So I was exploring the forests and found some cairn stones with inscriptions, and the inscriptions when used properly activated a teleportation spell. My question is, are there other spells that are reliant on usage of proper words to cast? Such as a ritual to summon something or even a tome of old magick? I would be very interested if there was such a thing, because in most games I typically am a collector of little-known lore that (sadly) have little effect on actual game play. If such things do exist, please let me know!
Most rituals are dependent on the right words, but rituals are a role-play thing more than a mechanical thing (though they can sometimes have tangible effects, if you put enough effort into them and grab someone's notice).
chant All your nuts are belong to me!::morph squirrel
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
To expand on Dupre's joke, might as well do this:
SETALIAS MW exclaim FORM OF...WYVERN!/morph wyvern
Also, Antonius will definitely kill me for suggesting this. Hi Antonius.
Problem solved.