Ak Opponent Tracking



  • Any errors coming through in mudlet?
  • Renek said:
    I was needing it for sentinel. Mainly for doublestrike hits and axe throw hits
    I use....

      limb_health = 320 + (targetmaxhealth * .24)

    weapon_damage = weaponstabs[k].damagestat + 10.0 + (targetmaxhealth * 0.005)

    bkp = (limb_health / (weapon_damage * 2))

    weaponstabs[k].damagepercent = 100 / bkp

    with weaponstats set to...

       ["a Sylvan axe"] = {damagestat = 135, damagepercent = 0, augment = "Sentinel"},

    ["an Axe of the Hunt"] = {damagestat = 140, damagepercent = 0, augment = "Sentinel"},

    ["an Axe of Gaian Fury"] = {damagestat = 145, damagepercent = 0, augment = "Sentinel"},

       ["a menacing, Eleusian axe"] = {damagestat = 94, damagepercent = 0, augment = "Sentinel"},

       ["a mithril spear"] = {damagestat = 101, damagepercent = 0, augment = "Sentinel"},

    Not sure if the damage stats are correct for anything except axe of gaian fury though.... You just need to change the damagestat = XX until it sort of fits....

  • RomRom
    edited May 2017
    That's what I used too, got it from Rakon on these forums long ago. It worked very well for Sentinel.
    Sentinel is the reason I multiplied weapon damage by 2, since their limb damage is 'doubled' like blunt damage. You'd want to remove that part to use it as another class, but I've never tried that formula as anything but Sentinel.

    Edit: Ah, it was Rakon but he posted it while circumventing his forum ban. http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/comment/47440/#Comment_47440

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  • I got it from you bby.  <3
  • @Rangor should I be using %limb damage counting considering maul uses %25 or should I use a hits to break count for sentinel? And based off the formulas and my hits to break the above formula is 3% higher in damage then what it really amounts to be (figuring 4k health opponent 96 weapon damage. Hits is 6 count while the formula is putting it at a 20% damage ratio which would be 5 hits)
  • Renek said:
    @Rangor should I be using %limb damage counting considering maul uses %25 or should I use a hits to break count for sentinel? And based off the formulas and my hits to break the above formula is 3% higher in damage then what it really amounts to be (figuring 4k health opponent 96 weapon damage. Hits is 6 count while the formula is putting it at a 20% damage ratio which would be 5 hits)
    I use %, because the amount of hits will vary depending on how many handaxe/spear/mauls/trips you use. For example a target that needs 5 handaxe trows to break may need 7 trips to break and 4 mauls to break. We don't really use maul as sentinels anymore though.
  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Hits to break is a lot less headache, but it also removes the ability to account damage from multiple sources.  I'm a fan of percent based damage just because of how much wiggle room it gives you.  In general, if your count is going to be off, its better for ak to think it's doing too much limb damage than too little, particularly leg breaks since it will correct any errors.. maybe..i think..
  • Kythra said:
    Having never touched AK despite people being adamant I use it. How hard is it to implement Depthswalker and its afflictions? We've a Newbie Depthswalker I'm trying to help, but as far as I'm aware, leach, loop, madness, depression, etc aren't in AK, right? Would it just take a solid hour or so writing everything in? Would I need to go into the internal settings and write in 'leach' and cures for it being kelp? (Then obviously add in every unique affliction)
    im late but i have these things if you still want them kythra?
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Taryius said:
    All of sudden, AK has decided to ignore the majority of all herb eats... Nothing has changed in the 'ate' trigger... And I just don't get it, anyone else having issues like such?

    You ever figure this out? Mine just quit on me too and I have no idea why
  • So, I decided to install this today, and in that do a little gui shaping of my own. I went in and I changed the display a bit. I wanted the refereshAffsOLD to be a smaller window with some of the stuff in it, and a refreshAffsNEW window to have the affs and limbs in it. The only problem, is I can't get the second window to pop up. Is there a reasoning for this?

    The script can be found here: script

    It's all the same stuff from ak, just shortened the OLD and added the NEW. Any suggestions to get both windows to pop? I can get the OLD window to still pop, just not the NEW.

