Howdy. So my channel capture broke forever ago (in a ship race when I frantically tried to add that channel to the rest of it mid-sailing) and despite trying to fix it with help from the person who set it up for me in the first place, it's still not working.
I have two basic triggers -
^(ShipRace|Market|Newbie|Party|House Obuun|United Union of Crafters|Dwarves of Kongol Drak|The Achaean Heraldry Association|The Achaean Elders|The Sefyric Mariners Guild|The Eye of Pisces|The Parthren Gare|Order): %w says, ~"*~"$
and another with 'You say' in place of %w says so that my own conversational contributions get sent to the window as well. The separate channel cap window still opens when I log in, but nothing gets sent to it so it just hovers, its face as blank and useless as someone who's been avada kedavra'd.
These triggers are layered on top of an old old script I got from the old forums and unfortunately, I can't remember who wrote it.
All I know is it USED to work and then I screwed up something during that race and now it doesn't work anymore. Halp?
This is the old script that I imported to my settings, and the other two triggers are in the same class folder -
#DELCLASS ChannelCapture
#IF (%window(CHANNELS) = 0) {#MAKEW CHANNELS open "width=100c|height=21c|floating=yes|scrolling=yes|persistant"}
#CLASS {ChannelCapture} {setdef}
#ALIAS hidechannels {#VARIABLE chancap_hidechannels %eval( not @chancap_hidechannels);#IF (@chancap_hidechannels) {#SAY %ansi( red, bold)"[ NOW HIDING CHANNELS FROM MAIN WINDOW ]"} {#SAY %ansi( green, bold)"[ NOW SHOWING CHANNELS IN MAIN WINDOW ]"}}
#VAR chancap_hidechannels {0}
#REGEX {^\{chan ch=(~[^~}~]+)\}} {#SUBSTITUTE {};#CAPTURE CHANNELS;#IF (@chancap_hidechannels = 1) {#GAG}}
#COND {^$} {#IF (@chancap_hidechannels = 1) {#GAG}} {within|param=1}
#send {tag channels on}
CHANNELS: #MENU {Settings|Save As}
#SAY "+-----------------------------------------------------------------+"
#SAY "| |"
#SAY "| If you don't want to see channels in your main window, you can |"
#SAY "| type 'hidechannels' to toggle them hidden/showing. |"
#SAY "| |"
#SAY "+-----------------------------------------------------------------+"
In what way is it broken? Does it simply not fire at all for any channel?
^~({ShipRace|Market|Newbie|Party|House Obuun|United Union of Crafters|Dwarves of Kongol Drak|The Achaean Heraldry Association|The Achaean Elders|The Sefyric Mariners Guild|The Eye of Pisces|The Parthren Gare|Order}~): *$
That will match your messages too, so you don't need the second trigger for that.
still no go even with the new trigger pattern.
The pattern is working for me in zMUD 7.21, so the problem is probably somewhere else. What's the script for that trigger? If you could export the trigger as text (select it in the settings editor, then in the menu at the top click "File" and "Export test...") and post that here, that would be helpful too. I'd also double-check that the trigger and all the folders it's in are enabled.
aaaaaaaand this is the exported text for the trigger you gave me:
#REGEX {^~({ShipRace|Market|Newbie|Party|House Obuun|United Union of Crafters|Dwarves of Kongol Drak|The Achaean Heraldry Association|The Achaean Elders|The Sefyric Mariners Guild|The Eye of Pisces|The Parthren Gare|Order}~): *$} {#capture} "anaidiana|ChannelCapture" {color}
Try unchecking ANSI Trigger, and changing "#capture" to "#capture channels", and see if that works.
done and done, and still no dice
I have 15 credits unbound....could I pay you those to write me a new script that pops up the window and it'll work? I know it's not many credits, but I'm hoping it'll be a simple enough script that it'd be adequate payment? I can get more if you give me a week or so, if it's not equal compensation.
I can make one for free, but I don't have a lot of experience with multiple non-status windows (I avoid them because it makes it hard to see new activity using the colour of the zMUD icon, you have to click on each window with activity to return it to normal), so it could take some trial and error to get right.
I probably won't get to it tonight, but I should have it done (or ready for testing, at least) sometime tomorrow.
i love you! Thank you!
Let me know if there are any problems with it.
so far so good!!! Thank you so so so much!
Is there anything I can do for you in return?
I wouldn't complain about credit donations, but it's not a very complex script and didn't take long to make, so doing it for free isn't a problem.