I don't think anyone was "shaming the victim". There are no facts or statistics getting tossed around here, folks are just sharing personal anecdotes, and anecdotes cut both ways. While there may very well be some level of issue with sexual predation or even harassment in Achaea, there's a certain witchhunt mentality that's developed here on the forums and even in-game lately that I find tiresome.
It's been said time and time again: if you come into contact with a creep, report the creep. Done, no further discussion necessary. Can this stop cropping up in every thread from RP to Rants to "What happened today" now?
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
Seriously feeling like I'm being told to just quit, because obviously I'm doing something wrong to make them target me.
Wait, what? This is still going on for you? That's it on Saturday I'm completely setting up my offensive system, I'll take you bashing and any time they start harassing you we'll go hunt them.
P.S. You are doing nothing wrong, unless you are walking around cities naked screaming "Sex me!"
Seriously feeling like I'm being told to just quit, because obviously I'm doing something wrong to make them target me.
If you're having some real issues with someone who isn't going away, you might be able to talk to your city leader, though maybe how that works varies from city to city. I know in Cyrene, Verrucht isn't afraid to get people to back off if they're really bothering a citizen with unwanted attention. I've heard good things about Targ's Dawnlord, though I don't know him. Just ignore the jerks, if they're going too far just put them on ignore and/or report to the admins. If they're doing it to you, they're probably doing it to other people, too.
After a mega shitty day, I logged in to get my spin in the middle of helping with simulation labs. Apparently on a free daily spin "a Veil of the Sphinx" is an option. So.. rather happy.
@Szanthax I think you're allowed to do it nowadays in theory (as in, lead an honours mob into a city or whatever), but you bear responsibility for any deaths caused by them as a result. So they can come after you themselves, hire on you for a death, and so on and so forth. And of course you can be enemied for it if you aren't already.
Happened last year when somebody thought it'd be funny to run Belladona to Atop the Gatehouse in Eleusis and then leave her there to attack anybody who logged in or walked past (thankfully I was the one who came across her first, rather than a novice).
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
@Sarathai yeah that was the case too when I did it... but that was back when issuing was a thing and people did that when you were randomly destroyed for no reason. I dunno we could probably do that every day if we wanted to and just close off the gates of every city ... sounds fun...
Lots of things happening recently, if not exactly today.
The slaves are kept on their toes by the ongoing Crucible which @Kiet is handling very well. Ysela has mostly been involved in guiding and reviewing the work of @Helewys , @Ismay , and @Saira , all of which are very pleasant to interact it.
Ysela was also made Viceroy, which will be a very interesting challenge. It definitely gives me a very good reason and justification for letting Ysela develop into a more assertive woman, which will be a fun process.
And then there is the reappearance of @Nocroth , who is now Ysela's disciple. We'll see who learns the most from that mentor-disciple relationship...
Maybe you should stop trying to blame the people getting harassed? lol
You played an alt. Great. You probably didn't spend dozens of hours logged onto that alt on a consistent basis. People do that on their mains, so they have a bit more time to find creepers.
Fair enough but I think you're taking me out of context here. I was at work and didn't speak eloquently. I'll try and elaborate :
Description and behaviour go a loooooooooooooong way to how a person will perceive your character more so than race, age and preferred hang out areas.
I had two siren alts, it's true I didn't play them as much as people play their mains but I gave them both a fair chop.
My first alt I created purely as an experiment to see if sexual harassment was really as prolific as the forums was making it out to be. I made a Siren and purposefully placed her in known target locations (Archway of Minia, Brass Lantern Inn, the Theran Inn that I can't remember, Centre Crossing). I would sit on her for 2-3 hours a day at varying times of day (ranging from 0000GMT to 1400GMT) and see if I could lure some predators out. I only quested to get enough gold to eat and cloth her but that was it, I stayed unranked.