  • edited October 2017
    Thalak said:
    So, I decided to install this today, and in that do a little gui shaping of my own. I went in and I changed the display a bit. I wanted the refereshAffsOLD to be a smaller window with some of the stuff in it, and a refreshAffsNEW window to have the affs and limbs in it. The only problem, is I can't get the second window to pop up. Is there a reasoning for this?

    The script can be found here: script

    It's all the same stuff from ak, just shortened the OLD and added the NEW. Any suggestions to get both windows to pop? I can get the OLD window to still pop, just not the NEW.

    Try to run... -- lua affdisplay1:flash() -- to see if it is hidden behind another console or something? Same with the 2nd?

    Edit: Hrm. These are windows I see. Should be dockable I believe. By default IIRC all windows created dock to right side of screen. Try right clicking multiview at the top and see if you can find it there?

    Edit 2: There is also a showWindow() function you may find useful. Found here.
  • Kogan said:
    Thalak said:
    So, I decided to install this today, and in that do a little gui shaping of my own. I went in and I changed the display a bit. I wanted the refereshAffsOLD to be a smaller window with some of the stuff in it, and a refreshAffsNEW window to have the affs and limbs in it. The only problem, is I can't get the second window to pop up. Is there a reasoning for this?

    The script can be found here: script

    It's all the same stuff from ak, just shortened the OLD and added the NEW. Any suggestions to get both windows to pop? I can get the OLD window to still pop, just not the NEW.

    Try to run... -- lua affdisplay1:flash() -- to see if it is hidden behind another console or something? Same with the 2nd?

    Edit: Hrm. These are windows I see. Should be dockable I believe. By default IIRC all windows created dock to right side of screen. Try right clicking multiview at the top and see if you can find it there?

    Edit 2: There is also a showWindow() function you may find useful. Found here.
    I still couldn't find the window. I tried to do the right clicky thing and it made me lose all my top clicky buttons. Now I can't get them back
  • Thalak said:
    Kogan said:
    Thalak said:
    So, I decided to install this today, and in that do a little gui shaping of my own. I went in and I changed the display a bit. I wanted the refereshAffsOLD to be a smaller window with some of the stuff in it, and a refreshAffsNEW window to have the affs and limbs in it. The only problem, is I can't get the second window to pop up. Is there a reasoning for this?

    The script can be found here: script

    It's all the same stuff from ak, just shortened the OLD and added the NEW. Any suggestions to get both windows to pop? I can get the OLD window to still pop, just not the NEW.

    Try to run... -- lua affdisplay1:flash() -- to see if it is hidden behind another console or something? Same with the 2nd?

    Edit: Hrm. These are windows I see. Should be dockable I believe. By default IIRC all windows created dock to right side of screen. Try right clicking multiview at the top and see if you can find it there?

    Edit 2: There is also a showWindow() function you may find useful. Found here.
    I still couldn't find the window. I tried to do the right clicky thing and it made me lose all my top clicky buttons. Now I can't get them back
    Hm. Alt-v I believe should return them. When I do the same that doesn't happen to me. Apologies. 
  • Kogan said:
    Thalak said:
    Kogan said:
    Thalak said:
    So, I decided to install this today, and in that do a little gui shaping of my own. I went in and I changed the display a bit. I wanted the refereshAffsOLD to be a smaller window with some of the stuff in it, and a refreshAffsNEW window to have the affs and limbs in it. The only problem, is I can't get the second window to pop up. Is there a reasoning for this?

    The script can be found here: script

    It's all the same stuff from ak, just shortened the OLD and added the NEW. Any suggestions to get both windows to pop? I can get the OLD window to still pop, just not the NEW.

    Try to run... -- lua affdisplay1:flash() -- to see if it is hidden behind another console or something? Same with the 2nd?

    Edit: Hrm. These are windows I see. Should be dockable I believe. By default IIRC all windows created dock to right side of screen. Try right clicking multiview at the top and see if you can find it there?

    Edit 2: There is also a showWindow() function you may find useful. Found here.
    I still couldn't find the window. I tried to do the right clicky thing and it made me lose all my top clicky buttons. Now I can't get them back
    Hm. Alt-v I believe should return them. When I do the same that doesn't happen to me. Apologies. 
    Thanks for the responses either way!

