Third Black Wave: Electric Boogaloo



  • I remember when we did this in the last wave, they increased the spread rate and it became impossible. :D
  • Cut down in a vain attempt to flee, a party of Cyrenian would-be escapees perishes miserably at the hands of a runic knight, the sanguine tones of their lifeblood subsumed by the amaranthine Tide.

  • Athelas said:
    Time to take a break Synthus. Playing Achaea is only a job if you work for IRE. So take a day or two and just chill with something that isn't Achaea. Then come back in and sew your own brand of carnage, after getting the latest updates.

    It's kind of like taking a break when binge-watching a series. It really helps :)
    That's the thing though, it doesn't matter if I take a break for a couple days, it's still there. I can't log in and wander to Centre Crossing to engage in whatever chit chat is going on, I can't go grab a mug of frosted Kawhe and lounge in Blu's Den, and I can't just walk around the shops and look at all the neat things.

    I'm at this point just waiting to hear if Cyrene is gone for good, because if it is, then so am I.
  • AthelasAthelas Cape Town South Africa
    Rangor said:
    I remember when we did this in the last wave, they increased the spread rate and it became impossible. :D
    I cry foul! Foul I say! :D

    Seriously thought, if the players are kicking butt by pulling together and pushing the way that the White Wave has been, their boot prints should be made visible on the event.

    Altering the spawn rate should only be done as the result of IG action, on the part of those creating the Black Wave IG.

    i.e. They should feel the results of this amazing effort within the event.

    Personally, I'd love to see the Tsol'teth taking an interest in the White Wave and more specifically @Azuros himself. As I understand it, the White Wave efforts have been making a severe dent in the tide, and very noticeably so, since @Azuros started coordinating things.

    So, unless something else is happening that I'm not aware of, it would make sense if they took note of this relatively sudden change.
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Synthus said:
    Athelas said:
    Time to take a break Synthus. Playing Achaea is only a job if you work for IRE. So take a day or two and just chill with something that isn't Achaea. Then come back in and sew your own brand of carnage, after getting the latest updates.

    It's kind of like taking a break when binge-watching a series. It really helps :)
    That's the thing though, it doesn't matter if I take a break for a couple days, it's still there. I can't log in and wander to Centre Crossing to engage in whatever chit chat is going on, I can't go grab a mug of frosted Kawhe and lounge in Blu's Den, and I can't just walk around the shops and look at all the neat things.

    I'm at this point just waiting to hear if Cyrene is gone for good, because if it is, then so am I.
    If a few days isn't enough distance, my advice (which comes with a 'your mileage may vary' disclaimer) is to take a break for something more like a month or two. Do that and I think one of three things will happen when you return:

    1. Structures will be back in place for Cyrene players: either Cyrene itself or something new.
    2. You'll have enough distance from the last events that have happened with your character, and people's memory of your character, that you can easily make a transition and slide into new avenues of RP.
    3. You'll discover you just don't miss Achaea that much.

    If you do this, though, don't read forums while dormant. It's like all the stress of being in game without the interactivity of being able to do anything about it.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Cooper said:
    That's a very bad attitude to have, both IC and OOC. Edit: Synthus not Athelas
    Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm not going to hold my tongue anymore on how frustrated and draining this event has been for me as a player. 
  • edited May 2019
    Synthus said:
    Cooper said:
    That's a very bad attitude to have, both IC and OOC. Edit: Synthus not Athelas
    Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm not going to hold my tongue anymore on how frustrated and draining this event has been for me as a player. 
    You could do what Palusa did IC and sent a VERY well written letter of complaint direct to the source.

    She even drew a picture! Tru-Tru even came by to deliver a personal response! 

    EDIT: I.E I get that its incredibly devastating, while also probably not being able to fully appreciate it because it didn't happen to me. All we can do is try our best to give you alternatives to feeling bad and explaining why others aren't feeling as bad. I'll add this piece of pure speculation: Cyrene, historically has been ruined twice by my count and then populated again after this. The town is physically still a thing, it's not a crater. Further, did Cyrene become something newly accessible to players? Is it now a new Tsol'teth bashing area? Is there some mechanic there that looks like it's going to stick around and justify a huge, huge part of the game and one of the largest population of players having to do something new? 

    Consider those questions, notice a pattern. If that doesn't comfort you, consider that out of the game, there is a team of people who, while I am sure want to keep this as open-ended as possible and have been daring beyond my personal belief, are also not stupid enough to leave a huge portion of players out in the lurch on a permanent basis. I understand Shallam blew up, but from the look of things that was part of resolving the problem, not just a factor in an event. While Palusa gleefully delights in the force hardship you're all suffering, I am pretty sure Cyrene isn't seen as a problem to remove from the game, or a problem that can be solved by doing so.
  • BabelBabel Oblivion
    You're perfectly entitled to have such opinions about things, but do note that repeatedly stating them can sometimes wear away at the enjoyment of others in subtle ways.

  • edited May 2019
    Palusa said:
    Makarios said:
    On the subject of organisations: there aren't really any genuinely moral cities in Achaea as we'd understand it other than Cyrene. There are certainly more overtly immoral ones, but even the good guys are an extremely radical and murderous bunch by any irl standard. Claiming otherwise is very much buying into the IC propaganda of the organisation (which, admittedly, some organisations do extremely well).

    Even Cyrene is pushing it. Name a single IRL state that has a "It's okay to kill mostly anyone not us, leave the locals alone, not because we're humane, but because historically we don't want to annoy them" law. Non-interference and let the world be in terms of the adventurer class, but denizens are still fodder! 

    California?  New York?  eta: Massachusetts

  • The first spike starts the day Mhaldor stopped clearing tide. Take that!