Her description was 'normal' she had hair, eyes, height and two remarkable features. Her clothing was just, normal. No cat ear headbands, no items that had 'sexy' or 'seductive' just a shirt, skirt, boots and cloak. I had quite a few pleasant conversations with other characters (mostly just wanting to talk an offer genuine help to a novice) but noone came running up to her screaming 'LET ME PUT MY DICK IN YOU' despite hitting the three of the quoted 'must be a sex alt' criteria.
There was one guy whose conversation was obviously trying to lead on to sexual stuff but in the 5 IC years I kept her alive I was honestly disappointed that I didn't have anything to go dibber-dob to Tecton and Sarapis when the whole point of that character was to be bait.
The second siren I still play and invest 8-12 hours a week into her. I didn't plan to use her as bait and she's been busy at work and I've been playing without any intent. She's only had two incidents of what I think were people feeling out her mudsex potential but they never were explicit or suggestive and they began talking to her because of market ads. To make a point, there has been a character that has contacted her multiple times unsolicited when she was a lot younger and was more irritating than those people and it was you, @Kiet. Bugger off with your Mhaldorian propaganda to her market ads already.
Maybe these predators just have sophisticated ways to track my I.P. adress and tell that these characters where played by me and didn't bother me. Maybe sexual predatation isn't rampant. Maybe it is and I slipped through the radar twice. But this was the point I intended to make : If you were put off making a Siren character because of things you have read on the forums, don't be. Just because you are a young Siren doesn't automatically mean you will have boys trying to stick cocks in every orifice as soon as you escape pygmy captivity.
IRE tempts me entirely too much. I logged in after work and read the new announce posts. 40% credit purchase bonus and humgii racing is the perfect promo for me. The wheel didn't appeal to me at all.
Dear IRE,
My bank account hates you.
Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.
Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:
Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"
Maybe you should stop trying to blame the people getting harassed? lol
You played an alt. Great. You probably didn't spend dozens of hours logged onto that alt on a consistent basis. People do that on their mains, so they have a bit more time to find creepers.
Fair enough but I think you're taking me out of context here. I was at work and didn't speak eloquently. I'll try and elaborate :
Description and behaviour go a loooooooooooooong way to how a person will perceive your character more so than race, age and preferred hang out areas.
I had two siren alts, it's true I didn't play them as much as people play their mains but I gave them both a fair chop.
My first alt I created purely as an experiment to see if sexual harassment was really as prolific as the forums was making it out to be. I made a Siren and purposefully placed her in known target locations (Archway of Minia, Brass Lantern Inn, the Theran Inn that I can't remember, Centre Crossing). I would sit on her for 2-3 hours a day at varying times of day (ranging from 0000GMT to 1400GMT) and see if I could lure some predators out. I only quested to get enough gold to eat and cloth her but that was it, I stayed unranked.
Her description was 'normal' she had hair, eyes, height and two remarkable features. Her clothing was just, normal. No cat ear headbands, no items that had 'sexy' or 'seductive' just a shirt, skirt, boots and cloak. I had quite a few pleasant conversations with other characters (mostly just wanting to talk an offer genuine help to a novice) but noone came running up to her screaming 'LET ME PUT MY DICK IN YOU' despite hitting the three of the quoted 'must be a sex alt' criteria.
There was one guy whose conversation was obviously trying to lead on to sexual stuff but in the 5 IC years I kept her alive I was honestly disappointed that I didn't have anything to go dibber-dob to Tecton and Sarapis when the whole point of that character was to be bait.
The second siren I still play and invest 8-12 hours a week into her. I didn't plan to use her as bait and she's been busy at work and I've been playing without any intent. She's only had two incidents of what I think were people feeling out her mudsex potential but they never were explicit or suggestive and they began talking to her because of market ads. To make a point, there has been a character that has contacted her multiple times unsolicited when she was a lot younger and was more irritating than those people and it was you, @Kiet. Bugger off with your Mhaldorian propaganda to her market ads already.
