I was under the impression that sending tells to check if a person is around was frowned upon?
That's okay, his script wouldn't work anyway. It'd error on the 'if'
Should be if v == "Dunn" then
Come on man.
Are you saying you don't have a Dunn variable containing the string "Dunn"?
The script shouldn't error, though. v would just never match Dunn (presumably not a variable he has defined, so nil) so it would always run the else part.
Frederich's voice sizzles as he tells you, "I mean."
Frederich's voice sizzles as he tells you, "I'm chill with seeing his dick."
Frederich's voice sizzles as he tells you, "Never seen a troll's before."
Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.
Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:
Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"
I spat out my coffee reading this, and this is one bug I wish they left unfixed:
* Furnishing blankets, for a brief time, were emerging from the workshop as bizarre fluffy goblins. Some Furnishers found themselves attacked by a simply-woven pink goblin, which was amusing, but now fixed.
Lifting a shamanistic rattle, you give it a purposeful shake, the beads within clattering
Your only warning is a sense of impending doom before a bolt of lightning rips through you,
transfixing you with its fury.
You have completed the You Shall Fall resolution! Congratulations!
You just received message #1196 from Achaea.
You just received a group of 3 mementoes!
You have slain yourself.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
05:37:18.79 140%|100%|100%e 100%w| cdbk|dex | - speak Achaean You are unable to speak achaean, though you can speak the following, as well as the city language of any city you are formally allied to:
Language Level of Competency ----------- ----------------------------- Achaean perfect Dragon perfect Human perfect <others>
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
The following is presented without comment, or context.
The door leading east is opened from the other side.
Skye, riding a massive dire wolf, arrives from the east.
The door to the east slams shut.
A water weird glides in from the east.
Lady Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos screams with a muddled Thalassian accent, "YEEEEEEAAAAAAH!"
Lady Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos says with a muddled Thalassian accent, "..."
Lady Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos says with a muddled Thalassian accent, "I'm sorry."
Lady Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos says with a muddled Thalassian accent, "I just... really wanted to do that."
Aodfionn blinks incredulously at Skye.
Lady Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos says with a muddled Thalassian accent, "It was an unspeakable urge."
Lady Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos says with a muddled Thalassian accent, "I think it's out of my system now."
Skye waves goodbye.
Skye opens the door to the east.
Skye, riding a massive dire wolf, leaves to the east.
The door to the east slams shut.
A water weird glides out to the east.
Aodfionn blinks.
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
Awakened Aodfionn, Reaper of Secrets says in Mhaldorian in a low, rumbling voice, "I, uh."
Awakened Aodfionn, Reaper of Secrets says in Mhaldorian in a low, rumbling voice, "...huh."
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
I spat out my coffee reading this, and this is one bug I wish they left unfixed:
* Furnishing blankets, for a brief time, were emerging from the workshop as bizarre fluffy goblins. Some Furnishers found themselves attacked by a simply-woven pink goblin, which was amusing, but now fixed.
This was my favorite bug to fix. I wish I'd though to keep that blanket as a memento. I still laugh thinking about, a week later. I guess this counts as "emergent gameplay"?
Composed by: Micaelis on or about the 9th of Sarapin, 739 AF.
1. The Bloodsworn have absolute authority over everything in Their city.
2. The Dawnlord has the authority and responsibility to step into any area of responsibility and overrule decisions made by those to whom authority has been delegated.
3. The Lumarchs have broad authority over decisions that are immediate in nature as well as the setting and enforcement of city policy, in general. Each Lumarch has complete authority over their respective fields and does not require the direct involvement of the Dawnlord when it comes to the introduction or enforcement of city policy.
4. The Orders have authority over doctrine and carrying out the specific will of the Bloodsworn for matters not involving the city. They are not above the general authority laid out in this document and fall within the general chain of command.
5. The Minister of Security has authority over all guard placements, totems, sigils, font maintenance, and other security tools of the Dawnspear.
6. Enemies may only be unenemied either by the Minister of Security, or by one of their aides in the event they give express permission to do so.
7. Security and War share a joint responsibility for font usage and the Ministers will work together to ensure optimal coverage.
8. The Minister of War has authority over all city defense, external raids, city shrine defilements, offensive missions, and offensive training.
9. The Ambassador has authority over most citizenship decisions, though in cases of controversial applicants, this authority may be elevated to the Prophet of Enlightenment.
[Type MORE if you wish to continue reading. (9% shown)] 6398h 4991m 100%e 100%w [38.6%] [Kenway] 10:13:44.395 [File continued via MORE] 10. Any Atalkez who kills Beowin's pet shall be immediately kicked out of the city without question.
Welp, guess I'll be homeless soon. Broke the laws :dissapointed:
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
names = {"Dunn", "Jhui", "Xaden"}
function nameTell()
for k,v in pairs(names) do
send("tell "..v.." I c u")
function nameTell()
for k,v in pairs(names) do
if v == Dunn then send("tell "..v.." U wot m8?")
send("tell "..v.." I c u")
Easiest way to survive in Annwyn is to just kill the person who come to kill you.
Should be if v == "Dunn" then
Come on man.
Welp, there goes that trick.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Are you saying you don't have a Dunn variable containing the string "Dunn"?
The script shouldn't error, though. v would just never match Dunn (presumably not a variable he has defined, so nil) so it would always run the else part.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Edit: Okay now I have. Don't go to open PK areas if you don't want to be PK'd
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
You tell Frederich, "Dear, Gods...I am so sorry."
Frederich's voice sizzles as he tells you, "I mean."
Frederich's voice sizzles as he tells you, "I'm chill with seeing his dick."
Frederich's voice sizzles as he tells you, "Never seen a troll's before."
* Furnishing blankets, for a brief time, were emerging from the workshop as bizarre fluffy goblins. Some Furnishers found themselves attacked by a simply-woven pink goblin, which was amusing, but now fixed.
You are unable to speak achaean, though you can speak the following, as well as the city language of
any city you are formally allied to:
Language Level of Competency
----------- -----------------------------
Achaean perfect
Dragon perfect
Human perfect
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Sometimes you just have to...
area of responsibility and overrule decisions made by those to whom
authority has been delegated.
in nature as well as the setting and enforcement of city policy, in
general. Each Lumarch has complete authority over their respective
fields and does not require the direct involvement of the Dawnlord when
it comes to the introduction or enforcement of city policy.
will of the Bloodsworn for matters not involving the city. They are not
above the general authority laid out in this document and fall within
the general chain of command.
totems, sigils, font maintenance, and other security tools of the
by one of their aides in the event they give express permission to do
Ministers will work together to ensure optimal coverage.
raids, city shrine defilements, offensive missions, and offensive
in cases of controversial applicants, this authority may be elevated to
the Prophet of Enlightenment.
6398h 4991m 100%e 100%w [38.6%] [Kenway] 10:13:44.395
[File continued via MORE]
10. Any Atalkez who kills Beowin's pet shall be immediately kicked out
of the city without question.
Welp, guess I'll be homeless soon. Broke the laws :dissapointed:
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.