Yeah work has been keeping me too busy to do much other than check messages when I can.
Hey does anyone wanna buy my affliction tracker for 0cr? I'll clean up my code, rename it Mothra and release it for free.
Yes, please. Also can I be in your demo log?
No. Sorry. I'm afraid all the logs I've ever posted have already gained me attention from other players who have sought me out in game and wanted to know more.
I've always said what I do is nothing special and have always shared details with people in game - and even helped via piratepad with some while they worked on their own code. Maybe now it's time to release code so the community can immediately benefit and improve upon it (because it doesn't even come close to the truly incredible pro-status of Godzilla).
Ashtani-style party tracking will of course be removed per Jhui's request. Self-limb-counting (remember when he tried to sell that? Guess where that came from...) - also needs to be cleared out.
Just wish I had the time to do this sooner. Hopefully by the end of next week! *crosses fingers*
EVERYTHING I know about coding in the new age I owe to you. We have had SO many crazy killer ideas. Each and every time I mention any of these ideas, hands down, the very first thing I say is, this is STRATA'S DESIGN...which I of course, tried to replicate.
I am a firm believer in, giving credit where credit is due.
I have built a profile for serpent as well. I give it freely to snakes I find in need of help when it comes to "coding". The VERY FIRST scripts is this...
-- I would like to thank the following Shadow Cabal members
-- who have made this possible.
-- Strata, for teaching me everything I know
( rest deleted for sake of secrecy )
Aff Tracking is "useful" but at best > 25%.
I would seriously reconsider using an "automated" system for anything, as Illusions will ruin and rule your combat life.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Well, I guess that answers the long back and forth that was had in P9 yesterday. In which Ernam stated more than once that it you had read the site and approved it.
PS. Illusions, and all those 'fancy' tricks don't do shit versus an automation system with proper checks in place. See: Imperian/Aetolia where AI is king.
My most enjoyable times while playing Achaea are often spent playing Counterstrike or League of Legends, partaking in Skype conversations, browsing Reddit, and making dinner. I just need something to take the bore and monotony out of playing Achaea so that I can get to the things most important to me in life. Is this system right for me?
"Xbox 360 gamepad"...Heck I have used my 72 button configurable joystick with throttle for flight sims, my 88 key digital piano with sustain peddle AND my 16 drum pad ( not all a once, but that might be kind of neat )...Best I found...A nice wave keyboard with f1-f12 keys and numpad.
@Cynlael, I am sorry I haven't played any other IRE games. However, any automated system will be dealt with by serpents, I can guarantee took 16 years for them to say ENOUGH, sever side curing it is. ----> Looks into the future, 2034, server side Affliction tracking...
Let me get this straight - @Bluef and @Traelor are claiming that @Ernam said in an OOC clan that he automates combat with 'Godzilla' or whatever he calls it, and are billowing the forum eThug status by making all of these accusations and claims of the guy...
Entertaining the 'automated' claim here ... am I the only one that doesn't give two shits about an automated offense? It makes it that much easier to plug holes into and take advantage of. Achaea has such a uniquely in-depth combat mechanism to it that it's next to impossible to include every avenue of ability available. Looking at the logs that I've been shown, and others that I've gotten my hands on, I see a pretty straight forward "affliction" tracker that envenoms and afflicts based on already-estimated afflictions.
That is not illegal in the slightest, and it's honestly pretty smart coding truth be told. I know on numerous occasions that many have asked on the 'Mudlet' clan for help in fixing something with their own personal tracker. In a basic nutshell, affliction combat is almost entirely just a mathematical equation between your afflicting speed, herb balance, focus balance, and their cure method. It's a big puzzle with a timer.
As for the websites quotes, as well as quotes from the clan "Project 9", I believe virtually everyone on there has spewed some exaggerated things that rival most 14-year old kid's claims on XBOX Live about sleeping with someones mom.
I might be a lone dove here, but if the dude's able to sell it and make money off of it, why not? Wouldn't you? If I could code, I would - you can bet your sweet ass of it. If your chief argument is that it's your work and not theirs, and that yours is superior - why not sell it yourself? I think it's a copout honestly.
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
Let me get this straight - @Bluef and @Traelor are claiming that @Ernam said in an OOC clan that he automates combat with 'Godzilla' or whatever he calls it, and are billowing the forum eThug status by making all of these accusations and claims of the guy...
Hey, I just had the same question Traelor did when this thread went up. It wasn't personal.
My confirming that the log posted by Shara is legit doesn't make me a thug, neither does the humor I find in its contents.
I think the most I've said here is that encouraging people to automate as described on P9 is sketchy. I questioned whether Sarapis had, in fact, approved that usage of the affliction tracker. Something he denied.
I have no problem with an affliction tracker being sold by Ernam or by anyone else. Like most people I simply raised an eyebrow at his boisterous claims to have used it to kill people AFK and that automation to that extent was completely legal.
Most of Cathy's system was derived from Gnaeus, which was derived from mine. Not to mention Cathy's brief membership in Strata's house. It doesn't matter how many layers of separation you put between it - you deliberately kept it private because you knew this kind of reaction would happen.
<more stuff>
I'll say that I went back to nothing when you started helping me. My system is essentially yours, but with my own flourishes, and touches. Not that I use it anymore, but yeah. @Strata is the boss.
Achieved dragon on the 13th of Aeguary, 634 - aged 21 and 1 month and 21 days.
Elder dragon on the 6th of Chronos 635 - aged 22 and 8 months and 14 days.
IDK, but you can just hold down F1 and it'll lock someone. Also I said 'part of the script', there's multiple ones which are similarly coded like that one - Also works perfectly well in group settings; even better if multiple people are using the script.
Yes, please. Also can I be in your demo log?
