Third Black Wave: Electric Boogaloo



  • Oh god. Satyr Tsolteth. @Farrah plz hold me back.
  • Are we gonna get more Tsol'teth reports?

    They didn't seem to have a problem before... so why stop now?

    Tsol'teth, Cooking Report
    Tsol'teth, Fishing Report
    Tsol'teth, Harvesting Report
    Tsol'teth (CONFIDENTIAL), Mudflower kidnapping pre-report
    The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."

    Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
  • Satyr Tsol'teth? 

    Tsol'teth hybrids?

    Welp, this calls for decisive-no... Imperial action

  • I'm not sure you understand the Tsol'teth if this is news to you. 

  • Their war with the surface is basically just one big, complicated mating ritual.

    Ironically the first black wave was basically just agith'maal being a huge stalker.
  • Cooper said:
    I'm not sure you understand the Tsol'teth if this is news to you. 
  • so this is just a pon farr thing, they weren't borg, the were vulcans all along

  • No...not that, not at all.

  • So the tsol'teth are these fantastic geneticists making weird and wonderful Hybrids.

    I was trying to find descriptions of them, I mean the Agith'maal and so on, particularly if we have some from the earlier black wave events. 

    Was curious to see what hybrids these original ones were, and if they have been hybridised more since.... 

    So if anyone has some lovely descriptions, Ramilies will love you lots
  • Ramilies said:
    So the tsol'teth are these fantastic geneticists making weird and wonderful Hybrids.

    I was trying to find descriptions of them, I mean the Agith'maal and so on, particularly if we have some from the earlier black wave events. 

    Was curious to see what hybrids these original ones were, and if they have been hybridised more since.... 

    So if anyone has some lovely descriptions, Ramilies will love you lots
    Agith'maal and so on were not hybrids, but pure tsol'teth. There was a large change in the mentality of the tsol'teth for the purpose of survival. This can be found in-game.
  • She is an adamant Tsol'teth, scarcely measuring an inch over the five foot mark. Absent a thinner build, this lean-limbed, ivory-
    skinned Tsol displays many traits of the Sireni people. Pleasantly shaped, the allure of a plump chest and well-curved hips 
    sharply contrast with the stark assurance of her aloof and brisk demeanour. Ashen blonde hair crowns her features, emphasising the 
    ghostliness of her physique even tied in a tight bun, keeping all but a few wild strands away from the cheerless smile of her red, 
    rosebud lips and the cold, dismissive, and icy regard of her startlingly blue eyes.
    An'ele does not even register your presence as a threat.
    She has 100% health remaining.
    She weighs about 133 pounds.
    She is loyal to The Tsol'teth.
    You see nothing in it.

    For @Ramilies

  • (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
    Siren description that doesn't reference the term 'hourglass figure' or anything akin to 'lush rear end'
  • Pyori said:
    (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
    Siren description that doesn't reference the term 'hourglass figure' or anything akin to 'lush rear end'
    Almond shaped eyes... where are they?
  • Pyori said:
    (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
    Siren description that doesn't reference the term 'hourglass figure' or anything akin to 'lush rear end'
    It does mention her 'plump chest' and 'rosebud lips' though, so it's almost spot on.

    We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

  • A rl month is only like 2+ IC years though? 2-3 years is pretty normal for wars, and generally on the short side even.
  • edited June 2019
    Kiet said:
    A rl month is only like 2+ IC years though? 2-3 years is pretty normal for wars, and generally on the short side even.
    Good point! For IRL wars, not game ones as far as I know, but even so.

    Edit: Game wars don't tend to generate massive obstacles for noncoms. World events, by contrast... do. (Collapsed Cyrene tunnel, looking at you.)
    Miin-aan baash kimini-sij-i-gan bitooyin sij-i-gan-i bukwayszhiigan = blueberry π
  • Boosteya said:
    Kiet said:
    A rl month is only like 2+ IC years though? 2-3 years is pretty normal for wars, and generally on the short side even.
    Good point! For IRL wars, not game ones as far as I know, but even so.

    Edit: Game wars don't tend to generate massive obstacles for noncoms. World events, by contrast... do. (Collapsed Cyrene tunnel, looking at you.)
    So, not sure if there's a lot I can say on the forums, seeing as how it seems like a lot of stuff is kinda touchy, but you can traverse the tunnel in case no one has told you.

    Ask in-game for more details and information.
  • For some time, i've been wondering why the Tsol'teth havent unleashed armies of monsters like once done in the histories. I am glad that an answer was at last found. Thank you for adding that tidbit of a lesson.
  • edited June 2019
    Synthus said:
    Boosteya said:
    Kiet said:
    A rl month is only like 2+ IC years though? 2-3 years is pretty normal for wars, and generally on the short side even.
    Good point! For IRL wars, not game ones as far as I know, but even so.

    Edit: Game wars don't tend to generate massive obstacles for noncoms. World events, by contrast... do. (Collapsed Cyrene tunnel, looking at you.)
    So, not sure if there's a lot I can say on the forums, seeing as how it seems like a lot of stuff is kinda touchy, but you can traverse the tunnel in case no one has told you.

