Third Black Wave: Electric Boogaloo



  • Pyori said:
    No mechanics like MKO, where they're an outcast in the city. (enemied, but still a citizen)
    And, knowing most Achaea players, even if such a thing did exist they'd still just jump the gun and uncitizen+enemy you instead.
    Well, that's disheartening. I suppose the only option really left to that end would be leaving anonymous fliers and letters laying about the city, calling the Hashani people to revolt against their leaders, but I'm skeptical that it would have any major impact or actually start a revolution.

    Oh well, one can still dream.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Also damn I mislayered Trusad'an's scar. Sorry dude! At least you got the spoon of power!

  • Thank you, @Skye
  • I'm getting some WW2 vibes for this event in Achaea.

    To avoid any 'bad' no-no terms on the forums, i'll just say the whole sieging force of 'perfectionists' seeking to conquer the land and allying with another nation is just so fun.

    Here's hoping for a Pearl Harbor.
  • Hashan = Nazis. Got it
  • Incredibly inappropriate Asmodron.

  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Asmodron said:
    I'm getting some WW2 vibes for this event in Achaea.

    To avoid any 'bad' no-no terms on the forums, i'll just say the whole sieging force of 'perfectionists' seeking to conquer the land and allying with another nation is just so fun.

    Here's hoping for a Pearl Harbor.
    Yyyyeah, the tsol'teth/Nazi comparison is pretty obvious and has been made on a few channels, and the event -is- lots of fun, but saying -that aspect- of it is just so fun is a tad uncomfortable.

    And saying " 'bad' no-no terms" doesn't actually improve that. More the opposite, honestly, even if it's not your intent.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Here's to hoping for a 'D-Day' type event, and soon.

  • Accipiter said:
    I was really enjoying this event, working together with everyone to stem the tide and even if we were failing it was like we we doing something. Then Hashan allied with them and basically stole all interaction for the event from anyone who isn't on the ruling council. The teth stated that they don't care about the tide (I assume for gameplay reasons) so you can still go grind gold and xp if you want but there is no meaning there anymore, you can't even help expand the tide because it is useless. 

    It just feels like a massive fuck you to be essentially excluded from the only parts of events that playing at odd hours ever lets you do.
    Some events are fan service.

    This one ... less so.

    I am enjoying the grinding the the gold, and even trying to figure out a "way." But the bottom line is that it seems very clear there is no way until they want us to have and/or find one.

    As example, and speaking specifically as to the situation with Cyrene. We are OP Garden magicked out of the City so can't even mount an assault. 

    We are literally banging our head against the proverbial wall.

    (I tried to chameleon my way in yesterday - did not work. It should have. Also - they -knew- immediately what I was doing, which means they are listening to our "secret" resistance channel. That strikes me as a bit ... shall we say ... yeah, I will: Unfair.)

    Anyway, I've lived through enough Achaean events to know that they are not quite as "player driven" as anybody likes to pretend, and I will continue to mostly enjoy this one, except for the parts I do not, and also continue to talk people into not giving up and, I quote far too many friends, "finding another game to play until this @#$#@ is over."

    - To love another person is to see the face of G/d
    - Let me get my hat and my knife
    - It's your apple, take a bite
    - Don't dream it ... be it

  • edited May 2019
    Asmodron said:
    I'm getting some WW2 vibes for this event in Achaea.

    To avoid any 'bad' no-no terms on the forums, i'll just say the whole sieging force of 'perfectionists' seeking to conquer the land and allying with another nation is just so fun.

    Here's hoping for a Pearl Harbor.
    So Hashan would be Italy.

    And if you are hoping for Pearl Harbor... Japan is an island... Oh Gods no... *Loud J pop can be heard from Mhaldor as the Kaiju spawn and the Gundams launch* Mhaldor-chan no!

    (Effing Synthus ninja'd me >:( ya lil brat) 
  • Woah woah...calm down people. I'm saying i'm excited that it has similarities to one of the biggest events that took place IRL...not for...the specifics you're stating. The idea of a 'world war' in Achaea is definitely fun.

    There's a reason I avoided naming certain organizations. Sheesh
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    It's not using the term, it's the sentiment.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Jiraishin said:
    It's not using the term, it's the sentiment.

    The sentiment of...what exactly? You're blowing this way out of proportion. There are a plethora of people out there that love historical events simply for how immense they were.

    Clearly you took this to a far too sensitive level and it is just best to drop it.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    So how about that pudding, huh?

  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Asmodron said:
    Jiraishin said:
    It's not using the term, it's the sentiment.

    The sentiment of...what exactly? You're blowing this way out of proportion. There are a plethora of people out there that love historical events simply for how immense they were.

    Clearly you took this to a far too sensitive level and it is just best to drop it.
    Dude, three people just separately told you what you said was inappropriate. It's probably worth at least thinking over what about the thing you wrote caused the double take, since clearly subbing the word 'Nazis' out didn't help.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Cooper said:
    Jiraishin said:
    Asmodron said:
    I'm getting some WW2 vibes for this event in Achaea.

    To avoid any 'bad' no-no terms on the forums, i'll just say the whole sieging force of 'perfectionists' seeking to conquer the land and allying with another nation is just so fun.

