Was considering posting but looks like y'all got my back. I'm going to reward gold stars in the form of likes now. Also a little scary how intimate Jovolo's knowledge of me is considering I've never spoken to him before(to any length). I'm impressed.
I was only there to tell Rangor how much his village smells due to the heads. @Daeir, back me up here.
Edit: Okay to actually add to this thread, I submitted an issue last night about how the henna tattoo I had from Zanzibaar hadn't decayed despite being on "one month" for the last week. So I woke up to the following...
Message #1941 Sent by Meletus
11/19/17:26 Greetings! In regard to issue 67065, the henna tattoo should decay naturally today! If it is still about tomorrow, please submit a new ISSUE so that we may quarantine you properly and figure out the special nature of your overly clingy henna, we wouldn't want it spreading!
Part two!
issue me In following up with issue 67065, my henna still has not decayed. It seems I am now suffering the clinigius hennaosis eternal virus, and I submit myself for quarentine in order to save humanity (and I suppose the rest of the races, too, except those pesky atavians) from the spread of such a horrendous, contagious, world-ending disease.
Thank you, your issue has been submitted.
(Five minutes later)
You just received message #1972 from Meletus.
Message #1972 Sent by Meletus
11/20/23:19 Greetings! In regard to issue 67076, while we appreciate your willingness to ensure the maximum level of destruction of yourself along with your overly attached tattoo (and a few of the Garden members' desire to put someone into their incinerator to test the strength of the flame), Tecton saw fit to ruin everyone's fun in an overwhelming display of power by silently wiping the poor tattoo that just wanted to be loved from existence. What a downer.
You sent the following message to Meletus:
Could you let Tecton know he broke my poor little heart with such a thoughtless action as to simply destroy the thing that only wanted a little love? Acceptance? Maybe even a nice girl? My romantic heart, oh how it breaks.
You just received message #1973 from Meletus.
Message #1973 Sent by Meletus
11/20/23:22 I am forced to remind you that it was you yourself who desired to part from the poor thing!
You sent the following message to Meletus:
Oh my Gods, you're right. What have I been doing with my life?! I killed it, oh Gods, I killed it. Whatever am I to do to make up for this travesty?
You just received message #1974 from Meletus.
Message #1974 Sent by Meletus
11/20/23:25 A purchase of approximately 1.37 million credits should suffice. Though you cannot put a price on love, I am told that that's quite close!
You sent the following message to Meletus:
Time to get three jobs. I hope you don't mind some of that money covered in unsavory substances. Give me about two hundred years.
You just received message #1975 from Meletus.
Message #1975 Sent by Meletus
11/20/23:27 Iron Realms appreciates your business, m'Lady.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
It's weird to refer to a shout or something someone says and talk about spelling as if it was posted to an internet board. Even stranger to tell people to note the proper spelling of something you just said aloud when you didn't note it at all.
In an IG sense, saying proper 'enunciation' or 'elocution' would have made more sense (even though I hate it when people say that to refer to a typo in an in-character way). It's a little frivolous, but he is the Lord Bard after all, and the artful delivery of the spoken and written word seems like something he'd care about.
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
I will note that even though I commented that, I still get pissed off at people who have terrible grammar and can't spell that play Achaea (not just random typos).
Commissions- Base pay is 15cr/hour of work. See THIS for commission FAQ.
The current commission queue is 5. Estimated delay in new commissions is > one week.
There is currently a freeze on commissions. No new requests are being taken at this time, and current pieces are delayed. See sketchbook thread for details.
11/22/4:22 Regarding your issue #67092, all things respect blackwind/phase/af/death in the new system. If they're not able to be interacted with, they won't count towards anything in terms of the system.
An infernal wraith pulls back harshly on the reins of his steed, which rears back and kicks you powerfully in the forehead. Your mind swims as you reel from the blow.
An infernal wraith swings at you with his blades, slicing and tearing the tissue around your skull with a length of rusted metal. The strength of the strike leaves you stunned.
You have been slain by an infernal wraith.
A brilliant rainbow skink falls out of your inventory.
A small black cobra falls out of your inventory.
A pinch of ground malachite falls out of your inventory. (0.71s) (0s)
I love clumsy attempts to talk to me. It's so cute.
Blade Aspirant Kadikh, Recruit of Mhaldor asks in Mhaldorian, "Priora, I wonder if you might have any advice on becoming a more productive slave to Mhaldor?"
You push a pair of half-moon glasses higher upon the bridge of your nose.
You say in a cold, monotone voice, "Do you mean, more productive than standing idle in the steet?"
Blade Aspirant Kadikh, Recruit of Mhaldor says in Mhaldorian, "That would certainly be a start."
With all due respect, and anticipation of being called a blasphemer, fool, idiot, weakling, coward, or some other derogatory term or insult, I just thought I should let you know that while you may no longer be Shallam, using the same heavy handed attempts to forcefully coerce innocent individuals into working for you by means of threats and harassment is very likely going to result not in the gaining of servants of your 'Light', but rather in making people wary of becoming such a zealotous extortionist.
And yes, yes, I know, only you shiny goldenboy Targossians can be 'innocent', but I'm choosing to ignore your moronic choice to ignore the simple meaning of a simple word.
With all due respect, and anticipation of being called a blasphemer, fool, idiot, weakling, coward, or some other derogatory term or insult, I just thought I should let you know that while you may no longer be Shallam, using the same heavy handed attempts to forcefully coerce innocent individuals into working for you by means of threats and harassment is very likely going to result not in the gaining of servants of your 'Light', but rather in making people wary of becoming such a zealotous extortionist.
And yes, yes, I know, only you shiny goldenboy Targossians can be 'innocent', but I'm choosing to ignore your moronic choice to ignore the simple meaning of a simple word.
With all -due- respect,
Forever in service to the Bastion,
Ambassador Hiroma Moliuvia
Learn. To. Use. Periods.
So I guess next you're going to correct William Faulkner?
Arguing with a zealot is only slightly easier than tunneling through a mountain with your forehead.
With all due respect, and anticipation of being called a blasphemer, fool, idiot, weakling, coward, or some other derogatory term or insult, I just thought I should let you know that while you may no longer be Shallam, using the same heavy handed attempts to forcefully coerce innocent individuals into working for you by means of threats and harassment is very likely going to result not in the gaining of servants of your 'Light', but rather in making people wary of becoming such a zealotous extortionist.
And yes, yes, I know, only you shiny goldenboy Targossians can be 'innocent', but I'm choosing to ignore your moronic choice to ignore the simple meaning of a simple word.
With all -due- respect,
Forever in service to the Bastion,
Ambassador Hiroma Moliuvia
Learn. To. Use. Periods.
That sentence, while overly verbose, redundant, a bit convoluted, and not a little pointless, is not a runon; some other aspects of the grammar and punctuation could use a little work, but the only place a period is needed is where he put one, at the end.
I always invoke the right of parlay when I am in danger.
According to the Code of the Brethren, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you must take me to your Captain!
The Code be more like guidelines than actual rules.
Also, Eld, that pretty much is a run on sentence. Besides trying to create a new word with 'zealotus', I can see at least three places for a period. General rule of thumb being, if you can't say it in one breath without stopping, it probably needs a full stop.
Run-on sentences don't have much to do with length. You could have an infinitely long sentence that isn't a run-on sentence, or a sentence of only a few words that is.
There is no place in that sentence where you could insert a period, with no other changes, and obtain a grammatical result. One of the parts would be a sentence fragment.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.