Knight and Parry - a bit of brainstorming



  • WessuxWessux Chattanooga
    Shecks said:

    Runewardens (artied) are already one of the only classes I actually have to worry about dying to 1v1.

    The only differences between artied and unartied runewardens are the fact they are much tankier, and they need less pre-damage on their disembowel. (This is assuming no soulpiercers.) As a serpent I have no idea why the tankyness would bother you and the predamage, depending on the runewardens ability to stack venoms, usually doesn't matter anyway.
    Invest in a 9mm retirement plan.
  • edited February 2014

    10,000 damage spikes, with engage, is a little intense.  If I didn't have the sceptre of aqueous mastery and evade, I don't know if I'd be able to survive an artied thurisaz/hugalaz/prefarar dsl combo.  I'd certainly have to run every single time it was initiated, at the very least.  By no means do I think that damage stacking is "OP", but it's an option that most classes don't have, that does tend to work a lot more often than it should.

    Furthermore, I think too many people downplay limb setups from knights.  They are nowhere near as impotent as you'd like us to believe.  And the trick to beating parry isn't more abilities, it's paying attention to your opponents' parrying strategy, and countering it properly (instead of ignoring it and spamming your dsl alias).  As was already mentioned, there are easy counters to every setup, including static parrying.  If nothing else, be happy with the fact that it's just as hard to kill an artied knight as it is for knights to kill an artied opponent.
  • WessuxWessux Chattanooga
    Most of the knights here aren't saying we should have more abilities, hell most of us have stated we are good to go. It's just a little frustrating the time it takes to get around good parriers. Most knights who fight me now can't even set me up in the ten minutes we have in the arena.

    And going into the thurisaz stack kill. Yeah, that can be rough, but its easy to just walk away from that. (shielding can stop it too) Anyone can do that without that artefact or the evade skill. But I'll tell you what's really hard to walk away from, backstab dstab delph combo. Talk about a great gank/kill combo for all those poor souls not always keeping metawake up at all hours of the day.

    Now we aren't saying we need an auto ignore parry thing. It's pretty cool that we've come up with like 12-15 ways around parry depending on prios and skill. Just cutting the time of a prep down a little wouldn't go amiss. But again we could survive without it.

    Oh, and killing an artied knight with most other classes setup is not hard. Unlike knight most of them are instakills, so we get the shaft on that too.

    Final words, knights are neither underpowered or over powered. But we work really hard for those setups that are "easily" dodged.
    Invest in a 9mm retirement plan.
  • WessuxWessux Chattanooga
    edited February 2014
    Wessux said:

    But goiit's along with my hardest class to get around parry point, we also have the least rewarding kill skill. Where others can just insta kill them we give the opponent a straight chance to live.

    Wessux said:

    I mean, when a Monk or Blademaster can set me up literally 3-4 times in the time it takes me to get one we kinda have a problem. In lower tier combat that can be extremely frustrating for the knight and some what demoralizing. In high tier combat it's just bloody annoying, sure I get out of their setups a few times, but they can dodge yours just as easily. But I have no solution to that other hold proud the fact that you work harder than other classes to kill people.

    naisar said:

    On the the monk v. knight situation - it gets disgusting when the monk's skill level gets high enough.  The tumble-cancel setup has no counterplay because you can bbt/mind command, and the monk can numb through the disembowel and kai heal out.  So you're left with a situation where the monk can execute one of the strongest setups in the game three times before the knight gets a weak one.  This is more of an issue with monk being stupid than Knight, however- I think the Knight balance is actually pretty good overall.

    Thank you for the echo.
    Invest in a 9mm retirement plan.
  • I've never been a limb prep class. Staff strike was really fun until someone had a decent parry strategy and it took forever to get around it and prep a single limb. So having a partial bypass of some kind wouldn't be that bad. It just can't be a prone/entangle or anything that allows dsb too
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • 1v1 you shouldn't really ever get disembowelled without legs broken unless you use something with a horrendously long balance like tumble or arc.

    That said enmesh is the dumbest shit ever, so let's have less rather than more of that.
  • Antonius said:
    1v1 you shouldn't really ever get disembowelled without legs broken unless you use something with a horrendously long balance like tumble or arc. That said enmesh is the dumbest shit ever, so let's have less rather than more of that.
  • Seeing dragon lose enmesh might make me consider it a real class.  That and some attacks that aren't worthless.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Well I want to suggest things but I also want to wait for the weaponry rework.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Mishgul said:
    Well I want to suggest things but I also want to wait for the weaponry rework.
    Carmain, we discussed this, they will not give you cat-apults - it's not Knightly. Nor will they give you Cat-anas. These are taken by Blademasters. And you can't have a puppy either.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Man, are any of you guys listening on the issue  with bypassing? Or just ignoring the fact that all bypasses are easily countered by moving parry, shield/rebounding/hindering in any other manner, while still saying that disembowel is an okay kill. Shitdicks  pay the fuck attention. I'd rather have to do dsb twice  like bbt instead of having to deal with he shitty momentum bypassing we currently have.

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  • Eld said:
    That's a lot of rage for an 8-month-old thread.
    Not really rage. I'm a sailor and tone doesn't transfer through text. I was  just browsin  the forums at school between classes and went "do people read  the full posts or half a Sentence and decide to shit words from their fingers"? Just makes me a bit peeved when people read with their mouth instead  of their eyes.
  • Hey guys let's resurrect every thread in forum history where anybody said something dumb and get mad about it
  • Ryuke said:
    Shitdicks  pay the fuck attention.
  • Iuneos said:
    I believe you mean, "Learn to speak the english language."
  • KenwayKenway San Francisco
    I keep seeing new posts here hoping they'll be constructive topics. Stop disappointing me.

    - Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
    "Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
  • Knights are still pretty viable against most people, mainly outside the arena. I think most top-tier combatants don't play knights because of boringness.

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  • I know all the tricks (or most) to not getting prepped and still die to damage in Mir with 5k health. That doesn't take away the parry bypass issue though.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • You can parry on the ground, healthtrans, and have mir. No excuse to ever die to a dsb.

  • edited October 2014
    I said damage not dsb. I have more issue with thuri stacks than anything else. There are things to stop all that damage but it is tough to fight against regardless (still learning though).

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Leave the room.

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