Hey guys, trying to get some ideas for different scripts that are useful for playing/utility/combat.
What's been your most useful script to date that you couldn't consider playing without now?
So far I've made a priorities script that displays what my current top 3 curing priorities are that's been interesting! Lets me know when I can go defensive/offensive based on my afflictions.
A name database that highlights by city.
My answer should probably be mapper or name database as well, but I also find an affliction prompt with affs ordered and coloured by cure type really useful for scanning and keeping up with fights.
General - https://github.com/27theo/achaea
Limbs - https://github.com/27theo/limb
Char DB - https://github.com/27theo/cdb
Really like the idea of grouping the afflictions by cure type to quick glance whats getting stacked up on. Nicely done!