Memorable quotes



  • You may want to get a buffer before trying anything. 7% is a good buffer.


  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Dunn said:

    You may want to get a buffer before trying anything. 7% is a good buffer.

    7% isnt enough if you have @Dontarion and Carmain behind you.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • p sure @Yiwen is the worst almost dragon ever.
  • Ugrach, Lord of the Undead's eyes flare with a malevolent glow, sending baleful beams drilling into
    your being, burning and wracking you within.
    You have been slain by Ugrach, Lord of the Undead.
    A group of 2 kola nuts falls out of your inventory.
    Slippery elm falls out of your inventory.
    A book titled "History of Occultism" by Lord Luxsyth falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a colossal, hulking ghoul falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a pale-skinned, humanoid vampire falls out of your inventory.
    A piece of kelp falls out of your inventory.
    A bloodroot leaf falls out of your inventory.
    A ginseng root falls out of your inventory.
    A bloodroot leaf falls out of your inventory.
    A piece of kelp falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a deadly obsidian scorpion falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a deadly obsidian scorpion falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a luminescent ghost falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a luminescent ghost falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a ponderous ictheli falls out of your inventory.
    Ugrach, Lord of the Undead grins slyly, reaches down, and takes a monolith sigil from the corpse of
    Anedhel. (0.521s)

    Sumbitch, that was my last one D:
  • Hasar said:
    A huge, ferocious manticore hurls itself against your shield in a futile attempt to harm you.
    A huge, ferocious manticore flaps his wings and buffets you with a gust of wind.
    A huge, ferocious manticore flaps his wings and buffets you with a gust of wind.
    You have been slain by a huge, ferocious manticore.
    A group of 2 magnesium chips falls out of your inventory.
    An aurum flake falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 2 quicksilver droplets falls out of your inventory.
    A stannum flake falls out of your inventory.
    A cuprum flake falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 2 argentum flakes falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 2 ferrum flakes falls out of your inventory.
    A group of 3 plumbum flakes falls out of your inventory.
    A quartz grain falls out of your inventory.
    An arsenic pellet falls out of your inventory.
    An arsenic pellet falls out of your inventory.
    A calamine crystal falls out of your inventory.
    A calamine crystal falls out of your inventory.
    An aurum flake falls out of your inventory.
    A calamine crystal falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops guard falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops guard falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops guard falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops woman falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops guard falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a scruffy cyclops boy falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops guard falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops guard falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of Steropes, the cyclops smith falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops woman falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops guard falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of Arges, Chieftain of the Cyclopes falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a cyclops guard falls out of your inventory.
    A potash crystal falls out of your inventory.
    A potash crystal falls out of your inventory.
    A potash crystal falls out of your inventory.
    A potash crystal falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a huge, ferocious manticore falls out of your inventory.
    A potash crystal falls out of your inventory.
    A potash crystal falls out of your inventory.
    A potash crystal falls out of your inventory.
    0h, 4965m, 19973e, 20270w ex Vote- [11:57:54] <0.243>
    outr 1 potash
    You are dead and cannot do that.
    0h, 4965m, 19973e, 20270w ex Vote- [11:57:54] <0.373>
    -------------------------------->*DEATH TO ALL WHO OPPOSE US*<--------------------------------
    0h, 4965m, 19973e, 20270w ex Vote- [11:57:54] <0.377>
    A tunnel through the rocks (indoors).
    There are 5 huge, ferocious manticores here. A stubborn mule wanders about here, nosing at the ground. The twisted remains of Hasar lie here. There are 2 magnesium chips in a group here. There are 2 aurum flakes in 2 groups here. There are 2 quicksilver droplets in a group here. A flake of stannum rests on the ground here, gleaming a dull silver. A flake of cuprum gleams red-orange on the ground. There are 2 argentum flakes in a group here. There are 2 ferrum flakes in a group here. There are 3 plumbum flakes in a group here. A grain of quartz glints upon the ground. There are 2 arsenic pellets in 2 groups here. There are 3 calamine crystals in 3 groups here. There are 8 corpses of a cyclops guard here. There are 2 corpses of a cyclops woman here. Covered in a mixture of blood and dirt, the corpse of a cyclops boy lies here. His body covered in a multitude of fresh wounds, Steropes lies dead. A look of terror frozen on his face, the stiff, broken corpse of Arges, the cyclops chieftain, lies here, covered in blood. There are 7 potash crystals in 7 groups here. The red glow in his eyes fading, a huge manticore lies dead here.
    You see exits leading north and west.
    0h, 4965m, 19973e, 20270w ex Vote- [11:57:54] <0.142>
    The soul of Hasar (male Rajamala Magiker)
    You are level 98 (Lord of Creation) and 97% of the way to the next level.
    Health:          0 / 4220     Mana:         4965 / 4965
    Endurance:   19973 /20000     Willpower:   20270 /21470
    Strength: 11  Dexterity: 13  Constitution: 12  Intelligence: 13
    0h, 4965m, 19973e, 20270w ex Vote- [11:57:55] <0.349>

    Found the manticores guys.

