Third Black Wave: Electric Boogaloo



  • Fuck that. 

    I want the Terminus of Destruction.

  • I would rather have the double scythe or 100% Dictate abilities 😂

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • I thought I was the only one that felt the starship troopers vibe in the city, I wasn't gonna say anything.

  • Atalkez said:
    I would rather have the double scythe or 100% Dictate abilities 😂
    You have the ability, just not the skill! 

  • Shub said:
    I thought I was the only one that felt the starship troopers vibe in the city, I wasn't gonna say anything.
    Mobile Infantry is Starship Troopers. Space Marines are from Warhammer 40k.

    If anything, Cyrene is more Mobile Infantry at this point.

  • Darrod said:
    Shub said:
    I thought I was the only one that felt the starship troopers vibe in the city, I wasn't gonna say anything.
    Mobile Infantry is Starship Troopers. Space Marines are from Warhammer 40k.

    If anything, Cyrene is more Mobile Infantry at this point.

    Blu's Roughnecks, on the field! 
    Just as an aside, there is a group of mining units that is a throwback to Rico's Roughnecks and I adore it. 
  • If there is one thing I have learned from all of this, it is that nobody understands what "Good" is...fifty lashings for every Harbinger...

  • Good means to protect innocents and kick dormant members from your house.
  • For IC consequences, all sorts of things come to mind, both for cities and characters. If the Coalition wins, they demand some form of reparations from any city allied to the Tsol'teth, and a good bit of the city gets destroyed if they don't comply. Or they must agree to some binding thing for a certain amount of time. If the Tsol'teth win, something similar. On an individual level, signs going up in shops 'No dogs or Targossians allowed.'  City enmity based on citizenship in losing cities, forcing reparations that way. 

    I think consequences for this could, and should, be ongoing long after it 'officially' ends, as there are a lot of IC hard feelings going on between cities and characters. Having everything just drop and back to normal once admin ends it seems like it would be pretty jarring.
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Things only go back to normal as much as the players let them. Look how much Bal'met, and Mhaldor's role in it, gets brought up rl years later. 
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Darrod said:
    Shub said:
    I thought I was the only one that felt the starship troopers vibe in the city, I wasn't gonna say anything.
    Mobile Infantry is Starship Troopers. Space Marines are from Warhammer 40k.

    If anything, Cyrene is more Mobile Infantry at this point.

    Blu's Roughnecks, on the field! 
    Just as an aside, there is a group of mining units that is a throwback to Rico's Roughnecks and I adore it. 
    Still waiting for my combat armour and jetpack...

  • Zbaco said:
    Still waiting for my combat armour and jetpack...
    Gotta be an NCO for the armor.  Jetpack is Staff NCO and above. Sorry, Junior.

  • Caelan said:
    Zbaco said:
    Still waiting for my combat armour and jetpack...
    Gotta be an NCO for the armor.  Jetpack is Staff NCO and above. Sorry, Junior.

    (does retired NCO count? :P   )

  • Zbaco said:
    Caelan said:
    Zbaco said:
    Still waiting for my combat armour and jetpack...
    Gotta be an NCO for the armor.  Jetpack is Staff NCO and above. Sorry, Junior.

    (does retired NCO count? :P   )

    I'm with you there so.. yes. 

  • Blu's Roughnecks, on the field! 
    Just as an aside, there is a group of mining units that is a throwback to Rico's Roughnecks and I adore it. 

  • Sending mending to Balan'ukia for that sick burn.
  • edited May 2019
    Adrik said:
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We believe we have achieved an adequate translation of
    the joke."
    Atalkez nods at Trusad'an.
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "A member of the line of Law, a member of the line of
    Conquest, and a member of the line of Progress meet. It is a tense moment."
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "The Conquest line's eyes glow. The Law line's shadow
    uncoils. The Progress line's... legs twitch."
    Trusad'an utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
    Trusad'an utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
    Trusad'an utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
    Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We contend that it is funnier in the language of Anzari
    Gattan'bahar hesitates.
    Gattan'bahar says, "Negative."

  • Still not a fan of the Tsol'teth "banter." 
  • Farrah said:
    Makarios said:
    On the subject of organisations: there aren't really any genuinely moral cities in Achaea as we'd understand it other than Cyrene. There are certainly more overtly immoral ones, but even the good guys are an extremely radical and murderous bunch by any irl standard. Claiming otherwise is very much buying into the IC propaganda of the organisation (which, admittedly, some organisations do extremely well).

    I don't see how Cyrene could possibly be viewed as moral, either. They regularly commit genocide!

    I mostly mean from an ethis angle. Adventurer's in general are a pretty crazy bunch.

  • Adrik said:
    Gattan'bahar says, "We do not like jokes."
    That in and of itself is the greatest joke the Tsol'teth could ever muster. 
  • I, for one, think the Tsol'teth banter is hilarious and am glad I can read it on the forums. Don't worry @Synthus they will get serious (again) soon enough, I'm sure. This is recovery time, don't waste it!
  • Iloisee said:
    I, for one, think the Tsol'teth banter is hilarious and am glad I can read it on the forums. Don't worry @Synthus they will get serious (again) soon enough, I'm sure. This is recovery time, don't waste it!
    I hope so. I hope they get serious and that whatever they are planning gets done and over with soon. 

    To say I'm burnt out on this event is an understatement. I'm really hoping Cyrene goes back to what it was before all this started via some Deus Ex Machina, but I'm not holding my breath on that happening either. I just wanna see what the damage is gonna be so I can determine where I go from here as a player. 
  • Don't make me introduce them to the glubber joke. I'll log in and do it.
  • People have become too efficient at clearing Tide and now I'm sad.
  • edited May 2019
    Makarios said:
    On the subject of organisations: there aren't really any genuinely moral cities in Achaea as we'd understand it other than Cyrene. There are certainly more overtly immoral ones, but even the good guys are an extremely radical and murderous bunch by any irl standard. Claiming otherwise is very much buying into the IC propaganda of the organisation (which, admittedly, some organisations do extremely well).

    Even Cyrene is pushing it. Name a single IRL state that has a "It's okay to kill mostly anyone not us, leave the locals alone, not because we're humane, but because historically we don't want to annoy them" law. Non-interference and let the world be in terms of the adventurer class, but denizens are still fodder! 

    EDIT: @Farrah already made this point, I am sad. 
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