  • Maka and Ictinus probably looking at that graph and agreeing that it's time to crank it up.
  • @Synthus

    There was an impromptu concert hosted last night, and pockets of people gather in one place depending on the time of day just to hang out and relax. The community is still there.

    My advice is to log in for short bursts. If there's nothing currently going on that appeals to you then qq, and check in again awhile later.

    I know that it's tempting to log in and just linger, waiting for something to happen, for any hint of news on Cyrene, but that'll wear people down twice as fast. I know I'm guilty of this at times.

    If that doesn't help find me in-game. Synthus and Jinos can grab a drink and grumble about the current state of affairs. Which is a cathartic past time since the dawn of alcohol, and crazy batshit things happening in the world.
    "Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."
  • While you're correct that Achaea features change quite prominently, plenty of people roleplay to escape from life's troubles rather than to simulate them, so I don't think I'll agree change in a significant way is necessary for something to count as roleplaying.
  • It's necessary for roleplay that actually has developed characters. If you only want to roleplay two-dimensional slice of life characters (which, I'd argue, still undergo change over time) then you're probably better off doing it in a chat room or an mmo where roleplay is extremely casual.
  • That is one of the best posts ever on this forum. Well said @Kiet

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • @Kiet I believe they get told to go to Cyrene here. :/
  • To me, the worst part of this is taking only one city. That, to me, is just purely being jerks on the part of admin. If one is taken, all should be taken.  I'll suggest a scenario and ask thoughts on it, as a difference. To me, Cyrene actually comes out weaker, but with more to offer players of all sorts.

    The Tsol'teth say they're going to hold a demonstration of their power. People start organizing to resist. The Tsol'teth show up at Cyrene, just like they did, crack the barrier and attack. Fight goes on just the same, with the litany being deployed, just the same. Characters are scattering and fighting guards and doing what they can. During this madness, the Tsol'teth take control of Blu, as they did, and use him to destroy the font. At this point of shock and disorganization, the Tsol'teth withdraw taking Blu with them as a hostage/victim/slave (no one would truly know which of those applied.) At this point, Cyrene still exists as a city, but is much weaker, because can they trust any guards at all? Even if they remove all existing guards, can the new ones be trusted? There's no font, and no guardian, so much weaker against any city that wants to raid. Much work to do to try to defend the city, find out what in the world happened to Blu and how to get him back, if that's even possible at that point, work out how to get a new font, if that's possible...   

    I'm curious as to opinions on this idea. I've withdrawn from this event, as my thoughts on it are unprintable. I'm ending my paid account and will hold judgement on if I stay or not when I see how things end.
  • Mroxyl said:
    To me, the worst part of this is taking only one city. That, to me, is just purely being jerks on the part of admin. If one is taken, all should be taken.  I'll suggest a scenario and ask thoughts on it, as a difference. To me, Cyrene actually comes out weaker, but with more to offer players of all sorts.

    The Tsol'teth say they're going to hold a demonstration of their power. People start organizing to resist. The Tsol'teth show up at Cyrene, just like they did, crack the barrier and attack. Fight goes on just the same, with the litany being deployed, just the same. Characters are scattering and fighting guards and doing what they can. During this madness, the Tsol'teth take control of Blu, as they did, and use him to destroy the font. At this point of shock and disorganization, the Tsol'teth withdraw taking Blu with them as a hostage/victim/slave (no one would truly know which of those applied.) At this point, Cyrene still exists as a city, but is much weaker, because can they trust any guards at all? Even if they remove all existing guards, can the new ones be trusted? There's no font, and no guardian, so much weaker against any city that wants to raid. Much work to do to try to defend the city, find out what in the world happened to Blu and how to get him back, if that's even possible at that point, work out how to get a new font, if that's possible...   

    I'm curious as to opinions on this idea. I've withdrawn from this event, as my thoughts on it are unprintable. I'm ending my paid account and will hold judgement on if I stay or not when I see how things end.
    Remember, they HAVE made another ultimatum, and there's another upcoming event. May be that one of Mhaldor, Eleusis, or most likely Ashtan get hit and taken next.
  • edited May 2019
    @Synthus I agree with others who say the admin will ensure there is a place for more peaceable folks with your type of interests. There is certainly no desire to push that demo out of the game. There have been and will be times when people lose their comfort zone because no one is immune to world-scale crises, but things will come back around in some form.

    Only you can determine your experience, but I think you'll find that this life-altering event will contribute to your character in the future, adding flavour you just couldn't have gotten through personal RP. You're part of a major displacement that other characters will some day consider history and want to ask you about. There will be scrolls and books about this event that people will read IRL years from now! 

    I am always fascinated by the stories of old characters who have gone through Some Shit and tell them how valuable it is, they're like walking history books for the world. You'll be part of that, if you're still around.

    Until then... There are several smaller towns and villages waiting for your business until you have a home of your own again! And people who will welcome your company.
  • edited May 2019
    "Waaaah if Cyrene falls, then OTHERS SHOULD!! And i'm gonna quit if it doesn't happen WAAAAAHHH" 

    *looks at Shallam*
  • Mroxyl said:
    To me, the worst part of this is taking only one city. That, to me, is just purely being jerks on the part of admin. If one is taken, all should be taken.
    I'm sorry but this is absurd and it's like a child's way of looking at things, no offense.

    By this logic, Cyrene should be entirely destroyed, sunk under the sea or rubble or whatever else, because Shallam was already destroyed, remember? By this logic, you should be  level 1, because whenever someone gets PKd, everyone should be, too. I should be rich because whenever I rob one person everyone else should give me their gold too (I'm ok with this one).

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