
People seem to have feelings about some of them. They were off-topic in @Beya's thread; they're not, here.

LastGoodbye, Ni'Night, Zuiho_sho... if you have an opinion on these or any other surname, this thread is for you.
Miin-aan baash kimini-sij-i-gan bitooyin sij-i-gan-i bukwayszhiigan = blueberry π


  • I've always thought of changing Beya's prefix to "Siyah Woona Wanna".
    "Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
  • It's a matter of taste and I don't see what could be discussed here. I think most of them suck. I'd only use a surname which would add alliteration or assonance to the name.

    Surnames would make much more sense if bloodlines were deleted. Please delete bloodlines. Make a thread for that instead.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Was never overly fond of my surname but uh.. I figured it was tradition to take my husband's name when we wed and all that jazz.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Beya said:
    I've always thought of changing Beya's prefix to "Siyah Woona Wanna".

    But isn't your name pronounced BAY-uh?
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • I don't mind Ephram's surname of Sparrow, and he's changed a few times over the years, only to change it back later on. But had I known certain things when I first started playing, he probably never would have been bloodlined.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    I like Gothfraidh-Sar'vet.

    That's all I have to add.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    I imagine Sherazad sort of chewing her tongue saying Moliuvia. 

    Hence she uses Tasath. 
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • OceanaOceana North Sea
    I went from Lighthawk to Lighthawk-Windancer to Dawyn. All names had or have meaning to me, and the changes have come naturally.
  • I remember wanting to join the Lucoster family a few years back.

    I'm pretty glad I kept that quiet, all things considered.

    Moliuvia is pretty cool.
  • Air-uh-yule I always thought. Don't blame me, I didn't come up with it
  • Let's turn this thread into a list of all the surnames instead.


    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • I think Ni'Night is someone having a joke. 

    To a child, in English, you might say 'Night night!' as you put them to bed. Which you often contract to 'Ni'night!' because that's how very young children speak. Much like I tend to sign off Skype with family for friends using 'G'night', for 'Good night.'

    I had something else to add but I forgot.
  • I think that's spelled 'ninny'.
  • AmunetAmunet Spokane, Washington, USA
    @Orklanishkal, sounds fine to me! I'd just never been able to picture it. Your pronunciation makes sense, though. 

    @Thaumas, that was the intended meaning. It was actually originally contrived for my character by Hermes, back when Amunet was the Orderhead of his Order. By the time Amunet had left Hermes's Order, I'd been using it professionally all through Amunet's first tenures as the Demiurge and an Archon, so I just kept it. I know how it's supposed to be properly pronounced, but I tend toward the pseudo-French pronunciation "vee-ah-TREE", to avoid any continued connotation with the realm of Rogues and Wanderers ... and because French sounds snooty, and my character is well-known as a snooty bitch.

    @Chryenth, I'm sure that's what they intended. 
    My avatar is an image created by this very talented gentleman, of whose work I am extremely jealous. It was not originally a picture of Amunet, but it certainly looks a great deal like how I envision her!
  • I'm not too attached to my surname, at all, though I'm proud to be a Sar'vet. I just really liked @Gaetano both as a player and as a father figure to my character, so I'm wearing our family surname. I'd probably switch surnames if he does, though.

    On the matter of surname construction, I'm not a big fan of using apostrophes, and that surname with an underscore in it really irks me. I understand, it's just a game, blah blah, but still. Personally, I would have preferred "Sarvet"; it's short, unique, and straight to the point. I'm contently ignorant of its meaning/etymology/inspiration, but regardless, I'm happy with it.
  • Maris : Means 'of the sea' in Latin. Nerai religion draws heavily on Greek and Roman rites, words etc so I started researching different water related words. Maris struck me because it's not obviously Latin, it super simple, and it fits into the George R. R. Martin naming convention of giving bastards a general last name. To me, my name is similiar to 'Tahquil Smith' or 'Tahquil SnowSea'.

    To explain how I got it I made up a story about an elderly Triton who use to come visit me on my ship, but he couldn't speak common tongue and I couldn't speak Triton but we sorta just enjoyed each others company and just chilled. But when he did ramble on what Tahq assumed were stories he would refer to her as 'Maris', so I took it up as my own in the tradition of self-naming Tahq has.
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    I don't think Ruth will ever change her surname from Yuridja-Keyte even though she's already married. Unless the change means something significant. Too much memories tied to her surname. If I'm right, Yuridja is from Gerohold, Keyte from Ibayn.