    Edit: Also, I became a red dragon by accident, because I did LIGHT BEACON GOLD (at the RED beacon), because I thought it was one beacon, and you pick your colour at it hahaha.

    can I get the award for worst (almostdragon) ever pls.

    (And can the award be experience?)
    Red Dragons are so rare that people originally thought someone had gotten God zapped. :P
  • edited December 2013
    Death to all Mhaldorians, especially @Hasar. He cant lead raids and we get guarded nonstop (with retard down). Atleast I choose to walk us into guards for funsies.
    @DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.

  • Nonsense. Always spam web.
  • now to figure out how to force spam web

     i'm a rebel

  • A new character named Starfox has been created.

  • edited December 2013
    Kafziel said:
    So first time fighting a priest since the changes

    A mental disruption saps at your mana reserves.
    Sticky strands of webbing spray out to cover Melodie as you touch the web tattoo.
    5720|100 3093|62 100 86 cxkdbv-  20:11:02.334(-344m, 7.0%)
    A mental disruption saps at your mana reserves.
    A mental disruption saps at your mana reserves.
    Your spirit writhes in torment under the glare of the angel.
    5720|100 2405|48 100 86 cxkdbv-  20:11:02.820
    A mental disruption saps at your mana reserves.
    The remnants of the water energy surrounding you fades.
    5720|100 2061|41 100 86 cxkdbv-  20:11:02.972
    A mental disruption saps at your mana reserves.
    A mental disruption saps at your mana reserves.
    A mental disruption saps at your mana reserves.
    A mental disruption saps at your mana reserves.
    Your mind is able to focus once again.
    5720|100 685|13 100 86 cxkdbv-  20:11:03.649

    Lesson learned: don't spam web when you have fire disrupt
    Should bug that.

    Should only occur when the tattoo is fired.


  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Strata said:
    Pedosex (female Siren).
    She is 18 years old, having been born on the 9th of Mayan, 623 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
    She is unranked in Achaea.
    She is an extremely credible character.
    She is not known for acts of infamy.
    She is a Plebeian in Ashtan.
    She is considered to be approximately 0% of your might.

    A new character named Tabbyxxx has been created.

    wtf all these porn names D:

  • Its fixed, will be up soon.
  • Wow. Much confuse. So befuddle.

    Seriously though, is that supposed to happen?
    Commissions- Base pay is 15cr/hour of work. See THIS for commission FAQ.
    The current commission queue is 5. Estimated delay in new commissions is > one week.
    There is currently a freeze on commissions. No new requests are being taken at this time, and current pieces are delayed. See sketchbook thread for details.

  • No, looks like they're modified/pacified for the event, but that doesn't stop them reacting negatively if you're Hated on FEELINGS VILLAGES. That was pretty much constant, too; just being slapped and abused over and over and over again. :(
  • Antonius said:
    No, looks like they're modified/pacified for the event, but that doesn't stop them reacting negatively if you're Hated on FEELINGS VILLAGES. That was pretty much constant, too; just being slapped and abused over and over and over again. :(
    Yeah, that was kind of amusing, I was said that I was beating by like a second to the splinter... but, well the Baron dying probably has nothing to do with Rinzai, or his general interests, I was just assessing for any potential threat to Cyrene. Was funny watch you get slapped around though.
  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    (Targossas): Avianca says, "Someone tell me where Yiwen is please?"
    (Targossas): Aelios says, "More than likely praying."
    (Targossas): You say, "Dueling Nemutaur."
    (Targossas): Avianca says, "Oh."
    (Targossas): Avianca says, "Wait."
    (Targossas): Avianca says, "Why would Yiwen be dueling Nemutaur>."
    (Targossas): Avianca says, "?"
    (Targossas): Aelios says, "...Caladbolg is dueling him."
    (Targossas): Aelios says, "Yiwen is praying."
    (Targossas): Atalkez says, "Yiwen is up now."

    I just saw this in my logs and didn't notice it at the time (was fighting)

  • Man, you're way OP if you got confused with an artiemonk. That's some scary shit right there.
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