Maybe these predators just have sophisticated ways to track my I.P. adress and tell that these characters where played by me and didn't bother me. Maybe sexual predatation isn't rampant. Maybe it is and I slipped through the radar twice. But this was the point I intended to make : If you were put off making a Siren character because of things you have read on the forums, don't be. Just because you are a young Siren doesn't automatically mean you will have boys trying to stick cocks in every orifice as soon as you escape pygmy captivity.
That eloquence at the end, nailed it @Tahquil. Truthfully, I can't say I've read a description since I started playing. I've got very distinct ideas about what various people look like, and it probably is nothing like their description. Sort of like @Halos, I'll check if there's something that gives me reason to but otherwise...meh I like my imaginary you more than your imaginary you.
To get in the mood to write my knight essays, I am watching the Klingon episodes of Star Trek.
Let's die with honor, bitches.
I have always had once question about this. Klingons had normal heads in the original episodes than got some disease that made them look how they look now or something. But, when you go back in time to before Kirk they have ridges on their heads. Explain.
3 page essay due friday.
Retcon x5000 (5000 word essay?)
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
I've definitely gotten the cold shoulder from some people for being a siren, and there's one particular situation that I'll remember forever. @Frederich knew how close I was to getting my collar and how bad I wanted it, so he floated me a loan. Someone overheard us talking about it and made the rather rude comment to another that he only gave me the loan because I "convinced" him. Sorry, but no. I didn't even ask, he offered!
When I retired my old main that I'd built on for +10 years, I knew exactly what I was doing when I decided to be a siren magi, because I knew exactly what artefacts I was going to be getting. I didn't want to be grook, and I've never quite been able to picture what a Tsol'aa looks like, so I went with the best option for me. And I have been propositioned by some real creepers, but thankfully for the most part it's dead silent now on that end. I love my hourglass.
I figure, if someone wants to hate me because I'm siren, that's their problem. I've got no fucks to give about that.
Wait. Someone actually thought that I gave you a loan because you 'convinced' me? lmao. That's kinda friggin hysterical. Does no one realize that I'm about as straight as a circle and have more interest in sailing than I do women? I gave you it because I knew you were good for it. You also loaned me some dosh for a mutual investment just recently. Fred and Perse are actually really friggin good friends and hunting buddies. Hell yesterday I showed her how to captain a ship and even let her complete a trade deal for 25 CR. Today? I let her captain the ship on a marque run.
Honestly, screw the people that think that Persephonia 'convinced' me. What did she convince me of? That she's a pretty trustworthy person.
PS: She paid back the 171 credits literally the next day.. or within like 6 hours. I still don't know how the she devil did it, but she did it.
You played an alt. Great. You probably didn't spend dozens of hours logged onto that alt on a consistent basis. People do that on their mains, so they have a bit more time to find creepers.
The thing is! The thing is, it's like telling a guy it's his fault he got mugged because he's carrying money in his pockets. We don't think that way about muggers, so why should we shift focus away from the fact that someone is acting poorly (and I'm not talking about the siren here) to begin with, especially when the only proof we have is an anecdote that only seems to show that the odds were in your favor?
It's been said time and time again: if you come into contact with a creep, report the creep. Done, no further discussion necessary. Can this stop cropping up in every thread from RP to Rants to "What happened today" now?
Talamond Averial says, "You are the least charming siren ever."
Nah, don't quit. It goes away! Unless you are actually a sexalt, which you aren't. Just inform the jerks that you are a LADY damnit.
P.S. You are doing nothing wrong, unless you are walking around cities naked screaming "Sex me!"
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
Zsarachnor, the Vampire Lord swoops down from the skies to land beside you.
I wish I were kidding. Last time I logged in, sure as the sun'll come up tomorrow, got called 'Miss' by someone selling me commodities
So rude.
Happened last year when somebody thought it'd be funny to run Belladona to Atop the Gatehouse in Eleusis and then leave her there to attack anybody who logged in or walked past (thankfully I was the one who came across her first, rather than a novice).