    Still can't get the second window to pop up, I've tried flashies and show window and all that. Anyone got anything else?
  • You have his display variable set right? I think it won't show unless you have a stack variable set either
  • Kayle said:
    You have his display variable set right? I think it won't show unless you have a stack variable set either
    display variable is set, yes. Stack variable is set, but shows up only in the first window .. Is that why second window isn't showing up?
  • I would like to start playing with this... is there an up to date version or just the base release?
  • Kothrel said:
    I would like to start playing with this... is there an up to date version or just the base release?
    You'll have to navigate the thread, since they don't allow editing of the original posts anymore.. There was a few different versions posted throughout it.
  • Does anyone still have stuff for depthswalker? Driden seems to be inactive...
  • Kothrel said:
    I would like to start playing with this... is there an up to date version or just the base release?
    It is a pretty base version that needs fair amount of tweaks and changes to work. It does not work out of the box and doesn't reflect certain new classes or skills like DW, or Shikudo. 

    I intend to put in some work to this but attempt to decouple my system is a nightmare...

    Well we will see if i get around to work on this... Or anyone beat me to it. But don't message me or ask me when. I don't know... Frankly....
  • Down with the autobots!

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • edited November 2017
    Atalkez said:
    Down with the autobots!
    Auto everything! In future you can Tell Dochitha Duel, I will auto come to you, you say start, we will fight, all automatic. Including auto treeing and auto ink star burst. When you win, I will say good fight. Oh, need to add auto reset limb b4 fighting too. My fun will be reduced down to keep buying and upgrading Artefacts.  Like Ironman. 
  • Tell Dochitha Duel
    say moment
    start cleave

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    Down with the autobots!

  • Kothrel said:
    I would like to start playing with this... is there an up to date version or just the base release?
    Asthor said:
    Does anyone still have stuff for depthswalker? Driden seems to be inactive...

    A little bit late, but even though this won't work perfectly out of the box, the base system can be easily updated to suit your purposes. I had to update mine with Bard and Priest (Bard is incomplete and Priest isn't a part of it at all), but doing so is pretty simple. What you'll mostly need are the affliction lines; if there are afflictions that have 3P messages you want to use in backtracking, you'll also need to add those. I can't really comment on the logic for DW smart afflicting, but given how well the class seems to work without exact tracking, you might not even need it.

    You can add the afflictions to the table in the oreset script and the base AK Opponent Tracking folder. Just scroll down to the appropriate affliction tables and throw them in.

    For the attacks giving the corresponding afflictions, you just need to add the trigger for the affliction successfully hitting, and call OppGainedAff(affliction) for it.

    The weapon hit trigger might also be missing things such as scythes depending on what the 1P message is, but this can just be added to the existing trigger.

    It's a great system to tinker with and adapt to suit your purposes, I modified mine a lot as I explored it and found gaps or decided I needed different information to work with. I'm not sure any of the offensive components work well as is, but I didn't use them and instead just used the information given with the affliction tracking itself (affstrack.score.affliction) to integrate them into my own scripts.

    (Thanks @Austere for a super useful system to start from - this has helped me immensely!)

  • edited December 2017
    Disregard, don't know how to delete comment.
  • Atalkez said:
    Down with the autobots!

    spread positivity
  • I have just downloaded and installed this and my eating trigger isn't triggering for some reason is there something I gotta do to make that work? Is it bugged and I gotta fix it somewhere?
  • This script is not well off right out the gate. You have to do some modifying to get it running properly per your class, and some updates for new classes and stuff. I did so much tweaking with my copy I just built a new one from the ground up.
  • Zekeros said:
    I have just downloaded and installed this and my eating trigger isn't triggering for some reason is there something I gotta do to make that work? Is it bugged and I gotta fix it somewhere?
    It provides a brain framework and logic. Adjustment must be made. Usually you can disable the trigger that's not working and write your own trigger and use OppGainedAff() or OppLostAff() to add or remove affliction to track. You can also edit the scripts to add afflictions if new classes.
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