    Here's hoping for a Pearl Harbor.
    Yyyyeah, the tsol'teth/Nazi comparison is pretty obvious and has been made on a few channels, and the event -is- lots of fun, but saying -that aspect- of it is just so fun is a tad uncomfortable.

    And saying " 'bad' no-no terms" doesn't actually improve that. More the opposite, honestly, even if it's not your intent.
    Tsol'teth are Borg. You can't argue, sorry. 
    I've been working under the vague implication they're more like the dominion and Hashan's pulled a Dukat. 
  • Asmodron said:
    Jiraishin said:
    It's not using the term, it's the sentiment.

    The sentiment of...what exactly? You're blowing this way out of proportion. There are a plethora of people out there that love historical events simply for how immense they were.

    Clearly you took this to a far too sensitive level and it is just best to drop it.
    Pro tip. When multiple people quickly call you out in a very short time period, its usually worth considering that maybe you are the one who did something wrong, and it is not just everyone else who is being too sensitive. That being said, I didn't really care that much about what you said, so its w/e to me.

  • Jiraishin said:
    Asmodron said:
    Jiraishin said:
    It's not using the term, it's the sentiment.

    The sentiment of...what exactly? You're blowing this way out of proportion. There are a plethora of people out there that love historical events simply for how immense they were.

    Clearly you took this to a far too sensitive level and it is just best to drop it.
    Dude, three people just separately told you what you said was inappropriate. It's probably worth at least thinking over what about the thing you wrote caused the double take, since clearly subbing the word 'Nazis' out didn't help.

    No...those 3 people (one of which is Aegoth which speaks for itself)...misunderstood what I was 'excited' about it, which I clarified.

    Frankly I am very upset you have attempted to make the focus of this one "He loves <x> group. This is so inappropriate". You had no right to do so and it is incredibly insulting. Why you think anyone would post that is beyond me.

    As I said, drop it, you took this way out of line when I was speaking about the magnitude of a world war, and not about the specifics you're focusing on.
  • I am immensely insulted that players are even allowed imply such claims on the forums and then attempt to dog-pile on a player to try and ruin their image by implying they are "of that type of people".  Even after it has been corrected, you still insist that is what it is, which is utterly disgusting. I honestly need to take a step back from how revolted I feel.
  • Palusa said:
    Cooper said:
    Jiraishin said:
    Asmodron said:
    I'm getting some WW2 vibes for this event in Achaea.

    To avoid any 'bad' no-no terms on the forums, i'll just say the whole sieging force of 'perfectionists' seeking to conquer the land and allying with another nation is just so fun.

    Here's hoping for a Pearl Harbor.
    Yyyyeah, the tsol'teth/Nazi comparison is pretty obvious and has been made on a few channels, and the event -is- lots of fun, but saying -that aspect- of it is just so fun is a tad uncomfortable.

    And saying " 'bad' no-no terms" doesn't actually improve that. More the opposite, honestly, even if it's not your intent.
    Tsol'teth are Borg. You can't argue, sorry. 
    I've been working under the vague implication they're more like the dominion and Hashan's pulled a Dukat. 
    Oh man... I didn't even think of the Dominion. But they are way too manipulative and socially maneuverable for the Tsol'teth. And numbering their people is very Borg-y. 

    I went down a comparison rabbithole in my head and stopped at imagining the Tsol'teth observing people spinning the Wheel of Fortune and considering if they should try it.
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Actually Aegoth would make 4. 

    I never said you loved any group. I honestly don't think you meant your post the way it came out at all. But it did come out badly, and I don't appreciate being told I'm oversensitive or that I... have no right to respond? That's pretty puzzling, actually.

    So yeah. I'll drop it if you can ask me to without acting like a victim in the same post. Then we can go back to tsol'teth puddings. 
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • @Nicola @Makarios @Ictinus

    Could use a bit of urgent attention and foot putting down.
  • I agree people are way too sensitive over a war that happened 80 odd years ago.

    Now that multiple people have said so, it's become true.
  • Accipiter said:
    I was really enjoying this event, working together with everyone to stem the tide and even if we were failing it was like we we doing something. Then Hashan allied with them and basically stole all interaction for the event from anyone who isn't on the ruling council. The teth stated that they don't care about the tide (I assume for gameplay reasons) so you can still go grind gold and xp if you want but there is no meaning there anymore, you can't even help expand the tide because it is useless. 

    It just feels like a massive fuck you to be essentially excluded from the only parts of events that playing at odd hours ever lets you do.
    Sorry to confirm, but @Asmodron is correct. Zhedan is also not on the ruling council, but playing a large role within the event/Hashan atm. You just have to step up and offer what you can.

    My comment earlier in the thread: "a lot of older players (400+ years old) have been squishing the RP out of the event. ", was actually about Accipiter more than anyone. I don't think you can squash the RP out of an event then complain that you aren't being included. Accipiter hasn't done much so far beyond starting arguments in the Court Coliseum. If she wants to help, she should, but you have to find the way in which you wish to contribute. For a lot of us, it's PK. But the font almost constantly needs filling, you could run an Eidelon drive or a fundraiser to put gold in the city coffer *Cough cough coalition guard wipes*. 
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