    Ask in-game for more details and information.
    Can. For a while, most of which neither was the rest of Cyrene traversible, couldn't. I'm glad it's fixed; my point is that during world events, these things happen. Randomly get set on fire while in a city, yours or someone else's. City sinks during an attack. And now, new item on the list, city gets occupied and a tunnel gets caved in.

    Edit: this sort of thing does not happen except when there's a world event.
    Miin-aan baash kimini-sij-i-gan bitooyin sij-i-gan-i bukwayszhiigan = blueberry π
  • Boosteya said:
    Can. For a while, most of which neither was the rest of Cyrene traversible, couldn't. I'm glad it's fixed; my point is that during world events, these things happen. Randomly get set on fire while in a city, yours or someone else's. City sinks during an attack. And now, new item on the list, city gets occupied and a tunnel gets caved in.
    Gotcha, my misunderstanding. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't a case of "Well, crap, gotta walk the long way around now" because inconvenience due to obscure mechanics is one of my pet peeves.

    Out of curiosity, what was the "randomly get set on fire" event? That sounds like the type of event that would kill a bunch of novices before they knew about epidermal/curing.
  • Synthus said:
    Boosteya said:
    Can. For a while, most of which neither was the rest of Cyrene traversible, couldn't. I'm glad it's fixed; my point is that during world events, these things happen. Randomly get set on fire while in a city, yours or someone else's. City sinks during an attack. And now, new item on the list, city gets occupied and a tunnel gets caved in.
    Gotcha, my misunderstanding. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't a case of "Well, crap, gotta walk the long way around now" because inconvenience due to obscure mechanics is one of my pet peeves.

    Out of curiosity, what was the "randomly get set on fire" event? That sounds like the type of event that would kill a bunch of novices before they knew about epidermal/curing.
    Pssst. Ablaze is cured by mending, not epidermal.
  • edited June 2019
    Antonius said:
    Synthus said:
    Boosteya said:
    Can. For a while, most of which neither was the rest of Cyrene traversible, couldn't. I'm glad it's fixed; my point is that during world events, these things happen. Randomly get set on fire while in a city, yours or someone else's. City sinks during an attack. And now, new item on the list, city gets occupied and a tunnel gets caved in.
    Gotcha, my misunderstanding. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't a case of "Well, crap, gotta walk the long way around now" because inconvenience due to obscure mechanics is one of my pet peeves.

    Out of curiosity, what was the "randomly get set on fire" event? That sounds like the type of event that would kill a bunch of novices before they knew about epidermal/curing.
    Pssst. Ablaze is cured by mending, not epidermal.
    Psssst, thank you, I get them mixed up all the time with caloric. One of them thar salve thingies fixes it, just gotta slather 'em all over yerself til you get th' right'un.

    Edit: But seriously, you get burnt, your skin goes all blistery, it kinda makes sense that epidermal would fix that. I mean, epidermal, epidermis, tomato, tomatis.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Most nom-com's still tend to hunt and explore a lot. I have no real issue with this event dragging out. If anything people need to be capitalizing on the ability to bash tide for as long as they can, as it's relatively easy since it's comparable to your level, and the yields in both gold and experience. So while the story may have come to a temporary halt, there are certainly some benefits that everyone can reap in the meantime, especially in combination with the Wheel giving crit and experience buffs.

  • edited June 2019
    There was an event recently where Jeramun (big fiery flamey boi) broke loose and started rampaging across the lands.

    He would move randomly from area to area, and every so often just randomly instakill anyone in the same area as him, novice and level 150 dragon alike. And I do mean area, not room, the entire area.

    Don't mess with the fiery boi.
  • Boosteya said:

    Edit: this sort of thing does not happen except when there's a world event.
    I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure both the Occultists and BC accidentally got themselves destroyed by things they were summoning during their own RP and not world events, for instance. Big things, some of which are sometimes bad, happen when you actively role-play and engage with the world, not only when there's an Official World Event.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Back before Seamonster hunting was put in as an official things, and creatures would spawn at the whim of those pulling the strings behind the veil, I would occasionally go out to sea and perform sacrificial rituals to try to "stir the creatures that live in the depths" when the waters got a little too calm. First few tries were quiet as expected, but eventually started getting responses, sometimes the kind that make parts of you pucker. Ritualism and experimentation in Achaea is a very powerful aspect.

    I seem to remember someone blowing up an entire city district in Ashtan with one of his experiments. Imagine gong about your day and business in a city, same as any other, when suddenly a giant explosion knocks people to their feet, shattering nearby shop windows, and you see Mosr and a few other people stumbling out of the dust clouds like:

    Image result for archer mawp gif

  • Depends on what you are considering a "loss" but Mhaldor has lost valued denizens just randomly on days.

    The old Legate tutor just got smited one day when she referred to Sartan by just his name, and then we had to go RL months without a tutor for our youngin's.

    Sylcine, a very beloved and historical denizen, just had her story ended (retroactively ended too!) one day.

    And yet, even though it can feel crushing at the time, both of these things (and plenty more I'm sure) fostered greater growth and opportunities to the point I'm glad both happened now.

    Its a horrible mindset to view events as isolated periods of time, and that they just "break the norm of Achaea for a small duration. There is no normal in Achaea, events should be intergrated parts of the world's and your character's story, dont brush them aside.
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