Seeking Mushclient Help

Hey there, I'm seeking anyone with Mushclient coding abilities, to potentially teach me about not sucking with coding. What I'd really like to focus on learning is how to make an affliction tracker and limb counter. If you have any experience and wouldn't mind helping, message me or reply here! Thank you!


  • best help i can provide.
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Mudlet is not screenreader friendly, so that helps not at all!
  • Mezghar said:
    Mudlet is not screenreader friendly, so that helps not at all!
    Ahh i see. very few people use mushclient. I hope you find what you need. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Driden said:
    Ahh i see. 

    Way to rub it in!

  • I'll go out on a limb here to say the nexus client should be screenreader friendly. I'll tag @Makarios in so he can confirm or deny it. (I heard rumors he may have used Mush as a player, if he did he can point you in the right directions for documentation you can learn from.)
  • The nexus client is useable for a screen reader user in some browsers, but its not laid out in such a way to facilitate competitive play - this is mostly a product of browsers just not really being an ideal medium for that sector. There's always work being done on improving this, but as of the moment your options boil down to mushclient or one of the more obscure clients.

    If you are dead set on coding things to help you, there isn't really a silver bullet: you'll need to go out and learn the basics of the scripting language you want to work in. This will almost certainly be lua in your case because it works with mush out of the box, and you'll be able to get help from people who use that language in mudlet since the only real differences are client function calls (such as printing text to the terminal or sending a command to the game).

    Lua documentation:

    Functions specific to mush:

    I'm not really a lua user myself, so I can't point you to any other credible lua tutorials. The lua website is very complete and there's a good chance vast amounts of the information will be entirely irrelevant for your use cases, but its a good overall reference if there is a particular topic you become stuck on. You can also google lua tutorials and almost certainly find some things to get you started.
  • @Mezghar I see you around enough.  I'm not the best, but I will do what I can.  Also here if you need to test some stuff.

  • I've been slowly chipping at some Mushclient stuff, but nothing combat related, yet. I'm very new to Achaea, but I've used Mush in competitive combat in another mud. and was modestly successful.  I really don't want to invent the wheel, so if any blind players want to get together via discord and have a discord channel dedicated to this topic, in addition to the VIP clan, I'd love to work on getting it started.
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