The ongoing Yggdrasil event



  • edited December 2017
    Asmodron said:
    I'd also like to add to those that ever feel there is a 'dull' or 'nothing happening' during an event:

    Simply involve your character in what's happening and try to find different routes or options. It really can be quite rewarding, even more so if an admin takes notice and decides to play along.

    Agree.  I'm not usually able to be around for big events because right now the only time I am able to play is at work (which means usually I have some work-like thing going on and the wi-fi here is horrible).  But even during the Tsol'teth or whatever, when I was here all I did was bash the shadowy shit.  It was semi-mindless but just the relaxation I needed.  And I would usually go in as an advanced party and clear areas for the smaller players.  It wasn't much but it made it interesting enough that I hated not being around for the rest.

    Morthif said:
    that looks pretty squirrel like to me.
     And what are squirrels but just  daytime tree-rats, really?

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    man you guys are scrubs

    I used to bull's-eye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters
  • Fucking adorable.
  • Guys, I think I have an idea where Ratatosk is.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Armali said:
    Guys, I think I have an idea where Ratatosk is.
    Camera guy: You cannot stay in there and poop.
    Squirrel: YES I CAN *shits all over*


  • I don't think it is necessarily a problem with upcoming, but maybe more of a problem of how players themselves incorporate it into the game.

    You don't need to have a funny feeling or a prophetic vision and an excuse to be online. Your character is always here, saying you are here for a specific special thing is kinda weird.

    That said, your idea of the awkwardness could be alleviated by deniziens prophets shouting about it cryptically is valid, but the prophets going "SHITS GONNA GO DOWN IN PHAESTEAN" doesn't quite fit in the cryptic aesthestic.

    I can't be 100% sure on this, but it seems (from an outsider) that these upcoming events have been rather spectator(ish) in nature. Time rolls around, there is a bunch of world emotes, maybe 2-5 people get to talk to a new denizen, and event post is made outlining what could be our new task.
  • IMO all that needs to be done is to specify the event-related upcomings are OOC (or not, if they're not meant to be, but I kinda doubt that).

    As is, before the last thing there was some npc shouting about 2 hours beforehand anyway.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    There were many people popping in around the time of part 1 of the UPCOMINGs asking on city channels "Have I missed the catastrophie?" "What's happening?" "Did I miss it?"

    Though Cyrene CT has always been a place where the line between IC and OOC is skirted pretty regularly.
    Huh. Neat.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Also: "Who's ready for this catastrophe?!", or "Catastrophe in just under two days, guyz!!!1"
  • Catastrophe parties. 

    Cool-aid anyone?

  • *Facepalm*

    I'm surprised people actually would mention on CT about the catastrophe..before it starts.

    I have no issue with people appearing for the event...if anything I think that is great. Missing events because I was away has always been painful and I tend to get upset because I missed the fun. Having it announced when it will start, is in my opinion a wonderful boon.

    At most I think people should mention "I feel something is coming", that alone can be attributed to a general 'sense' of things, which is alright in Achaean RP.

    Saying..."Catastrophe in 1 day"
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Please give it ooc tags so I can tell people to shut up about it and mute them for insanity.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Agreed, it drives me insane when I get random party invites 10 minutes before something on upcoming begins. Please make this obviously OOC, since it makes no sense for a character to know something is about to happen.

  • Antidas said:
    Agreed, it drives me insane when I get random party invites 10 minutes before something on upcoming begins. Please make this obviously OOC, since it makes no sense for a character to know something is about to happen.
    Going to start sending you party invites for all UPCOMING... confiiiiiiiiiiiirmed.
  • Upcoming is ooc. Its even measured in ooc time!
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    That does't mean people won't be idiots about it though. Putting in some clear OOC tags somewhete should at least help deter the dumb CT talk.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • I mean.. when you have public news posts with OOC tags I think it's a pretty clear indication that some of the player base have no regard for dipping in and out of character at will.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • I got irrationally angry at the OOC tag in public news.
  • Xaden said:
    I mean.. when you have public news posts with OOC tags I think it's a pretty clear indication that some of the player base have no regard for dipping in and out of character at will.
    I have no idea why you couldn't leave the IC date going and leave a nice note that if you require clarification of the schedule time to contact me and I'll assist in clearing it up. I'm imperfect as all hell for it, and get to casual in conversation and drop/let me personality creep IC, so I'm pretty forgiving to others (can't judge others for something I can't do), but even I sorta... cringed I guess, when I read that.
  • Because IC time is attrocious for actually scheduling things around, and the admins decided to limit using UPCOMING instead to themselves and org leaders, but nah, let's be judgmental shitbags towards someone trying to run events for other players, that'll teach them.
  • date 24 Mayan 758

    Achaean date 24 Mayan, year 758 at midnight would be 12/10/2017 at 19:00

    That was pretty easy...
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Lenn said:
    Because IC time is attrocious for actually scheduling things around, and the admins decided to limit using UPCOMING instead to themselves and org leaders, but nah, let's be judgmental shitbags towards someone trying to run events for other players, that'll teach them.
    It's not about being a shitbag, but pointing out that our opinion on this is what it is. I'd probably be ok if it was slapped below the signature of the post itself, in brackets out of the way so it doesn't feel like an author of a book just randomly added into the story that their cat bit them on the foot. I understand attempting to ensure less confusion where possible, but it's definitely best to read something back and ask yourself "Does this seem ok?" and to me, being IC then a quick dip out and back in just makes me scratch my head.
  • Tesha said:
    The Haldoran stuff was completely spontaneous without warning, and I thought that was amazing.
    We got told like a week in advance that something was going to happen...
  • Melodie said:
    Just use Serenade and the IC month as a basis. That's super simple - everyone knows when Serenade is personally for them, and counting from there isn't hard.

    "In the month of Mayan, one day after Serenade, a sacrifice to the Master will be held."

    Now I know that on Mayan (which is whatever day of the week), an hour past Serenade (so 8pm for me during this time of year), there's an event I want to be at.

    Way, way better than OOC tags.
    Is that "Find the Serenade in Mayan, and the event is one hour after that" or "Find where the day after a Serenade is in Mayan, and that's when the event is"?
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