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
No. Sorry. I'm afraid all the logs I've ever posted have already gained me attention from other players who have sought me out in game and wanted to know more.
I've always said what I do is nothing special and have always shared details with people in game - and even helped via piratepad with some while they worked on their own code. Maybe now it's time to release code so the community can immediately benefit and improve upon it (because it doesn't even come close to the truly incredible pro-status of Godzilla).
Ashtani-style party tracking will of course be removed per Jhui's request. Self-limb-counting (remember when he tried to sell that? Guess where that came from...) - also needs to be cleared out.
Just wish I had the time to do this sooner. Hopefully by the end of next week! *crosses fingers*
@Strata, I just want to thank you man.
EVERYTHING I know about coding in the new age I owe to you. We have had SO many crazy killer ideas. Each and every time I mention any of these ideas, hands down, the very first thing I say is, this is STRATA'S DESIGN...which I of course, tried to replicate.
I am a firm believer in, giving credit where credit is due.
I have built a profile for serpent as well. I give it freely to snakes I find in need of help when it comes to "coding". The VERY FIRST scripts is this...
-- I would like to thank the following Shadow Cabal members
-- who have made this possible.
-- Strata, for teaching me everything I know
( rest deleted for sake of secrecy )
Aff Tracking is "useful" but at best > 25%.
I would seriously reconsider using an "automated" system for anything, as Illusions will ruin and rule your combat life.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
They might as well rename it to "coder wars"...
PS. Illusions, and all those 'fancy' tricks don't do shit versus an automation system with proper checks in place.
See: Imperian/Aetolia where AI is king.
Don't talk about issues on forums. - V
My most enjoyable times while playing Achaea are often spent playing Counterstrike or League of Legends, partaking in Skype conversations, browsing Reddit, and making dinner. I just need something to take the bore and monotony out of playing Achaea so that I can get to the things most important to me in life. Is this system right for me?
Too late to edit, but does anyone know if this system compatible with an Xbox 360 gamepad?
20 years later...
So your name is Rip?...Yes yes...
And Achaea, this is a real place?...It's in my mind, leave me be! *raps cane...
--- @Cahin
"Xbox 360 gamepad"...Heck I have used my 72 button configurable joystick with throttle for flight sims, my 88 key digital piano with sustain peddle AND my 16 drum pad ( not all a once, but that might be kind of neat )...Best I found...A nice wave keyboard with f1-f12 keys and numpad.
@Cynlael, I am sorry I haven't played any other IRE games. However, any automated system will be dealt with by serpents, I can guarantee took 16 years for them to say ENOUGH, sever side curing it is. ----> Looks into the future, 2034, server side Affliction tracking...
Wow, such a toxic group.
Let me get this straight - @Bluef and @Traelor are claiming that @Ernam said in an OOC clan that he automates combat with 'Godzilla' or whatever he calls it, and are billowing the forum eThug status by making all of these accusations and claims of the guy...
Entertaining the 'automated' claim here ... am I the only one that doesn't give two shits about an automated offense? It makes it that much easier to plug holes into and take advantage of. Achaea has such a uniquely in-depth combat mechanism to it that it's next to impossible to include every avenue of ability available. Looking at the logs that I've been shown, and others that I've gotten my hands on, I see a pretty straight forward "affliction" tracker that envenoms and afflicts based on already-estimated afflictions.
That is not illegal in the slightest, and it's honestly pretty smart coding truth be told. I know on numerous occasions that many have asked on the 'Mudlet' clan for help in fixing something with their own personal tracker. In a basic nutshell, affliction combat is almost entirely just a mathematical equation between your afflicting speed, herb balance, focus balance, and their cure method. It's a big puzzle with a timer.
As for the websites quotes, as well as quotes from the clan "Project 9", I believe virtually everyone on there has spewed some exaggerated things that rival most 14-year old kid's claims on XBOX Live about sleeping with someones mom.
I might be a lone dove here, but if the dude's able to sell it and make money off of it, why not? Wouldn't you? If I could code, I would - you can bet your sweet ass of it. If your chief argument is that it's your work and not theirs, and that yours is superior - why not sell it yourself? I think it's a copout honestly.
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein
Achaean combat isn't that complicated, it's just tedious to get past the midbie stage. Compared to say, chess, it's pretty straightforward.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Hey, I just had the same question Traelor did when this thread went up. It wasn't personal.
My confirming that the log posted by Shara is legit doesn't make me a thug, neither does the humor I find in its contents.
I think the most I've said here is that encouraging people to automate as described on P9 is sketchy. I questioned whether Sarapis had, in fact, approved that usage of the affliction tracker. Something he denied.
I have no problem with an affliction tracker being sold by Ernam or by anyone else. Like most people I simply raised an eyebrow at his boisterous claims to have used it to kill people AFK and that automation to that extent was completely legal.
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
Don't know why everyone's throwing a huge hissy fit about it.
I'll say that I went back to nothing when you started helping me. My system is essentially yours, but with my own flourishes, and touches. Not that I use it anymore, but yeah. @Strata is the boss.
The white knighting is real.
@Rip, IRE's yet to come up with a class that's complex enough to get around a good enough, and dedicated enough coder, I'm sorry.
If you want reference, here, part of an automation script I have access to in Imperian:
cbf digging up triggers, way too lazy to bother proving my point -that- much.What's that script called? Cyclomatic Complexity?
IDK, but you can just hold down F1 and it'll lock someone. Also I said 'part of the script', there's multiple ones which are similarly coded like that one
- Also works perfectly well in group settings; even better if multiple people are using the script.
Totally unrelated, but @Alcinae using the Insightful reaction is my favourite thing on the forums right now. It just fits so well with her avatar.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
@Antonius, @Alcinae is a male :P
@Xer: Then why does he have a girl's name?
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files