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Looking forward to more good times
The war has just begun.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
I still feel like @Seragorn basically gave them back....
Description and behaviour go a loooooooooooooong way to how a person will perceive your character more so than race, age and preferred hang out areas.
I had two siren alts, it's true I didn't play them as much as people play their mains but I gave them both a fair chop.
My first alt I created purely as an experiment to see if sexual harassment was really as prolific as the forums was making it out to be. I made a Siren and purposefully placed her in known target locations (Archway of Minia, Brass Lantern Inn, the Theran Inn that I can't remember, Centre Crossing). I would sit on her for 2-3 hours a day at varying times of day (ranging from 0000GMT to 1400GMT) and see if I could lure some predators out. I only quested to get enough gold to eat and cloth her but that was it, I stayed unranked.
Her description was 'normal' she had hair, eyes, height and two remarkable features. Her clothing was just, normal. No cat ear headbands, no items that had 'sexy' or 'seductive' just a shirt, skirt, boots and cloak. I had quite a few pleasant conversations with other characters (mostly just wanting to talk an offer genuine help to a novice) but noone came running up to her screaming 'LET ME PUT MY DICK IN YOU' despite hitting the three of the quoted 'must be a sex alt' criteria.
There was one guy whose conversation was obviously trying to lead on to sexual stuff but in the 5 IC years I kept her alive I was honestly disappointed that I didn't have anything to go dibber-dob to Tecton and Sarapis when the whole point of that character was to be bait.
The second siren I still play and invest 8-12 hours a week into her. I didn't plan to use her as bait and she's been busy at work and I've been playing without any intent. She's only had two incidents of what I think were people feeling out her mudsex potential but they never were explicit or suggestive and they began talking to her because of market ads. To make a point, there has been a character that has contacted her multiple times unsolicited when she was a lot younger and was more irritating than those people and it was you, @Kiet. Bugger off with your Mhaldorian propaganda to her market ads already.
Maybe these predators just have sophisticated ways to track my I.P. adress and tell that these characters where played by me and didn't bother me. Maybe sexual predatation isn't rampant. Maybe it is and I slipped through the radar twice. But this was the point I intended to make : If you were put off making a Siren character because of things you have read on the forums, don't be. Just because you are a young Siren doesn't automatically mean you will have boys trying to stick cocks in every orifice as soon as you escape pygmy captivity.
Dear IRE,
My bank account hates you.
Just went down House members and counted all the Insidi I saw today. It looks like at least 22.
So excited to see the House coming to life a bit. That's probably the most variety I have seen thus far, let alone 11 of us present at once.
Had fun jumping in on the KoTH in Cyrene alongside Zimona, and Saea - you guys killed it.
When I retired my old main that I'd built on for +10 years, I knew exactly what I was doing when I decided to be a siren magi, because I knew exactly what artefacts I was going to be getting. I didn't want to be grook, and I've never quite been able to picture what a Tsol'aa looks like, so I went with the best option for me. And I have been propositioned by some real creepers, but thankfully for the most part it's dead silent now on that end. I love my hourglass.
I figure, if someone wants to hate me because I'm siren, that's their problem. I've got no fucks to give about that.
Wait. Someone actually thought that I gave you a loan because you 'convinced' me? lmao. That's kinda friggin hysterical. Does no one realize that I'm about as straight as a circle and have more interest in sailing than I do women? I gave you it because I knew you were good for it. You also loaned me some dosh for a mutual investment just recently. Fred and Perse are actually really friggin good friends and hunting buddies. Hell yesterday I showed her how to captain a ship and even let her complete a trade deal for 25 CR. Today? I let her captain the ship on a marque run.
Honestly, screw the people that think that Persephonia 'convinced' me. What did she convince me of? That she's a pretty trustworthy person.
PS: She paid back the 171 credits literally the next day.. or within like 6 hours. I still don't know how the she devil did it, but she did it.