    I hve difficulties pronouncing it though. 'Yur-ja Kate?' 'Yuri-ya Kate?'
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • AmunetAmunet Spokane, Washington, USA
    Keyte was KEE-tee, last time I heard Beldaran discussing it. I'd assume Yuridja is yoo-RID-ya, or yuh-REED-ya, or some combination of those syllables. 
    My avatar is an image created by this very talented gentleman, of whose work I am extremely jealous. It was not originally a picture of Amunet, but it certainly looks a great deal like how I envision her!
  • Obuun is a twist on an amusing RL thing from the summer I was introduced to text muds/started playing Achaea, and Seir was the hyphenated addition after marrying hubby #2....#1 took my name ;)

  • I have mixed feelings about Atreide. On one hand, it is not common in the slightest, which I usually enjoy. On the other hand, it is blatantly OOC. Though it is OOC from the same source as much of the rest of the OOC names and places in the game, so I guess that is a bit redeeming.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    I totally ripped mine off from real life, but I think it flows nicely. :P
  • Salindera said:
    I have mixed feelings about Atreide. On one hand, it is not common in the slightest, which I usually enjoy. On the other hand, it is blatantly OOC. Though it is OOC from the same source as much of the rest of the OOC names and places in the game, so I guess that is a bit redeeming.
    And here I'd assumed it was from Dune.

    Vayne said:
    I totally ripped mine off from real life, but I think it flows nicely. :P
    It's always bugged me that it's "des" instead of "de".

    I don't really have strong feelings about Akechi or Fitheach as names, beyond the occasional inconvenience of Akechi being prepended, just took my text-mom's, since text-dad was dormant when I started. If he hadn't been, there'd probably be a Ni'Night in there, and I'd be fine with that, too.
  • I started the Riddle lineage using an obvious rip-off reference, but I like the feel of it for a jester, and so had my IC basis for it. Kind of an allusion to Xith's hidden complexity (which stays hidden primarily for me treat the ignorant, superficial people as my own private jokes in spite of me being their public joke).

    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Vastel is the best.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    edited December 2012
    @Thaumas De Soulis remains one of my favourite last names. >_> another one I like is the very rare 'de Quenster Nolette'. That's Aoelithon's and his grandkids don't carry it.

    One of the things I've always found a pity RP-wise is the lack of real family RP. We're not talking just a nuclear family with a daddy/mommy or some bad pregnancy RP whatever. But actual noble houses. Mhaldor had the closest to it with the old Lichlord and Aristata houses. Back in the day, being allowed to carry the Aristata name was an incredible honour. I don't feel the same for the families of today.

    Noble houses, real ones (not just some family clan for sticking all your kids in and sometimes wind up turning into an ooc clan) , make great impact and help to shape a character. There is history and some names still carry weight or make an impression.

    For example, someone bearing the Sa'Rithven name makes you think they have a Shallamese (RIP *shallam) background, the Windsongs make me think of forestals or I associate the Le'Murzens with a very strong Cyrene / Hashan tie because the first Le'Murzens I knew were two very prominent members of each city (Cree & Caleth). Danial is very distinctly Hashani to me, while Ta'sa and Shiva still bring very strong Ashtan/Eleusis connotations to my mind  and the former commands a touch of respect because the first Ta'sas I knew were badasses like Jinxsta, Jaizsur and Jhui while many others who carry the bloodline (though not the name) were prominent characters and game shapers in their own right.

    As it is now I don't really feel compelled to do the whole family RP thing. I no longer bloodline and I do not look to bloodline because I do not feel as if I have any great tradition or legacy to pass down (Sorry @Kinilan :( ). And that's kind of a shame. I've actually gone back to using my original surname now instead of my bloodlined one and I honeslty don't foresee any little Anchors running around in the near future.

    Incidently, how do you pronouce Sioraiocht?

    edit: I've been told by Cooper that 'he doesn't know any Sa'Rithvens, not even (lol)Osis' so since he's an old fart and doesn't remember, then I have to quote a different surname instead. Shu'in was a pretty prominent Shallamese / Churchie name as well along with the Rians (RIP *alinoe) although they've started branching out.

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